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05-Oct-09, 15:01
I get all paranoid when someone either on the phone or in person call me by my proper name (Robert) and i've no idea who they are. Now some i recognize with no name to assosciate with and other im just at a blank. It's the same when someone waves or says hi to me in the street and me not knowing who they are. I feel sometime like im on the Truman show:roll:

This creeps me out.

05-Oct-09, 15:07

Seriously...[para] [para]

05-Oct-09, 16:19
Not alot really...not easily creeped out. Well not that i can think of just now anyway! :cool:

05-Oct-09, 17:58
Long nails and black boards ! i bite all mine off, nails that is ! :roll:

05-Oct-09, 18:07
Woman creep me out...& also jelly babies...

05-Oct-09, 21:01
Scones. Yep, definitely scones. :eek:

Oh, and snakes. [evil]

And Crayola. ;)

05-Oct-09, 21:55
Snakes, large beasties and my cat when she leaves dead presents in the house.... ugh. I'm thankfull she doesn't put them into my shoes or worse :roll::roll:

06-Oct-09, 00:22
The Loft god knows what size of Bazza lives up there :eek:

06-Oct-09, 00:50
Clowns, I hate them with a passion.

06-Oct-09, 07:29
Gorilla costumes, not gorilla's, just gorilla costumes. I have to leave if I see one. I'm not a freak really:lol:

06-Oct-09, 12:28
Sloths freak me out loads....I hate their little half smiling faces like they are going do something bad, lol. I hate how slow they are, the shape of their bodies, the fact they do the toilet once a week,etc,etc........... [lol]

I hate it when men, or just anyone sit and stare at you. I mean like when someone is staring at you and you catch their eye but they dont look away to pretend theyre not looking, then you look back again and they are STILL staring! Im too shy/scared/embarrassed to say anything to them, but I hate it. Its worse at work because you cant even leave.... its really freaks me out. Whats the crack with it anyway? lol DONT DO IT

06-Oct-09, 13:18
SPIDERS!!!! Big or Small

06-Oct-09, 15:05
Bees, wasps and hypodermic needles

06-Oct-09, 15:08
wasps :eek: and balloons-I hate being near anyone blowing one up incase it bursts x

06-Oct-09, 15:43
Wool in between ur teeth! Eek!

06-Oct-09, 16:05
A tritone really does spook me....:eek:

06-Oct-09, 17:03
Spiders, balloons and those horrible puppet things on that car advert..."Come on!"

lynne duncan
06-Oct-09, 18:32
nothing - honest i can' think of anthing

06-Oct-09, 18:38
Brett Anderson from Suede, and wet wood - stuff like rolling pins and chopping boards. not trees in the the rain! :os

06-Oct-09, 19:00
People touching my tummy before asking!
Then asking when are you due....
Not so bad if its someone you know but when its a stranger it really creeps me out!

06-Oct-09, 20:29
old women with beards !!

06-Oct-09, 20:50
Nicholas Cage, i'm not sure why but i think his face is just wrong and it creeps me out. i can't watch any film with him in. Also dolls, china dolls. mum's fault- long story.

06-Oct-09, 20:52
Mums doll??

06-Oct-09, 20:55
yip that's the one, she was evil. her eyes would follow me round the room. evil evil evil!

06-Oct-09, 22:36
Hte ballons and snakes other than that nothing x

06-Oct-09, 23:14
Belly buttons...

07-Oct-09, 09:10
Dynamic Sounds trainers !

07-Oct-09, 10:16
Food that's shiny. :eek:

07-Oct-09, 10:35
Il run out the room screaming if i see one!

07-Oct-09, 18:07
Have to agree with Stroma daddy long legs I run when i see one just talking :(or thinking about them gives me the creeps

08-Oct-09, 12:25
The sound of people eating, crunching, chewing, smacking, rustling crisp packets... ever since I was a kid... hate it! :~(

08-Oct-09, 13:00
People touching my tummy before asking!
Then asking when are you due....
Not so bad if its someone you know but when its a stranger it really creeps me out!

Me too......but then I'm not pregnant and I am a man......so I guess they're just being plain rude!

08-Oct-09, 21:17
Gorilla costumes, not gorilla's, just gorilla costumes. I have to leave if I see one. I'm not a freak really:lol:

This made me laugh!
When i was younger my mum bought be a black zippy up outfit jumper, it was black and furry. Later on that night we went to a performance in Wick Assembly Rooms by with Wick Players i think it was, sitting in the front row. I cried as there was a gorilla and thought he was wearing the same jumper as me! [lol]

People scraping there teeth off cutlery! Gives me shivvers down my spine!

