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25-Oct-09, 17:37
Today heading into Wick I had a driver overtake me on a blind bend. It's not like I was pottering along either, sitting at 60mph. I couldn't believe it when I looked in my side mirror and saw the car sitting there. Thankfully nothing was coming the other way, (this time). If the driver involved is reading, please spare a thought for other drivers. You risk injuring them as well as yourself.

25-Oct-09, 18:33
wot a numpty, sadly i've witnessed such behaviour also. it's like they ave to be in front of everyone else regardless!

25-Oct-09, 18:57
I was heading down on the A9 on Friday afternoon and was about 2 mins behind a big smash. Believe the road was blocked for many hours. Saw 2 ambulances, a fire engine, countless police cars, and the air ambulance arrive.
Makes you realise the consequences of dodgy overtakes :~(

Thanks to the locals who showed me an alternate route around the closure, where I discovered some stunning scenary :)

25-Oct-09, 19:11
Jester,the car involved in the accident wasn`t doing a dodgy overtake he lost control on a bend that had diesel spilt on it,causing him to cross the road into the path of the artic coming north.I was on scene with several others for almost 2 hrs and got the account from the poor lady who was driving the artic.She was a spectator as the car careered towards her out of control.

25-Oct-09, 19:26
Jester,the car involved in the accident wasn`t doing a dodgy overtake he lost control on a bend that had diesel spilt on it,causing him to cross the road into the path of the artic coming north.I was on scene with several others for almost 2 hrs and got the account from the poor lady who was driving the artic.She was a spectator as the car careered towards her out of control.

These are one of the sad statistics of the innocent ones, its the ruddy other fools who tend to get away with it until they run out of luck and sometimes take the innocent with them.

25-Oct-09, 19:27
Jester,the car involved in the accident wasn`t doing a dodgy overtake he lost control on a bend that had diesel spilt on it,causing him to cross the road into the path of the artic coming north.I was on scene with several others for almost 2 hrs and got the account from the poor lady who was driving the artic.She was a spectator as the car careered towards her out of control.

I happily stand corrected ;)
That road is bad enough without a diesel spill :mad:

Safe driving everyone

25-Oct-09, 20:01
I felt really sorry for the lorry driver,just doing her job and bang. Nothing she could do to avoid it. Hopefully the 3 people in the car are recovering now. The driver was especially lucky to get out alive even though he was trapped for a couple of hours. It makes you think though.Also a well done to all the emergency services. Seeing something as bad as this first hand makes you appreciate how well they are trained.

25-Oct-09, 20:28
I felt really sorry for the lorry driver,just doing her job and bang. Nothing she could do to avoid it. Hopefully the 3 people in the car are recovering now. The driver was especially lucky to get out alive even though he was trapped for a couple of hours. It makes you think though.Also a well done to all the emergency services. Seeing something as bad as this first hand makes you appreciate how well they are trained.

Mrs N was on the Northbound coach about 4 cars back, they arrived before the emefrgency services...was that you driving Mik, or were you heading Sarf?

It's not the first time there's been a diesel spill problem on that stretch. About 6 weeks back I hade to take my bike down to Calterdon BMW in Snecky for a service. I got to the stretch between Gatehouse of Fleet and the Skelbo turn and every single corner was awash with bloody derv. Not good in a car...downright lethal on a bike.....

25-Oct-09, 20:47
I was heading sarf mate.

25-Oct-09, 21:37
Hope everyone is ok.

Where abouts on the A9 did this happen.

25-Oct-09, 23:25
I was heading down on the A9 on Friday afternoon and was about 2 mins behind a big smash. Believe the road was blocked for many hours. Saw 2 ambulances, a fire engine, countless police cars, and the air ambulance arrive.
Makes you realise the consequences of dodgy overtakes :~(

Thanks to the locals who showed me an alternate route around the closure, where I discovered some stunning scenary :)
.................................................. ...............................................

Exactly the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, same place, and i was just minutes in front. Frightening isn't it.

26-Oct-09, 13:37
Hope everyone is ok.

Where abouts on the A9 did this happen.

Between Skelbo and the Gatehouse of Fleet according to Mrs N.

26-Oct-09, 20:31
I was coming from thurso tonite and a silver astra past me when their was 3 cars coming if i dident brake god knows were me and kids would have been now. People like that should not be on the road driving like a nutter.

26-Oct-09, 21:01
Unfortunatly Caithness seems to have a disproportanate number of idiot drivers probably because less people live up here.Seems hardly a week goes by without a thread about some plank in a car. They seem to think that they are invincible and it won`t happen to them.

26-Oct-09, 21:03
Unfortunatly Caithness seems to have a disproportanate number of idiot drivers probably because less people live up here.Seems hardly a week goes by without a thread about some plank in a car. They seem to think that they are invincible and it won`t happen to them.

cudnt have said it better!

nice meeting you today btw ;)

26-Oct-09, 21:05
cudnt have said it better!

nice meeting you today btw ;)
And you mate,will get you to do the car when I go back to work & earn some money.Mik.

29-Oct-09, 11:50
And you mate,will get you to do the car when I go back to work & earn some money.Mik.

cheers man ;)

29-Oct-09, 15:51
I drove to Fife on Thursday and back on Saturday and the driving i saw on both days was appalling. Saturday was POURING rain and you should have seen the number of drivers that tailgate and overtake on bends when the visibility is poor anyway. I sat about three cars behind a slow moving truck waiting patiently for a bit of dual carriageway which the sign had just said was a mile away only to see this idiot in a lexus come from behind somewhere and then have to squeeze in before he passed the truck because of traffic coming the other way. That meant we all had to brake a bit harder than we would like on a carriageway that was swimming with rain. The other thing i noticed was how many drivers had no lights on!!!! Side lights were not much use but at least you had a chance of seeing them but no lights was just stupid.