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View Full Version : have you ever been lost?

15-Sep-09, 14:40
Here is one woman's experience....


15-Sep-09, 14:59
I have been lost in my time, here in the UK and in at least one different country.

But never, ever to this extent. Mind you whenever I knew I would be in or going to another country I always made sure I could communicate a little in the language of that country.

Maybe not fluent but good enough to to Count, say Please and thank you, but most importantly ask for help.

Now this lady had been in the States for 2 months and could Still not speak a word of English. It is quoted that her tongue refused to " form those mushy R’s and meowing vowels" After 2 months in Queens this is just an excuse and the real reason is more likely she could not be bothered or could not see why she should learn English.

So no surprise then when I say the fault was all her own. It might have been an ordeal for her but I do not have much sympathy for her.

15-Sep-09, 15:47
I was surprised to find out that there was a flag-flying Nepalese ghetto in New York, more power to them. But it's the feeling of being lost that is so scary. I once got lost in Chicago of all places. It took me a good hour to get my bearings. Sure, I know I could have hailed a cab back toi my hotel but I felt challenged by this twilight zone experience. And of course all the New York burghs have immense cemetries (cities of the dead) -dont try and take a short cut through these....And in Caithness, with all those moors and trackless wastes - has no Orger every been lost in the county????