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30-Mar-06, 20:22
heard today that play school children arent allowed to colour in any more, dont know the reason why ,has anyone else heard about this.:confused:

30-Mar-06, 20:24
I have not heard this at all but I am at a point where nothing would surprise me anymore.

30-Mar-06, 20:35
They could not grasp the concept of fair representation of the general populace. For evey ten non-coloured in face there needed to be at least one with some hue. Difficult for three year olds to grasp.

Alternatively they could have painted a brown nose, or a black one on a white face, to maintain the populational balance but they could not get the hang of this either.

I'm lying of course but it wouldn't surprise me if the above story is true then the reason might not be a million miles away from wot I wrote.

30-Mar-06, 20:45
Landmarker - it wouldn't surprise me!!!!!

Grrrr! don't make me get my soap box out![evil]

30-Mar-06, 20:56
My friend works in the nursery and yes Landmarker your nearlly right:p Its the same with the nursery rhyme,humpty dumpty apparently thats cruelty/abuse of an egg.....I'll leave you to figuere out if i.m leg pulling.:p

Cedric Farthsbottom III
30-Mar-06, 21:15
The world is goin' mad.Used to be one o' ma favourites at primary school.Used to wear out all the schools felt tips with all the colouring in and drawing I used to do.:lol:

30-Mar-06, 23:42
goin mad? already is.

landmarker prolly has something there with politically correct colouring.

footie chick
31-Mar-06, 09:42
heard today that play school children arent allowed to colour in any more, dont know the reason why ,has anyone else heard about this.:confused:

Early april fool! no