View Full Version : Lost V500

28-Mar-06, 10:37
Not sure whether this is the place for a lost phone, but here we are anyway.

My daughter left her mobile phone on the wick to lybster school bus on Friday. It's a Motorola V500. If anyone knows anything or has handed it in somewhere please pm me.


28-Mar-06, 10:58
Hi PP; I presume you have tried the Police Station and the bus company? Wick police are 01955603551 and the bus company is 01955605000 (Highland Country Buses).

moose and Lindsay
28-Mar-06, 12:10
I don't think u will be getting it back!!

My daughter got a brand new phone for xmas last year and she left it in a class at school and we have never seen it since

It was security coded by the police and we even phoned vodaphone to get the phone barred, so whoever has it can't use it, thinking they would hand it in to the police station, but no!!

Her phone is a lilac VK530, it was left in thurso high school, so can anyone help, by letting us know who stole it, please PM me



28-Mar-06, 14:41
I left my phone in a pub in Thurso once. I gave it up as never to be seen again as I wasn't 100% sure where I left it. 6 weeks later I was in Thurso and went in on the off chance and asked and they'd held it there for me all along. I'd like to think that everyone is as honest but I think not eh!
Twice I've left my handbag in The Alexander Bain too, and twice it's been recovered. The first time it was handed in and the second time it was still where I left it.

Hopefully we'll get this one back but I've tried the bus company (Rapsons) and I've tried the police and nothings been handed in. The police are holding a black flip phone thats been handed in but my daughters is a silver one.

There must be someone who knows something.

28-Mar-06, 19:19
I've lost my phone loads of times in Skinandis, thinking I'll never see it again, but I've been lucky every time. There are a few honest peple out there, don't give up hope yet.:grin:

28-Mar-06, 19:24
one time i was running really late so took a taxi down the st thought id left the mobile at home later when i got home i was lifting out the shopping when there in the middle of the road was my phone. it had fallen out of my jacket. was gone a couple of hours couldnt believe it was still there never mind whole.

29-Mar-06, 19:40
Still no sign of it and I have a very very distrught child here.
The thing is it's not the phone, it's the pictures that are on it. My daughter had a stray cat that she loved to bits but we lost her when we moved back up here last year and the only pictures she had of her were on that phone (she had it as wallpaper, bless)
So on the off chance that someone has it or knows who has it, just email the picture to [email protected] and keep the phone.
