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25-Sep-09, 10:27
I just got my cards read recently & I must admit that the outcome was completely differant to what the cards said!:eek:

But for the first time, a few cards were upside down...

Has anyone else had this problem? What does this mean?

25-Sep-09, 16:15
I won't...

25-Sep-09, 16:35
I just got my cards read recently & I must admit that the outcome was completely differant to what the cards said!:eek:

But for the first time, a few cards were upside down...

Has anyone else had this problem? What does this mean?

At a guess, some one made a mess of the shuffle. ;)

Do people really believe this nonsensence LOL

25-Sep-09, 17:17
Cards being round the wrong way just means that the meaning is reversed but is not necessarily a bad thing. You would have been told the meaning in the reading. It could have been a bad shuffle but most people aren't usually fussed about reversed cards. I have had cards that have been shuffled the right way and come out reversed without my turning them. Don't worry about it and don't take it too seriously either. Mumbo jumbo or just a guidance tool, you decide.

26-Sep-09, 14:36
when yer tarot caird is reversed ye hev til still take on board 'e caird meaning, obviously or 'at particular caird widna hev come oot....somethin else wid'o, anither one.

however, it could mean a delay. if its a negitive caird then it could provide some hope an if its a hopeful caird then it could prove til be a bit negitive. its difficult til explain withoot knowin what caird wis reversed....

26-Sep-09, 14:48
got my hand and cards read 15 years ago. my friend was with me and she wrote everything down in detail as the reading progressed. While cleaning out a cupboard the other day, I came upon the said sheets of paper, five of them in all, (writing pad size)
while reading it over I was amazed at how true the predictions were. In the last 15 years 90 percent of these have come true. As for the other 10% well, we'll just have to wait and see! And no, these weren't generalizations, but very precise facts that would not fit anyone else. Can't remember if any of the cards were upside down - sorry.

26-Sep-09, 15:02
when i was 21 i had a reading as a lark... and the lady took one look at me and said.. your destiny is in Scotland, mark my words! i see you leaving your family and everything youve ever known to start a new life across the seas. excitedly i said ohhhh ive always wanted to visit Scotland!!!! i was planning to save up for a trip!
looking at me like i was an idiot, she said No, your not going to visit Scotland your life is going to be in Scotland!
okaaayyy.. i said.. umm a year later i end up in wick and 10 years on im still here!