View Full Version : Amateur Radio

03-Oct-09, 13:24
If anybody is interested in Amateur radio or Ham radio Caithness Amateur radio Society meet on teh first wed of every month at the Nethercliffe Hotel in Wick at 730 pm . If you want to gain an Amateur radio licence we can arrange for you to have a couse of lessons and the exam and it is a lot easier than you think.
It is not just radio but also encompases electronics, computing etc . as well as Tv - Basically a lot more than people realise .
Anybody who is interested is more than welcome to come along for a chat .
Or email me
[email protected] for more info

19-Jun-10, 20:15
Hi, I'm not quite at the amature radio stage, but used to enjoy listening to my Dad's scanners and radios.
Could you tell me what sort of scanner (make/model etc) I would need to listen to coast-guard, planes and other various broadcasts please, as I miss this.

19-Jun-10, 22:55
Caithness AMateur Radio Society now also meet at Castletown Heritage Centre where they have a permanent Amateur Radio station . they usually meet there on the 3rd wed of the month at 7-730pm. anybody interested is most welcome to come and see.or email for more details

20-Jun-10, 23:28
Hi, I'm not quite at the amature radio stage, but used to enjoy listening to my Dad's scanners and radios.
Could you tell me what sort of scanner (make/model etc) I would need to listen to coast-guard, planes and other various broadcasts please, as I miss this.

Depends on how many ££'s you want to spend.
Most Realistic scanner's you can get off ebay will cover a broad range and you could get one for £50 - £80.
If you want new top end tackle then your into £££'s and more.

It also depends on the quality of the unit you want too, audio and reception wise.
Another consideration is if you want it mobile.

Feel free to PM if you want any more info.

22-Jun-10, 13:53
I bought a transciever off ebay some time ago, its a Jingtong VHF. FM model J-T208 but can't pick up anything to listen too.
Is this the completely wrong sort?

22-Jun-10, 22:53
I bought a transciever off ebay some time ago, its a Jingtong VHF. FM model J-T208 but can't pick up anything to listen too. It's 2m Ham radio, 136 - 174Mhz. Not really a scanner at all.

Is this the completely wrong sort? Pretty much I'm afraid.

Something like this may do for starters: fleabay linky (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/REALISTIC-PRO-2006-VHF-UHF-Radio-Scanner-/280524543066?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_SpecialistRadioEquipment _SM&hash=item415090d45a)

23-Jun-10, 21:48
This is a little large, I was thinking of something more portable, but thanks for the info.

Thanks for your reply, yes I know its illegal to transmit without a licence. (hopefully the police have better things to do )

I only want to listen to coastgaurd, planes etc.,

23-Jun-10, 22:52
This is a little large, I was thinking of something more portable, but thanks for the info.

Thanks for your reply, yes I know its illegal to transmit without a licence. (hopefully the police have better things to do )
also illegal to listen without a licence to most transmissions

I only want to listen to coastgaurd, planes etc.,Fleabay linky no 1 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/GRE-PSR-282-PSR282-200-Channel-Handheld-Radio-Scanner-/260621457769?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_SpecialistRadioEquipment _SM&hash=item3cae3fd969) this is entry level stuff.

Linky 2 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Uniden-UBC30XLT-200-Channel-Handheld-VHF-Radio-Scanner-/280522558854?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_SpecialistRadioEquipment _SM&hash=item4150728d86) these are pretty good.

Linky no 3 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yupiteru-MVT-9000-MVT-9000-Scanner-Receiver-RARE-/220622859313?cmd=ViewItem&pt=UK_ConsumerElectronics_SpecialistRadioEquipment _SM&hash=item335e25ac31) also very good, I've had one for years.

24-Jun-10, 17:48
That's much more like what I'm looking for, thank you for all your help. :)

(Don't stress about the legal side of things, the police arn't interested )

25-Jun-10, 22:29
(Don't stress about the legal side of things, the police arn't interested )

I'm not stressed, your right though, the polis are'nt bothered.

but the man from OFCOM is, and he doesn't need a warrant!! :eek:

19-Aug-10, 23:01
I used to have a scanner years ago. They were much more fun when you could pick up the Police and mobile phones on them.

20-Aug-10, 03:19
I'm not stressed, your right though, the polis are'nt bothered.

but the man from OFCOM is, and he doesn't need a warrant!! :eek:

nope its the bbc now and most of the RIS is now disbanded.

20-Aug-10, 08:16
I used to have a scanner years ago. They were much more fun when you could pick up the Police and mobile phones on them.Ahh the good old days of listening to mowbyfones.....apparently:eek:.

nope its the bbc now and most of the RIS is now disbanded.It's a digital world now and they sold Tetra to everyone so they don't need the RIS anymore.

But I do know they still have a couple of boys very adept with their size 9's and a crowbar!

21-Aug-10, 03:32
What point nowadays? The average 9 year old has a more powerful means of communication tucked away in their pocket. Free internet calls 24/7, anywhere in the world, irrespective of atmospheric conditions, or having a monster antenna outside the house!

It amuses me at the annual horse riding parade here in Orkney every August. Local hams stationed all over the place providing "emergency communications cover" in yellow vests, oblivious to the fact that every horse rider has a mobile phone in their pocket that is capable of summoning emergency assistance directly via 999, far faster than relaying a message via 3 parties!

I guess it gives them a fun day out.... :roll:

27-Aug-10, 18:22
Many amateurs have been and are involved in experimental work, with out their input many things that we take for granted in the communications field would not have happened.
I quite agree that with todays computers and phone networks, it does seem a some what out of date concept but having been a licensed operator for many years, part of the appeal is in the challenge of knowing which frequency and which antenna will get that contact at the other sde of the world. On the VHF and UHF frequencies being able to read the weather charts is also a necessity.
There is nothing quite like building and experimenting with all that involves and finding that it works.

25-Dec-10, 19:03
Hello! I am very interested in Amateur Radio. Here in Switzerland i am listen to the shortwaves, but i do not have a good antenna. I use an old Sony receiver and severals russian receivers (R-311, R-324/326 and other). I will move to Caithness in c 2 month and would be happy to meet you.