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View Full Version : Blair Castle Horse Trials on the telly

12-Sep-09, 20:30
Just in case any of you horse lovers didnt know it was on, check out BBC 2 tomorrow (Sunday) at 2 o'clock and there is an hours programme covering highlights of the event. We might even see some locals!!

12-Sep-09, 20:37
Yeah I was there so im going to be watching looking lol x

12-Sep-09, 20:43
God don't get me started!!!! The biggest event in Scotland and it is on two weeks late and 3 days are condensed into 1 hour!!!!! Imagine what the uproar would be if the euro cup finals were on 2 days late and they only played 5 minutes...

12-Sep-09, 20:52
Thats a shame i won't be able to see it off to fortwilliam dog show ! i would of like to of see it as i never made it this year hopefully next year :roll::)

12-Sep-09, 21:22
Oh no I have to be at a blooming mini kids triathalon in Wick during this...typical and my video has yet to recover from the hidden crisp episode....think it was the doughnut that actually finished its career off nicely. Any chance anyone will be taping this? Would swap for cake!

12-Sep-09, 22:45
Any chance anyone will be taping this? Would swap for cake!

that goes for me too. Have to be at son's football tournament, although who knows if I nobble our team we could be home in time to watch it!!!

12-Sep-09, 23:04
Perhaps we should fake the old headache adn send our hubby's to these fabby kiddy activities for the day and have peace to watch without non horsey moaners!