View Full Version : what do you do for a living?

08-Apr-06, 16:04
i am now a stay at home mum but used to be a van driver.

what does everyone else do?

08-Apr-06, 16:40
My avatar pretty much sums it up - I help people out of that kind of situation with their PCs. Put your thinking cap on Emszxr 'cos you know me, as do a number of fellow Orgers!

08-Apr-06, 17:05
Used to be a soldier (comms Instructor) now a caretaker:confused

08-Apr-06, 17:07
hmmm, i drive one of these and play with big ropes :)

08-Apr-06, 17:36
My user name says it all for my job!![lol]

08-Apr-06, 17:59
I am a slave to 3 males, i would love to do something different but i am not sure what.

08-Apr-06, 18:07
My avatar pretty much sums it up - I help people out of that kind of situation with their PCs. Put your thinking cap on Emszxr 'cos you know me, as do a number of fellow Orgers!

you will need to give me a clue as i must be too tired to think who you are

08-Apr-06, 18:12
I am a slave to 3 males.

That brought a smile to my face, as I often say the same thing, lol! :lol:

Sometimes it seems like I'm always picking up after my hubby and two sons. But I get to escape to my other job 30 to 40 hours a week, lol!

08-Apr-06, 18:15
That brought a smile to my face, as I often say the same thing, lol! :lol:

Sometimes it seems like I'm always picking up after my hubby and two sons. But I get to escape to my other job 30 to 40 hours a week, lol!
I'm not the only one then lol wish i could escape 30 or 40 hours a week lucky you.

08-Apr-06, 18:28
My avatar pretty much sums it up - I help people out of that kind of situation with their PCs. Put your thinking cap on Emszxr 'cos you know me, as do a number of fellow Orgers! You're Superman aren't you? Ach no, Clark was his first name.

08-Apr-06, 18:32
You're Superman aren't you? Ach no, Clark was his first name.

so it was who i thought it was

08-Apr-06, 19:03
i work for boots opticians as a customer service assistant/optical assistant

it is very intresting!

08-Apr-06, 19:22
I work for Grampian Country Chickens as an Assistant Hatchery Manager.
Not so exciting.

08-Apr-06, 19:25
I'm an IT specialist, working with children with additional support needs and their teachers. I train staff and advise on appropriate software, alternative keyboards, portable word processors, voice recognition and so on.

08-Apr-06, 19:28
I own a oub

08-Apr-06, 19:29
I own a oubWhat's a oub?:confused:

08-Apr-06, 19:31
If it's a pub then Razz has had too much.

The Pepsi Challenge
08-Apr-06, 19:34
I'll let scotsboy describe this one for you. He seems to know what I do better than myself.

Billy Boy
08-Apr-06, 19:34
i work as a garbologist and it's entertaining:lol: :lol:

08-Apr-06, 19:37
my work invovles the accommodation side of things, as long as my employers get bums in beds i have a job . :grin:

08-Apr-06, 19:42
i work as a garbologist and it's entertaining:lol: :lol:I bet there's plenty of freebies too...:mad:

Billy Boy
08-Apr-06, 19:52
I bet there's plenty of freebies too...:mad:

i hope your not referring to my wages lol:Razz

the original ducky
08-Apr-06, 19:53
well im slave to the family always picking things up after them all lol but i have a part time job as a care assistant, love working at my work never the same day twice. its hard work though but very rewarding.

08-Apr-06, 20:17
I'm a checkout operator. Woe is me, hah.

08-Apr-06, 20:23
i hope your not referring to my wages lol:Razzoops, i never meant to leave a grumpy face, it was supposed to be a smile. I knew someone in the same job and they got loads of freebies..lol:grin:

08-Apr-06, 20:35
my job varies week to week but usually a mum, mindreader, banker, peacekeeper, cleaner, chef. all the usual stuff.

Billy Boy
08-Apr-06, 20:38
:grin: oops, i never meant to leave a grumpy face, it was supposed to be a smile. I knew someone in the same job and they got loads of freebies..lol:grin:

dont worry connie lol, he's full o garbology aswell he he:lol:

the original ducky
08-Apr-06, 21:01
my job varies week to week but usually a mum, mindreader, banker, peacekeeper, cleaner, chef. all the usual stuff.

yeah know that feeling well, three men in the house nightmare football always on lol. going to work seems like a day off. :p

08-Apr-06, 21:06
glad i dont have sports i would never get my oldest kid away from the telly. football mad.

Tom Cornwall
08-Apr-06, 21:08
I used to be a 'weatherman', looking at the sky all day.
now I work for Sainsburys. In the job I do, I have people following me about all the time. Great!!!

the original ducky
08-Apr-06, 21:11
ahh well we used to have sky! what a nightmare always on football when they were in. now thought the talk about it plus other men things like cars, fishing{dont have a clue about} ect! but us mums have a talent that we can drown out words we dont wanna hear, and do too things a once.

08-Apr-06, 21:50
truck driver hauling waste for re-cycling 26 tonnes at a time.
Green job blue wagon.

