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26-Oct-09, 09:24
Had a little accident on Friday. Completely my fault and I felt so embarrassed telling oH cos it was total stupid laziness that caused the darn thing.

I'd taken doggy for a walk and decided to check the mini lake at home as we'd seen baby fish swimming around lately.
There I am watching the fishies and decided I wanted to get onto the wooden jetty to take a better look.
Now i could have taken 4 steps to my right and used the steps but oh no, not me. I decide to step across the water onto the jetty :eek:. Why I took that option I have no idea.
Anyways I step across (about 12") and as my right foot hits the deck I went arse over tit due to the slime on the wood. Left leg went straight into the water, right leg slid out beneath me on the wood and left me in a split position. Ouch!
During this time though my left shin has bashed into the jetty and my right knee has smashed down onto the jetty.
The pain!!!!!!! I have a high pain threshold but this made me feel sick. Eventually I managed to close my legs and flip over on to my stomach, from there I figured I could do a crawl/drag motion to............god knows where, the house was far far away!
But of course a dog thinks that position means play time so Huntly started bounding around, jumping all over me, running off and then coming back at me full pelt. The pain was immense.
Anyway I managed to stumble to the house and tell the kids - no sympathy there.
Later that night hubby had to take me to a&e as I just couldn't move. It would seem that it's unlikely I fractured my knee (no radiologist available till 9-5 mon-fri lol) but I've had to spend the weekend on crutches. I should go back for an x-ray today if there's no improvement but it does seem easier so I think I'll not waste their time.

And all because I couldn't be bothered to take 4 steps right and take the proper way down!

26-Oct-09, 10:21
Dear me, I almost felt that, the way you described it. :(

26-Oct-09, 10:24
here some sympathy for you and a wee hug to make you feel better (((((((hug)))))))

riggerboy goes soft for a very short time lol

Margaret M.
26-Oct-09, 14:52
Dang, you're quite the acrobat. Glad to hear the knee is feeling somewhat better today.

26-Oct-09, 21:21
That would've been some display to have seen! ;)

It's amasing what happens when we don't take the simple way to do something :lol:

But on a serious note i'm glad your knee feels a bit better but i would urge you to go and get an xray of it just in case theres damage there that if not picked up could get alot worse and not heal properly.

26-Oct-09, 21:43
sorry PP but thats the funniest thing I have read in ages!!

hope you are feeling in less pain now!

27-Oct-09, 10:47
I'm glad that I managed to at least raise a giggle. lol. Even I laugh about it now.
Update: I spent yesterday outside doing yard work as I was doped up on painkillers but today - without painkillers - is bloomin terrible.
I hate taking the painkillers as I believe it gives a false sense of security so you end up doing more than you actually should and end up making things worse. Think I may have, so it could mean a trip for an x-ray after all. Darn it!!!!

27-Oct-09, 10:53
Ouch. I almost felt that too! But I couldn't supress a laugh either. Have you ever thought of writing? That has the basis of a humorous article.

Alice in Blunderland
27-Oct-09, 13:21
Oooo painfull.

I bet that one brought a tear to many a mans eye thinking glad it wasnt them.;)

A link to the Caithness Gymnastics club for you Porshie :lol:


27-Oct-09, 14:52
Oh Pp you tell your story so well I can feel your pain,ouch,ouch and double ouch.:eek:

All because of four little steps.....

Hope your feeling better soon.:D

27-Oct-09, 16:17
Oo.Aah..Aah.....Isn't it just the pits when you don't take vid cam with you.......think of the money you could have got and a tv appearance, even if somewhat undignified.:Razz