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View Full Version : Arlene Fraser - Murdered or Missing

11-Apr-06, 23:09
Has anyone else read the Arlene Fraser Murdered or Missing book, written by Reg McKay and Glenn Lucas?? I've just finished reading this, it is very interesting, and if what is written is true Grampian Police have a lot to answer for.

12-Apr-06, 13:51
Surely Grampian Police cannot be as incompetent and lazy as Northern!!!??! How many unsolved murders has northern got on its books compared to Grampian?
I remember hearing a few things about this in Elgin about 3-4 years ago basiclly saying that Nat Fraser was the victim and Arlene was the problem and that she may have just disappered for personal reasons and the fact she had grown to hate him and 'did him up like a kipper'

12-Apr-06, 16:21
It's just the way Grampain Police went after him with not a scrap of evidence. It just shows that you should never believe all you read in the papers, Arlene was painted as some sort of angel - which nobody is and Nat some crazy murderer. To this day there is still no evidence to prove that he killed her or that she is even dead. She had a rainy day passport (in a different name obviously) and a large stash of money which she only showed to her friend. This passport and cash was never found in the search of her home and her friend advised the police of this yet it never came up at Nat Fraser's trial. It just seems to me that the police wanted to blame Nat Freser from the start regardless of the truth, which call me niave but I find this terrible, I always believed that the police were there to serve and protect the public not start a witch hut. As for Hector Dick, he comes across as one strange guy with lots to answer for. I know what you mean about Northern though, unless it's a speeding fine - forget it!!!

12-Apr-06, 23:09
Does anybody else have any opinions or theories on what happened to Arlene?

12-Apr-06, 23:24
Does anybody else have any opinions or theories on what happened to Arlene?i don't think she was murdered. I think she had it well planned out so her husband would be framed. I have just ordered the book from Amazon. I meant to order it ages ago and this thread just reminded me but I'm quite sure after reading it I'll be more convinced than ever that she has just made herself missing..

12-Apr-06, 23:33
I was totally convinced before I read the book that Nat Fraser had killed her, he was in jail and that was that. If the truth be known I probably didn't read enough about it to start with and as I said before I was a bit niave in my thinking of how the police work. I'm not saying all Police officers are dodgy but it seems in this case there was a few! I'm sure you will really enjoy the book, I was a bit dubious to start with as Glenn Lucas was friends with Nat & Arlene but I got the impression from the book that he was very fair. I still cannot make up my mind 100% (there are arguments for both) but if I had to make a choice I would say that she is missing.

14-Apr-06, 18:09
I didnt follow what happened in this case, i was wondering if anyone knew if the couple had children? What happened to them? its the kids i always feel sorry for, a mother gone? and a father in jail that must leave scars.

14-Apr-06, 21:58
There are two kids, a boy and a girl....and I've never believed she would walk off and leave them in that way, however much she wanted to get at her husband.

Living in Elgin as I was at the time, I have no more idea what happened than anyone else................but I wasn't at all surprised.or disbelieving...... when Nat got the blame for it.

footie chick
14-Apr-06, 22:26
I agree with bingo1 about the kids. Could any mother walk away and leave her kids forever not knowing??

17-Apr-06, 16:46
I agree with bingo1 about the kids. Could any mother walk away and leave her kids forever not knowing??

As a mum of 2 I cant imagine ever leaving my kids, but that's not to say it doesn't happen. Mothers leave their kids all the time just because you live in a small community such as Elgin or Caithness does not mean that people dont do things like that. Her friends have reported that a few times Arlene said she wanted to get away from it all, I'm not saying that that is proof she did, and we all have bad days and need a break but it's just another point.

Obviously anyone living in or around Elgin at that time is going to know a lot more about this than me and again because nobody knows what really happend to her I'm only guessing, but I still cant stop thinking that she had her "rainy day passport" and all that money which only her friend knew about. Where is it now?? Nat Fraser was on his delivery rounds the day Arlene went missing but Hector Dick was seen lurking outside her home that day. I know there was word of a hitman but no proof of this has ever been found. Regardless of what anybody thinks Nat Fraser did or didn't do the fact remains the same, he has been jailed for the murder of his wife when there is no evidence against him. The only statement came from Hector Dick who was trying to cover up regarding the Ford Fiesta car why?????

17-Apr-06, 22:58
Excuse my ignorance but what is a "RAINY DAY PASSPORT"? and how do you get one? do you have one mama or are you still reading James Bond?

18-Apr-06, 00:00
What "Rainy Day Passport and Fund"? The one the defence never mentioned at the trial? :confused:

As told by the same "friend" whose daughter had witnessed Arlene drinking, drugging and partying in other ways about Buckie and Cullen.......... the same Arlene who suffered badly from the extremely debilitating Chron's disease, relied on medication and was awaiting an operation?

I'm certainly not saying she was any angel, Mama2, as you said....who is.........but I sure had heard all about Nat long before Arlene disappeared......but never anything bad about her.

18-Apr-06, 23:06
Excuse my ignorance but what is a "RAINY DAY PASSPORT"? and how do you get one? do you have one mama or are you still reading James Bond?

I was simply asking about a 2nd passport that she was supposed to have had which had her photo but a different name and date of birth on as reported by a "friend" of hers. No need to be sarky!