Alice in Blunderland
08-Apr-06, 22:11
I work in pharmacy great job part time hours then its home to my other job,:confused Chief cook and bottle washer to all my kids not saying how many cause some people will say you work in a pharmacy try taking a pill.:eyes

08-Apr-06, 22:18
Im a doctor in medicine currently working in Liverpool but cant wait to get back to Wick full time instead of just weekends.:grin:

08-Apr-06, 22:38
I own a oub

Fit's an oub?

weezer 316
08-Apr-06, 23:05
I deal with internet abuse for BT. I deal with everything from spammers to people who deliberatly break into other machines to use and abuse them for their own gain.

I also deal with message boards, so if anyone makes a racist, sexist or deflamatory post, adn they use BT as an ISP, it will end up in front of me. Also deal with online fraud, such as phoshing and pharming. Can be very interesting indeed.

Billy Boy
08-Apr-06, 23:14
i'm a mother,cook nurse,cleaner,taxi driver,dish washer,gardner,gofer,slave & i work full time mrs Billy Boy:confused

09-Apr-06, 00:41
I work in the Post Office but maybe not for much longer by the way things are going!

09-Apr-06, 02:07
I'm a farmer and mum to two kids.

09-Apr-06, 07:23
I am a teacher in IT to kids age range 11 to 18. Very interesting and sometimes entertaining, and sometimes enough to drive you to despair. Nothing like what I wanted to do as a kid in Thurso - to be a vet.

09-Apr-06, 10:23
i'm a full time family co-ordinator and part time student, i also look after other peoples kids, spend my days playing with play dough, paint, lego and running round the garden playing tig.

Prior to this i also worked in IT support for 9 years, most of which was spent at SLAC in Edinburgh, also worked for Queen Margaret Uni and Capability Scotland.

The worst job i ever had was when i first moved to edinburgh and got a job wrapping lampshades.....boring boring boring.....the best job i ever had was after leaving school, i did volunteer work in a school for children with cerebal palsy and other physical disabilites...they did conductive education which is amazing....and the kids were wonderful......it was one of the most rewarding experiences in my life and volunteering will be something i do again in the future

09-Apr-06, 21:10
in a company here in Pennsylvania that makes coal-fired boliers...a long way from a lad that dropped out after high school to become a gamekeeper...LOL.....

09-Apr-06, 21:17
Im in the distribution business, delivering items around Caithness & part -time lager taster. Also a full time dad[lol]

10-Apr-06, 09:29
im a buyer for a local building firm and also in charge of the sotrees and yard too

10-Apr-06, 09:39
i was a nanny up until a few weeks ago to 3 great little girls now im a support worker with social work and love it!!

10-Apr-06, 09:43
Apprentice Senior Citizen, its awful hard course, nearly finished my first year. and part time Tour Guide on Edinburgh's tour buses

The Pepsi Challenge
10-Apr-06, 13:34
Full-time, sub-par writer; part-time low-budget musician.

10-Apr-06, 14:05
Full-time mother, part-time job in admin

ice box
10-Apr-06, 14:12
Im in the distribution business, delivering items around Caithness & part -time lager taster. Also a full time dad[lol]
what do you deliver? people lol[lol]

10-Apr-06, 17:47
Wife, Mother, Cook,Waitress, Cleaner, Gardener, Police Women (when the teenager step out of line and i ground them) Doctor (when the 20year old has a hangover), Time keeper (checking up on curfews), Taxi driver, banker, Travel Agent, oh and the one i actually get paid for - Secretary.

11-Apr-06, 01:18
Im a full time mother and a social care worker 37 hours a week

11-Apr-06, 09:11
oh i forgot to tell u that im a full time father and house husband too, which includes all the work that the mothers do :)

11-Apr-06, 09:34
No time for work,spend all my time reading the Caithness Org Forum threads,more fun than a barrel of monkeys it makes retirement fun,keep it up greetings from down under Robin http://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon7.gifhttp://forum.caithness.org/images/icons/icon6.gif

11-Apr-06, 20:14
Retired Electronics Engineer and enjoying every minute of it.

12-Apr-06, 18:46
\Resolving disputes over rights of way and promoting land access rights for anyone without an infernal combustion engine.

Some of the time feels more like a social worker dealing with feuds and community in fighting. Caithness has its share!

12-Apr-06, 23:14
Assistant Garbologist

12-Apr-06, 23:30
Retired at last and having a lot of fun, walking dogs, school taxi run, odd job man, etc.etc. Just don't know how I managed the time to be an engineer.

12-Apr-06, 23:51
I take people fishing for a living - 'tis a hard life :)

13-Apr-06, 19:13
what do you deliver? people lol[lol]

No, parcels & sometimes washing machines:Razz wish it was people, at least they talk to ye,well some do.

George Brims
13-Apr-06, 20:01
I'm not an engineer, but I play one at work.

14-Apr-06, 00:28
my job varies week to week but usually a mum, mindreader, banker, peacekeeper, cleaner, chef. all the usual stuff.

I used to be all of those things,now I'm a stay at home who child minds my grandsons a couple of times a week.I also get the feeling that the tables are turning and instead of being the mum I'm becoming the child.Kids get bossy!