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18-Sep-09, 20:59
hi has anyone been at the cemetery yesterday/today??? noticed that they had cut some of the grass using a strimmer yesterday and WHAT A MESS!!! i was grateful at the time that it wasnt my girls area that had been done, as i would have been mad. anyway, went up tonight and our area has also been done with the strimmer. dont get me wrong it does look tidy, but i have alot of things up there, teddies, windmills and obviously flowers. all my teddies are ruined. dont know yet if i can get all the grass off. thats besides the point, it reduced me to tears seeing the mess of the stone and all their stuff.

they havent used the strimmer there since i have been going every day, since april. why now???

who would i complain to? the council?

18-Sep-09, 21:02
This must have been Very Distressing for you and I do Empathise with you. I would think it would be the council you should have words with.

18-Sep-09, 23:37
When I go to Thurso cemetery I go armed with baby wipes to clean the stone and scissors to trim the grass just in front of the stone so no strimming is required when the lads do go round. Don`t know how to save teddies etc., unless they were in plastic covered display boxes stuck onto the gravestones plinth.

19-Sep-09, 07:35
hi has anyone been at the cemetery yesterday/today??? noticed that they had cut some of the grass using a strimmer yesterday and WHAT A MESS!!! i was grateful at the time that it wasnt my girls area that had been done, as i would have been mad. anyway, went up tonight and our area has also been done with the strimmer. dont get me wrong it does look tidy, but i have alot of things up there, teddies, windmills and obviously flowers. all my teddies are ruined. dont know yet if i can get all the grass off. thats besides the point, it reduced me to tears seeing the mess of the stone and all their stuff.

they havent used the strimmer there since i have been going every day, since april. why now???

who would i complain to? the council?

If i was you i would be very careful about complaining because councils being councils in a law to themselves you have to watch incase there is rules about leaving teddies and other things like that i no it sounds daft but there might be rules that people are not aware sometimes it best to let things lie if its a one off with the mess they left.
The only i would suggest is you can get these nice clear gift wrap bags from a flower shop that u could put the teddies in and it would look really nice and last longer out doors

20-Sep-09, 09:55
the grass has to get cut, and i am not being rude but if the grass was long then people would be complaining about that, I also know that when they have tidied up stones and teddies ect people have complained so there damned if they do and damned if they don't......

20-Sep-09, 13:31
I read somewhere that some Councils were banning the adornnent of graves with toys etc. etc. I think there is a danger that this could soon become the norm. It's a shame.

21-Sep-09, 01:59
I noticed the grass had been cut at wick cemetry and grass cuttings all over the stone and an ornament broken on "himselfs" grave.But, the grass has to be cut, the cemetry is always neat and tody. I gave the stone a good wash and it is fine again.

21-Sep-09, 20:01
I was at the cemetry today, our memorial wreaths in front of the stone were covered in grass very upsetting, shame they didn't lift them before they started strimming, they always used to.

21-Sep-09, 21:33
I agree withy Fran.My father is buried in Canisbay Cemetery which is kept in good condition.I accept that grass cutting has to be done or it would be a total mess.Visited a cemetery in Sligo two years ago and the indiviual family is responible for the upkeep of the plot.Most plots are never attended.I usualy take wet cloth or spounge and give the stone a clean.