08-Oct-09, 23:00
People who buy in to the current SNP administration without thinking through the consequences of all those promises......

08-Oct-09, 23:03
Oh - and guys who do ballet. Great admiration for anyone who can do that, but to actually choose that as a career - a bit strange to me......

...unless they just want to show off those bulges.....

09-Oct-09, 08:46
Very few things but dead animals really freak me out- it's not the death that bothers me but the riggormortise- I find it really scary.

09-Oct-09, 15:38
I find it absolutly mingin when you see blood comin out yer arm and into the wee container at the doctors when they are "taking blood" from you.

Not because of needles or the fact its blood.... just the fact the blood is purpley looking! Just looks weird! and it creeps me out!

I also hate if someone takes like a hoody string or a jacket zip and runs it on your lips.... its horribly tickly and i hate it! :~(

30-Nov-09, 19:17
I hate and am scared of moths AHHHHHHHHHHH:eek: they just want to cling to ur face ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh:eek: not nice

30-Nov-09, 19:34
i hate the sound of a hacksaw or any hi pitched noise

30-Nov-09, 20:30
I hate feet (apart from babies' ones) especially those with hairy toes and unkept nails. Yuk.
People who make a noise when eating and hypodermic needles, including the sight of them.;)

George Brims
30-Nov-09, 20:37
People touching my tummy before asking!
Then asking when are you due....
Not so bad if its someone you know but when its a stranger it really creeps me out!
It upsets me too, especially since I am a bloke. I must cut back on the beer...

30-Nov-09, 22:45
i hate spiders thunder and lightning chainsaws and clowns ahhhhhhhh

30-Nov-09, 23:14
I check under my pillow every night and shake the duvet just incase a spider has decided to join me :eek: aaaarrrrrggggg , Also i have to hoover my bed every week to get rid of the beesties that are bed bugs, the thought of that drives me mad !!!!!![para]

30-Nov-09, 23:47
I hate clowns with chain saws

30-Nov-09, 23:52
Petrified of Tigers. Reduced to absolute gibbering terror every time I meet one...

01-Dec-09, 00:32
Terrified of people who like the x factor. They all say Baaaaaah and get their wool clipped once a year before being put on a lorry to be taken to market.

01-Dec-09, 00:38
Ex-Members of Caithness dot Org who decided they do not wish to be members of the forums any longer turning up in the ChatRoom. :eek:

I'll be reporting this to the Admin, it's obviously some glitch in the system with the move to the new Server.

01-Dec-09, 00:49
Ex-Members of Caithness dot Org who decided they do not wish to be members of the forums any longer turning up in the ChatRoom. :eek:

I'll be reporting this to the Admin, it's obviously some glitch in the system with the move to the new Server.

Well Moira, I for one was pleased to see the certain ex Orger in the chat room, long may they be able to....I enjoyed chatting to them.

01-Dec-09, 01:01
Ex-Members of Caithness dot Org who decided they do not wish to be members of the forums any longer turning up in the ChatRoom. :eek:

I'll be reporting this to the Admin, it's obviously some glitch in the system with the move to the new Server.

I noticed this too,wondered how the ex member did it.Probably the Server then.

01-Dec-09, 01:04
Well Moira, I for one was pleased to see the certain ex Orger in the chat room, long may they be able to....I enjoyed chatting to them.

I'm not disputing what you are saying Golach but there is something strange going on. Someone who requests removal from the member's list being able to access the Chatroom is decidedly strange. I've reported the incident to the Admin.

01-Dec-09, 02:13
Wool in between ur teeth! Eek!

How did it get there?

01-Dec-09, 11:04
dirty cars:roll:

Alice in Blunderland
01-Dec-09, 11:06
dirty cars:roll:

Ive got some you could clean then and that would be a few less to creep you out, :D

01-Dec-09, 11:09
Ive got some you could clean then and that would be a few less to creep you out, :D

eeeeeeeeek,dirty ferraris are the worstest haha
im a pm away;)

Alice in Blunderland
01-Dec-09, 11:59
eeeeeeeeek,dirty ferraris are the worstest haha
im a pm away;)

Sorry no ferraris in the drive :( Unless Santas got me a surprise :Razz

01-Dec-09, 12:39
Sorry no ferraris in the drive :( Unless Santas got me a surprise :Razz

you never know;)

01-Dec-09, 13:10
Nicholas Cage, i'm not sure why but i think his face is just wrong and it creeps me out. i can't watch any film with him in. Also dolls, china dolls. mum's fault- long story.

