View Full Version : Calling All Dancer's!!!

25-Oct-09, 11:30
There is a Christmas Day of Dance on Sat 12th December. Halkirk Primary school.

The day is for any kids age 7+ with a dancing backround and Interest. Will start morning an last throughout the day (timetable to be comfirmed according to entry) Workshops include Warm up and stretch, Dance Fitness, Breakdancing and Jive, plus more!
£15 for the whole day with a goody bag for all who attend.

A great day for any kid who loves dancing, and a chance for mum's to get a day without the kids (maybe get some christmas shopping done)

Forms have been given to most dance teacher's but any more details or forms feel free to contact me!


28-Oct-09, 10:41
Just bumping this back up for the dancers amongst you ;)

tracy ann
28-Oct-09, 20:51
Will be a fantastic day!

make sure you are booked!

17-Nov-09, 20:19
Just bringing this post back to the top!

I can email forms to anyone interested. My email address is [email protected]


Missy Wick
18-Nov-09, 10:04
Why cant we get something like this for adults cos i wanna go! lol

18-Nov-09, 10:50
I want basic adult lessons in Scottish dancing so I can join in :D instead of sitting watching :(.

Highland lad
18-Nov-09, 21:36
Do you mean you would like to do Scottish Country Dancing or Highland Dancing?

I think an Adult class in Highland Dancing would be brilliant they are very popular in America and Canada.

There already is a few classes in Scottish Country Dancing around.

Hope they all have a great Day.

18-Nov-09, 22:24
Was looking for country dancing, too old to start doing the fling.

Preferable something Thurso side of county if nothing in Castletown.

19-Nov-09, 19:53
Hope you get a good turn out Tanya, sounds fun.

20-Nov-09, 10:25
Thank you tentoes, have a few entries in at the moment. Think i might join in myself classes sound like they are going to be good fun.

26-Nov-09, 15:41
Hi All just to say that any kid of 7+ is now welcome to join in, whether they have dance experience or not. It is a great fun day out suitable for all.
Entries are being taken until monday night.
Pm me or email me for a form or more details!

28-Nov-09, 00:13
I'm too owld and the bairn is too young, but hope you all have fun, it sounds great.

28-Nov-09, 11:40
Thank you Changilass, you never know might try an adult one next year!!