View Full Version : Orger Curry Night

Kevin Milkins
21-Sep-09, 21:32
It's the last Thursday of the month "AGAIN" on the 24th, so anyone that would like to meet other orgers for a blether and possibly something to eat we meet in Wetherspoons for an informal get together, start at about 7 PM.

If anyone that would like to come along, but feel a bit shy to introduce themselves, please PM me.

Look foward to meeting a few more new folk.

Regards KM

Alice in Blunderland
21-Sep-09, 21:37
Thanks for the gentle reminder to the forgetful one.............:Razz

Im not decorating ;) :lol: Tho some may still be.

21-Sep-09, 22:02
would off liked to have came to ma first org curry evening ,but sadly am going to be in glasgow

21-Sep-09, 22:27
Now that I'm back in the area I'd love to be able to say yes, but sadly I doubt I'll make it :(

21-Sep-09, 22:35
would like to come along but cannot stomach the poor food served in wetherspoons, been there a few times for food and it never improves

21-Sep-09, 22:59
would like to come along but cannot stomach the poor food served in wetherspoons, been there a few times for food and it never improves

If I go it won't be to meet the orgers:~( My club goes goes on the same night every month. Same place as well.

22-Sep-09, 02:31
would like to come along but cannot stomach the poor food served in wetherspoons, been there a few times for food and it never improves

You dont have to eat to join us, just have a cup of coffee or a dram.

24-Sep-09, 08:34
Looking forward to tonight seeing as I missed last months!

Alice in Blunderland
24-Sep-09, 11:49
Hope there will be a few tonight.

Tilly Teckel
24-Sep-09, 18:27
Would have come but am trying Modern Jive class tonight... definitely next time!

24-Sep-09, 22:26
im a bit shy,will you talk to me if i come.