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27-Sep-09, 22:51
What do you like on your's? I'm partial to lashings of butter, the proper stuff, none of this new-fangled margarine crap.

27-Sep-09, 22:53
Marmite, honey, marmalade or rhubarb and ginger preserve. mmmm toast....

27-Sep-09, 23:26
Toast is pretty much the greatest invention ever, clover light & smooth peanut butter, Nutella, clover light & frank coopers strawberry jam, i could eat that anytime of day :)

27-Sep-09, 23:30
Beanz! With a sprinkling of hot chili powder to spice it up.

Failing that, my ex's mum's blackcurrant jelly is tangy and tasty.

27-Sep-09, 23:32
TOAST! Its great!

Toats with beans and loads of cheese, toast butter and golden shredless, melted cheese on toast, tuna toasties! It is endless! I love toast. Had some just a while ago actually! :Razz

27-Sep-09, 23:34
Beans with an extra topping of beans. :)

27-Sep-09, 23:37
Philedelphia cheese on top of butter. Not easy to apply but....mmmmm!

27-Sep-09, 23:42
Toast as a Toastie with Bacon and Chedder Cheese Filling YUM, :D

Tilly Teckel
27-Sep-09, 23:44
My fave - toastie sandwich with loads of butter, corned beef and tomato ketchup filling... salivating just thinking of it. Is it too late to make one I wonder...?

28-Sep-09, 00:12
I love toast but I'm allergic to it. Love it all ways with jam, beans, butter, hot, cold etc.

28-Sep-09, 00:29
Oh yum! Marmite, Duerre's seville orange marmalade, crunchy peanut butter, a nice jam, honey, chilli jam, cheese, ham, Philly lite, beans, peeled plum tomatoes, in fact darn it - it's the most versatile meal going :lol:!!!

28-Sep-09, 01:59
Toast! The best thing since sliced bread!

28-Sep-09, 07:36
In the morning, it has to be marg with Robertson's Golden Shreadless and a nice hot cup of tea! An easy lunch or dinner, beans, ravioli, scrambled eggs or toast toppers!

28-Sep-09, 07:40
proper butter and lots of it none of this cheep copy cat stuff either !!!

28-Sep-09, 09:05
Oh yum! Marmite, Duerre's seville orange marmalade, crunchy peanut butter, a nice jam, honey, chilli jam, cheese, ham, Philly lite, beans, peeled plum tomatoes, in fact darn it - it's the most versatile meal going :lol:!!!

So what do you have on the second slice?

28-Sep-09, 09:58
Philedelphia cheese on top of butter. Not easy to apply but....mmmmm!

I am with u....yum.;)

28-Sep-09, 10:59
Cut into soldiers with a runny boiled egg!

28-Sep-09, 11:10
Have you people no compassion at all, there is some poor sods members on here that are doing their best to loose weight, now we have a post about toast and gorgeous toppings/fillings, are you's being nasty on purpose.

These type of posts/threads should have a warning to slimmers like me that are struggling, now drooling, not to read them. :( ;)

28-Sep-09, 11:34
With strong orkney cheese and fresh cracked pepper or just peanut butter and on that note I'm off to make some :)

28-Sep-09, 12:21
Slightly toasted/warmed bread with marg is the way i like my toast. Not toast but the way i like it anyway. ;)

28-Sep-09, 12:36
Home made bread,doorstep style toasted with lashing of butter.:D

Even the dogs love their toast,especially with butter.

28-Sep-09, 12:43
I love the doorstop bread too! With a thick spread of proper butter and some dairylea! Yum!

28-Sep-09, 12:52
wholemeal or brown bread toasted until very well done and then left to go cold-then lots of butter on it and when you bite into it it shatters-yum yum! x

28-Sep-09, 13:00
Hot Buttered toast with sardines topped with grated cheese delicious

28-Sep-09, 18:05
Either Cold Toast With Loadsa Butter.. Or Hot Toast With Strawberry Jam & Grated Cheese! Delicious ;)

28-Sep-09, 22:04
Mother's Pride Plain Loaf, the heel, butter...

28-Sep-09, 22:23
Try the Irish bread at Tesco toasted. It is a very small loaf, but weighs like a brick. Superb toasted :D Like it with butter myself, but a lady at work swears by it covered in honey.

28-Sep-09, 22:30
With Crispy Bacon and Hot Melted Cheddar Cheese, YUM !!! :D

28-Sep-09, 23:38
Butter and Golden Syrup - has to be lyles though and out of a tin not those silly squeezy bottles

29-Sep-09, 15:47
cheesey beans on toast,lushy-lushy-lush!! For a sweet toast its got to be warburtons raisin bread,hot with butter,very nice.Gonna go and have some now,darn diet!

30-Sep-09, 10:45
If you love toast you'll love this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJmKStqugMc

30-Sep-09, 19:14
Real butter with haggis and a poached egg mmmm delish!