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10-Dec-03, 20:34
Christmas Superstitions

1. To have good health throughout the year, eat an apple on Christmas eve
2. Eat plum pudding on Christmas and avoid losing a friend before next Christmas
3. On Christmas Eve all animals can speak. However it is bad luck to test this superstition
4. The child born on Christmas Day will have special fortune.
5. Wearing new shoes on Christmas Day will bring bad luck.
6. In Ireland it is believed the gates of Heaven open at midnight on Christmas Eve. Those who die then go straight to Heaven.
7. If you refuse a mince pie at Christmas Dinner, you will have bad luck for the coming day.
8. If you eat a raw egg before eating everything else on Christmas morning, you will be able to carry heavy weights.
9. Snow on Christmas day means Easter will be green.
10. Good luck will come to the home where a fire is kept burning throughout the Christmas season.
11. Place shoes side by side on Christmas Eve to prevent a quarrelling Family
12. A clear star – filled sky on Christmas Eve will bring good crops in the summer
13. A blowing wind on Christmas Day brings good luck
14. In Greece, some people burn their old shoes during the Christmas season to prevent misfortunes in the coming year
15. In the Swedish countryside, from cock crow to daybreak on Christmas morning the Trolls roam about
16. In Devon if a girl raps at the hen house door on Christmas Eve and a rooster crows, she will marry with in the year.
17. You will have as many happy months in the coming year, as the number of mince pies you eat during Christmas time.
18. Shout “ Christmas Gift” to the first person knocking on your door on Christmas Day and expect to receive a gift from the visitor.

George Brims
11-Dec-03, 00:08
If No. 17 is right, my son is going to have about three years worth of happy months next year...

Mr P Cannop
11-Dec-03, 10:51
hi golach

does that all work ??

16-Dec-03, 23:21
1. If you bring evergreens into the house be careful with the ivy,there is male and female if you use more of one than the other then that sex will rule the house for the next year.
2. Tradition would be a holly tree rather than the introduced fir..the holly has many mystical connections..note the the carols about it..and under no circumstances should the tree be brought in or decorated before 24th December that will bring bad fortune to the household.
3.Remember that for each kiss under the mistletoe, a berry must be removed once all the berries have been used up the remaining greenery should be immediately taken out and if still green enough grafted to another tree to ensure new growth and good fortune.