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View Full Version : Sat Nav recommendations anyone?

23-Mar-06, 23:32
I'm thinking about buying a sat nav system for the car, can anyone recommend a good one? I'm quite interested in the Navman 510 or Tom Tom 300 but there are now so many on the market it's starting to get confusing :confused:

Thank you in advance

23-Mar-06, 23:43
I have strong feelings about these devices, and as a professional driver I wouldn't have one, I like maps when I need one. However, that said not everyone finds getting about as relatively easy as I do. My daughter for instance is in South Wales this week and been navigationally challenged for years. She has borrowed her friends 'Tom Tom' She reports it as 'excellent'

That's as much as I know.

23-Mar-06, 23:49
TomTom Go300 is very good - easy to use, good clear display in both daylight and at night. Never had a problem with it and it gets me to the door of my destination everytime.
They have a new version TomTom ONE which is slimmer than the 300 and from what I can gather is basically the same machine - it's cheaper too. I'd check on it's specs if you are thinking of one just to double check.

I am fed up of seeing drivers at the wheel doing 60mph clutching a roadmap - some people are just plain reckless. I passed an HGV the other day, weaving all over the inside lane, and my wife was shocked to see him with a big roadmap laid across his steering wheel.....

24-Mar-06, 00:31
I think I may get one as well. On drives into strange areas my wife generally navigates. Difficulty is, she holds the map upside down, and I have to remember to transpose left and right, she confuses me at times particularly one time when I turned into a field by mistake, she told me we were getting to old for that sort of thing.

24-Mar-06, 10:15
We use TomTom navigator - not sure of the version. Its very useful when travelling in unknown cities and also you can program in the location of speed cameras so it warns you.

moose and Lindsay
24-Mar-06, 11:04
Hi we have Tomtom navigator and it is brilliant, takes u right to the door

I hate driving in Inverness coz i haven't got a clue where anything is, but i always take the tomtom and i can't get lost :lol:

Brilliant i would recommended it

24-Mar-06, 17:15
Having purchased a Polstar RoadMentor 1000 3 weeks ago, I can find no fault with them whatsoever. Door to door, City centre to city centre and is simple to use. You dont need the instructions. It does what it says on the box. Available from MAX.TV at under £200 +p&p. Cant find a tom tom for that price.

24-Mar-06, 19:54
Five years ago -the early days of this sat nav stuff I worked in a 'commmunications' centre for one of the pioneers. I was a p/t 'traffic reporter' for their information network. I did a bit on the navigational side too, and actually stayed on the phone to a Canadian woman all the way from Leeds to Manchester Airport because she was frightened of letting me go in case she got lost. I could see her exact position on my screen, and could even tell her the sights she was seeing. She was impressed. So was I to be honest.

The point about maps distracting drivers is a fair one. I used to carry dozens of town maps when I did multi-drop work. I guess I'm just auld fashioned. The thing is though these sat-navs CAN get you into trouble. They pay little heed to weight limits and bridge heights for instance. Try reversing a sixty foot bendy truck back down a country lane when you are faced with removing the roof under a low bridge. They also send people up really quiet lanes, when the nearest 'A' road would be better.

03-Apr-06, 12:56
Thanks for all your advice, I have opted for the Navman as I managed to get a really good discounted price

03-Apr-06, 13:10
It is worth having a look at Evesham Technology on the 'net - their system is very highly rated and is cheaper to boot. Has all of the usual features such as download updates and (I think) speed cameras as well.
