View Full Version : bettyhill swimming pool

23-Oct-09, 11:42
The opening hours are terrible i phone the other day to go up with my son to be told public swimming not on till 3.30 and thats 5 days a week. Its a great pool but opening hours terrible.

23-Oct-09, 16:51
I went there once when i was younger, i remember having to wait an hour or more waiting for it to open.

It is a bit rediculous but thurso pool is worse!! Their public swimming times are all over the place sometimes. :confused I was there last week with the wee one and the staff (someone still works there from when i was learning) and he was so helpful, giving me tips on how to get athrun used to the surroundings because he wasnt too keen on it!

24-Oct-09, 11:08
Yeah, Bettyhill pool has always had strange opening hours. Is it still closed on a Saturday???? Used to be that the manager went to Thurso for her shopping on a Saturday, that's why it was always closed. Always thought that was weird as families like to go swimming on Saturdays, so much for encouraging exercise and family activities.

24-Oct-09, 20:46
well we hired it this afternoon for a family party - was brilliant....nice size of pool for a family do ..... plenty of inflatables on the go too!!!

25-Oct-09, 11:32
thats good. but a pity they wouldent open it at better time for people to use it.ITs a great pool if its open.

26-Oct-09, 10:38
Ha ha ha, its not closed on a saturday because the manager goes shopping lol.

Its closed after many trial periods of opening all days and it was decided its the only way they can run it at not too big a loss.

The local schools and after schools clubs use it during the day, on week days, and then as Keepontruckin says you can hire it on a sat which is really popular and successful.

26-Oct-09, 23:22
Both my boys say it is the best pool they've been to, they go with the school holiday club and they been at all the local pools as well as further afield wiv holidays etc :lol:

03-Mar-10, 17:13
I work at the pool, and I'm new to the forums so even though it's an old thread I thought I'd clear this one up. As mentioned before, we would like to be open all day but the wages unfortunately outweigh the income for most of the year as we have to have two members of staff on duty whilst public swimming is on. We now open for swimming lessons on a Saturday morning but not for public swimming as we've tried this before and everyone seems to go shopping on Saturday - we were always empty! However, we now do over 50s exercise classes three times a week and the gym is open Tues-Fri from 9.30am - 9.00pm. We are also looking to get other classes during the day such as Tai Chi and mother and baby swimming.

I'd also like to point out that during July and August we are open from 10am every day - there are a lot of tourists about around then so we can open different hours. Pure economics...

If anyone has any queries about the matters highlighted above please call us on 10641 521400 or email [email protected] .

heather hopper
21-Feb-12, 16:32
The number should be 01641521400.

weezer 316
21-Feb-12, 17:50
Your clearly completely Niave. People dont care if its economical. They dont care if it loses money. They just want to swim. Naturally a place like Bettyhill should have a pool as its going to be bustling 12 hours a day! Government can subsidise it as its that important!!

21-Feb-12, 18:03
Your clearly completely Niave. People dont care if its economical. They dont care if it loses money. They just want to swim. Naturally a place like Bettyhill should have a pool as its going to be bustling 12 hours a day! Government can subsidise it as its that important!!
I presume (hope) this is tongue in cheek!

26-Feb-12, 09:44
Just an update, as a correction to my typo (thanks heather hopper) has reawakened this old thread. We are very busy on a Saturday now - we have lessons from 10-11am in the morning, then we are available for private hires in the afternoon. You can book the pool for an hour from £30 and we offer extras such as Zorbs which are extremely popular (giant inflatable balls you can run around on the water in), sea scooters and theme parties - choose from pirates or desert island. To book a party hire call us on 01641 521400 (got it right this time) or visit us on our Facebook page - just search for North Coast Leisure Centre.

We are a community owned and run pool and we pride ourselves on our friendliness and service. Even if I say so myself I think it's well worth the journey!