View Full Version : Street Parade: We want to know what you thought!

Theatre Modo
13-Sep-09, 09:30
First of all a huge congratulations to the 200 strong cast for their performance on Friday night. Everyone really rose to the occasion (including the weather) and did a fantastic job.

And an equally huge thanks to the audience for turning out in such large numbers to support the event, and to all the myriad of people who helped behind the scenes to make it happen: the teachers and youth workers who were with the young people, the police, the first aiders and the stewards for helping to make the event safe, Malcolm Bremner and the crew of the Isabella, Stuart Miller and gang for the burning boat in the river, Jimmy Thompson for his fabulous tractor, Caithness Sound and Light for all their technical help, GMR Hendersons for the trailor and fencing and all the others who gave their time and resources.

We really hope you enjoyed it, but we'd really like to know what you thought, so that we can make future events even better.

The questions that would really help us are:

What did you enjoy about the event?
What was the highlight of the night?
What surprised you?
What could be improved or made better?
Did you follow the story? (and if not how could that have been improved)
Did you have enough information about the event? (and if not how could that have been improved).
How did you find out about it?
Any other comments?

Feel free to either post comments on here, or to mail comments direct to us at [email protected]

Thanks for your time

Martin Danziger
Director, Theatre Modo

13-Sep-09, 09:55
The whole atmosphere was terrific. It was great to see so many young people involved.
The performance at the harbour was excellent - the flaming torches were quite spectacular
The weather!
If there had been some kind of low platform(s) for performers at the harbour it might have increased the spectacle.
There were loads of leaflets available being handed out by the helpers.
The sound system at the Academy braes was a bit disappointing - not enough volume. Maybe having a narrator (well amplified) at each of the scenes would have made it clearer to the audience.
Events of this type have a great positive impact on the audience and the participants. This showed that the people of Wick will support local enterprises and that they are worth doing.


13-Sep-09, 11:45
my daughter was involved from one of the primary schools, and she just loved it. she would like to give you a big thank you.

I went and watched but have to say as i had smaller children with me did not see very much as it was so busy.

i also thought if the story had been narrated would of been good like if there had been a head car with one of those speaker systems on it so it belted out the story.

Loved the bit at the academy braes, witht the fire so did my little ones.

was a great night though just a shame i couldnt get to see the main bits.

thanks for a different night.

13-Sep-09, 13:41
1) The harbour performance
2) The fireworks at the end, better than Wick's one on bonfire night.
3) The overall quality of the thing
4) Not sure
5) No, i wasnt sure what was going on. As someone before me said, a narrator would've helped.
6) Yes, there were plenty of leaflets and whatnot.
7) I found a leaflet on my car and thought "That looks good".

13-Sep-09, 18:14
Being out of town an limited to the pictorial vision-May I say it was a treat to see.
Quite eye opening----this is Wick!!!
Stunning in concept-breathtaking in action---extremely well thought out an performed,a vision indeed,an all credit to the producers.
Must be worth heaps to all the young minds taking part! May they prosper from it-an may you go from strength to strength.
All kudos an congrats to you,Theatre Modo.

Theatre Modo
14-Sep-09, 22:02
Thank you for all your comments so far. Please keep them coming.

And for anyone who wants to see more photos there is a whole set posted on flickr




Mr P Cannop
15-Sep-09, 09:28
do you have a web site and any videos of the night ??

Theatre Modo
15-Sep-09, 13:09
Our website is in the process of being updated, but can be found at www.theatremodo.com

We have not got a video of the show, although there were plenty of cameras there, so hopefully more video footage will emerge.

If anyone did take video footage we would love to see it.



mums angels
15-Sep-09, 14:33
I never went through on the night but my older two kids went through with my mother in law and they all enjoyed it , my eldest took some pics with her mobile to show me and it looked like good fun . they seemed to be especially taken with the giant and fireworks .
Well done

15-Sep-09, 21:20
Links to 58 photographs and video of the Fire Performance on the front page of Caithness.org under 12 September 2009.

Here's the link before anyone asks where the front page of Caithness.Org is :-


Mr P Cannop
15-Sep-09, 21:49
Our website is in the process of being updated, but can be found at www.theatremodo.com

We have not got a video of the show, although there were plenty of cameras there, so hopefully more video footage will emerge.

If anyone did take video footage we would love to see it.



any other photos and videos from any one else ??