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View Full Version : Creche at the North Highland College

09-Oct-09, 13:11
Hi all, for the business ideas competition which I have to enter as part of my HNC Accounting course at the North Highland College I am highlighting the need for a creche on site at the college in Thurso. I beleive it is needed and I believe it would help bring more mothers and fathers with young children to the college and would also make it easier for mums and fathers who already attend the college. It would also help the child care students at the college as it would give them a regular chance at work experience as part of their course. I already have lists of many names of students and people wanting to be students who support this but I need more. If you support this idea you can add your name to the forms in Thurso Doctor's Surgery, The midwife offices, Ethel Austin (Wick and Thurso) and most stores who sell childrens wear in Thurso. The only people who refused to help with this was M & Co. Please do this soon as possible as I need to collect forms within the next few weeks.


09-Oct-09, 13:55
Thats a great idea JamesC.

Also be good for students doing the childcare to spend some time there and get some hands on work with the kids.

Hope it works out :D


09-Oct-09, 14:36
I studied for my HNC in childcare at the college, and the creche would have been really good. Hope you get this up and running.