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the original ducky
25-Mar-06, 21:50
hey can anyone tell me does anything happen to e time e night thought it goes forward is this true?

25-Mar-06, 21:54
yup it is tonight they go forward one hour (about 2am to be precise i think or maybe it is 1am to make it 2am lol).

the original ducky
25-Mar-06, 21:56
oh lovely an hour less in ma bed. thanks for telling me lol

25-Mar-06, 22:45
hey can anyone tell me does anything happen to e time e night thought it goes forward is this true?

Time is continuously going forward ducky mate - but we do put our clocks forward an hour :)

ice box
25-Mar-06, 22:49
You would not think it was the start of summer tomorrow by the weather dont worry still got the may gobs to look forward to lol

moose and Lindsay
25-Mar-06, 22:49
oh lovely an hour less in ma bed. thanks for telling me lol

Why an hour less, its sunday have a lie in :D

Also its mothers day, all mothers should be getting a lie in, plus breakfast in bed ;)

ice box
25-Mar-06, 23:03
That sound s like a dig to me .

25-Mar-06, 23:12
"Spring forward, fall back" should help you remember what happens to the clocks, and when!

the original ducky
25-Mar-06, 23:22
hey thanks to everyone who helped sadly work in the morning just like others, an hour less in bed oh the joys! xx

25-Mar-06, 23:59
hey can anyone tell me does anything happen to e time e night thought it goes forward is this true?

Thanks for this ducky. We don't change until next week and I would have missed the quiz without knowing that this was your spring forward weekend.

26-Mar-06, 01:57
hey can anyone tell me does anything happen to e time e night thought it goes forward is this true?

Thank's ducky I will never buy a Groat again.:confused

26-Mar-06, 02:37
Has anyone put the clocks forward yet then?

26-Mar-06, 02:42
Has anyone put the clocks forward yet then?

No I put mine's back to catch up with Ducky:lol:

26-Mar-06, 17:40
its about time they stopped all this changing of the clocks it is rather dated now what is the point of it anyway what good does it do i am as baffled as a chipmunk

26-Mar-06, 17:48
its about time they stopped all this changing of the clocks it is rather dated now what is the point of it anyway what good does it do i am as baffled as a chipmunk

I think it was something to do with the last war not sure though, maybe someone can tell why.

26-Mar-06, 18:08
its about time they stopped all this changing of the clocks it is rather dated now what is the point of it anyway what good does it do i am as baffled as a chipmunk
It gives us an extra hour in bed to look forward to in the autumn!

26-Mar-06, 18:24
its about time they stopped all this changing of the clocks it is rather dated now what is the point of it anyway what good does it do i am as baffled as a chipmunk We have British Summer Time (aka Daylight Savings Time) so that we have lighter evenings in the summer.

In Caithness, the sun rises before 4.30am in June and July and sets a little after 10pm. If we remained on GMT all year round, the sun would rise before 3.30am and set shortly after 9pm in the height of the summer. Since I'd guess that most people don't get up until at least 7am, that'd be a waste of good daylight.

There's a campaign down south to have BST in the winter and BST+1 in the summer, to extend the evening daylight throughout the year. As Scotland gets extremely short days in the winter, it would mean that the sun wouldn't rise until nearly 10am in the depths of winter. I believe that this proposal is not well received in Scotland because it would probably lead to an increase in road accidents. It'd also be pretty horrendous for those people suffering from SAD.

26-Mar-06, 20:13
BST was established in 1916 to give farmers longer daylight for working the fields for growing much needed food during the war.

26-Mar-06, 20:20
http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_15_49.gif (http://www.smileycentral.com/?partner=ZSzeb001_ZNxmk121YYGB) Aye, the clocks went forward today, guess who forgot & was an hour late for my work! Boss is okay , he thought it was quite funny