I agree - he is very creepy! You may wish to watch Face/Off as he swaps faces with John Travolta and this could possibly cure you? [lol]

01-Dec-09, 13:58
Men over forty with a full head of hair, especially Italians with the aforementioned affliction!

Alice in Blunderland
01-Dec-09, 15:48
you never know;)

Oh please no if its anything like the Audi when I fifrst got into it I couldnt figure out how to get the thing to start :eek:

And no its not just cause Im a woman :Razz

02-Dec-09, 01:05
I'm not disputing what you are saying Golach but there is something strange going on. Someone who requests removal from the member's list being able to access the Chatroom is decidedly strange. I've reported the incident to the Admin.
Moira, just been chatting with the afore said ex-member and they asked me to say, your request to the Admin to block their access has worked successfully:(

02-Dec-09, 01:18
What creeps me out is how quick some peoples complaints are dealt with quicker than others. [disgust]

02-Dec-09, 01:20
What creeps me out is orgers with multiple pseudonyms. [disgust]

02-Dec-09, 01:32
Wisna right though that an ex-member was able to access flashchat.Your either in or out,yee canna be both.It was bound to get noticed sooner or later.............

02-Dec-09, 10:38
wasps :eek: and balloons-I hate being near anyone blowing one up incase it bursts x

Oh no Thumper hope u were ok on Saturday?! xx

02-Dec-09, 10:42
Il run out the room screaming if i see one!

Me to!!! Also frogs totally freak me out! Hate how they hop....giving me a funny feeling thinking abt it lol

02-Dec-09, 11:33
The sound of the dentists drill

Any time i here it i turn white then green and leg it to the hills....with brown breeks!!

02-Dec-09, 23:55
Moira, just been chatting with the afore said ex-member and they asked me to say, your request to the Admin to block their access has worked successfully:(

Golach, that is good news in my book. Go ahead and shoot the messenger if you wish - me. This is another (fine?) example of "damned if you do...."

I wonder if anyone would have shouted about me reporting the anomaly in the system to the Admin if it had allowed, say, an unpopular Ex-member/Banned Member to access the Chatroom which was my main concern?

I've addressed my concerns to the Admin here and await their reply.

03-Dec-09, 00:03
I wonder if anyone would have shouted about me ?

Who shouted at you Moira? Not me :( I would not dare :)

03-Dec-09, 00:13
How does your "friend" feel though?

03-Dec-09, 00:20
what creeps me out is how horrible some Dr's are up here! [evil] [evil] [evil]

03-Dec-09, 00:21
I would imagine that even if his 'friend' was considering coming back then the kybosh has been well and truly put on that idea.

....But you never know, they may think you did a good job.

03-Dec-09, 00:22
Shelly - the Castletown doctors are fantastic.

03-Dec-09, 00:25
Michael Winner - he is an incredibly annoying and creepy man [disgust][disgust][disgust]

03-Dec-09, 00:26
Shelly - the Castletown doctors are fantastic.

Well some o the thurso ones are useless changi! My wee niece got turned away today and now she is bein taken to raigmore.

Maybe if they took their faces oot their books and looked at her then they wud o helped.

Sorry im just havin a rant cos im quite upset :(

03-Dec-09, 00:27
Shelly - really hope your wee niece is better soon.

03-Dec-09, 00:42
[quote=Moira;628391] This is another (fine?) example of "damned if you do...."

Looks like it Moira,but like i said,it would have been noticed sooner or later.I know a few folk who were not happy about it and took the same action as yourself.

03-Dec-09, 02:35
I would imagine that even if his 'friend' was considering coming back then the kybosh has been well and truly put on that idea.

....But you never know, they may think you did a good job.
Good, I always like to do a good job.

[quote=Moira;628391] This is another (fine?) example of "damned if you do...."

Looks like it Moira,but like i said,it would have been noticed sooner or later.I know a few folk who were not happy about it and took the same action as yourself.

Cheers butterfly,
I was not imagining "things" then......??

Alice in Blunderland
03-Dec-09, 09:19
What creeps me out is orgers with multiple pseudonyms. [disgust]

Come on then jox spill. Admin can check it out :Razz

03-Dec-09, 19:42
Come on then jox spill. Admin can check it out :Razz
I'm sure the IP addresses are logged so it can't be difficult to trace, why should I do their job for them?

Alice in Blunderland
04-Dec-09, 12:25
I'm sure the IP addresses are logged so it can't be difficult to trace, why should I do their job for them?

Thats a good point :lol: