View Full Version : Youth Groups 12 - 25 year old

Iggle's Mummy
27-Oct-09, 13:22
was wondering if anyone new of any youth groups 12 - 25 years that youngsters could get involved in as some of the info on caithness.org is old . if so what times and where ? Any in Drama , Music , Football, even within Lybster little areas outside Wick .


27-Oct-09, 13:33
There are the cadet forces, sea air and army cadets in Thurso and Wick. They are open to young people upto the age of 18




27-Oct-09, 14:42
There's a Friday night drop in at Ormlie Community Centre. 7.30pm.

27-Oct-09, 15:15
Army cadets meet once a week in caithness details below

Castletown wed on Mackay Street 1900

Thurso Tues on Princes Street 1900

Halkirk Thurs on Crescent Street 1900

Wick Wed on Macrae Street 1930

27-Oct-09, 20:46
Sea Cadets meet up once a week in the cadet hall on Sir Archibald Road.
Juniors (10-12 year olds) - Monday 1900-2030
Seniors (12-18 year olds) - Monday 1900-2130

28-Oct-09, 11:57
Ormlie Commuinty Association offer a teen drop in centre on a Friday night between 7.30pm - 10.00pm. The sessions are free and refreshments are provided. 13-17 yr olds will have supervised access to the internet as well as pool table and music decks. The session are run in the Ormlie Cente, Henderson Street, Thurso. For more details please contact (01847) 891 789 or e-mail [email protected].