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21-Jul-09, 00:20
Snowball our bunny is not well at all though we had lost her last nite but she is still with us took her to the vet today and dhe has a water infection not sure if she will pull though will have to see she has anti bontics and the next 24/48 hrs will tell x

21-Jul-09, 00:23
I am keeping everything crossed Snowball responds to anti b'b and make a complete recovery.....Please keep us posted and try to be hopeful.

21-Jul-09, 10:50
Poor snowball....really hope she will recover.bless her.:(

21-Jul-09, 11:00
Has the vet also given you probiotic to keep the gut flora up?

21-Jul-09, 12:48
Has the vet also given you probiotic to keep the gut flora up?
no what is that she gave me some green stuff that i have to put in water and feed her is that it if not what is it will see if can get it. She seem a bit perkier today she has had a drink and was out of her box for a while this morning hnd had pooed which is good too am still just hoping and we will see as time goes on hoping she will be ok her eyes seem briter to xxxxxx

21-Jul-09, 13:58
Kepp her hay up too as it is easy on her tummy, you can syringe her a little probiotic yoghurt it will just keep her gut boosted and is cheaper than the paste the vets give, my rabbits hated it :lol:

21-Jul-09, 18:53
Glad that your wee bunny is a bit brighter and hope she makes a full recovery soon.

Unicorn is the 'rabbit expert' and will keep you right. :D

21-Jul-09, 18:57
No expert just learning like the rest :lol:

21-Jul-09, 18:59
Aw you're too modest Unicorn!lol

21-Jul-09, 19:00
what are her poo like? that is a very good indication of a bunnies health.

21-Jul-09, 23:41
it seems ok was abit runny last week but ok now she is not pooing much but is had a drink today so waitng now i guess she seems a little less bright tonite so just have to see what happens she was grooming herself tonite mind x

23-Jul-09, 23:28
just to update you snowball is still with us am not sure yet if she will pull though she is still very queit and not really eating much although she is drinking and does not seem to be losing weight so we will see x

24-Jul-09, 10:10
fingers crossed for you.

24-Jul-09, 14:27
The most important thing is that she eats, it doesn't need to be much but you must get her eating. One a rabbits stomach stops moving you will not get her back. Even try her with some vegetable puree babyfood.
Do the vets have critical care? It is a food for small furries full of good things to keep their tummies moving.
Try her with some dried wheetabix too that can get then interested or even a little digestive biscuit.

24-Jul-09, 23:07
Sending 'Get Well' vibes for snowball xxx

24-Jul-09, 23:48
The most important thing is that she eats, it doesn't need to be much but you must get her eating. One a rabbits stomach stops moving you will not get her back. Even try her with some vegetable puree babyfood.
Do the vets have critical care? It is a food for small furries full of good things to keep their tummies moving.
Try her with some dried wheetabix too that can get then interested or even a little digestive biscuit.
think that may be the stuff she gave me called recovery she is pooing not much but at least some will deff get some puree baby food thank for you advice she seems to be back to her grumpy self so fingers crossed x

25-Jul-09, 00:29
Glad to hear it, that will be what the vet has given i think. The weather is not helping, when it is up and down it throws them off their way, I am seeing it with mine. They lose condition quickly and feel quite boney over their back after even a brief period of illness so once she is back on her feet a wheetabix here and there will help to build her up.

26-Jul-09, 00:15
Glad to hear it, that will be what the vet has given i think. The weather is not helping, when it is up and down it throws them off their way, I am seeing it with mine. They lose condition quickly and feel quite boney over their back after even a brief period of illness so once she is back on her feet a wheetabix here and there will help to build her up.
thank you unicorn i will she is back to her moany self nearly took my hand off today when i gave her her antibotitics hehehehe she does not seem to have lost any weight which is strange mind you she is a fat bunny anyway lol xxxxxxxxx

26-Jul-09, 23:25
gave her a weetabix today she liked that also got her some carrots as they are her faves x

06-Aug-09, 23:35
just an update on snowball she is back to herself moaning and being grumpy she is eating well and running around and seemed to be fatter than ever lol haVE NOT PUT HER OUTSIDE AGAIN YET AM BIT WORRIED ABOUT DOING SO ANYONE HAVE HAVE ANY IDEAS WOULD BE GRATEFUL XXXXXXXXX

06-Aug-09, 23:45
The weather is throwing them off their kilter.All my lot are outdoor buns and they are pretty cranky right now unless they get their own way:lol:

07-Aug-09, 23:34
hehehehe bunnys ehhhhhhhh she was chasing after the cats tail yeserday so i would say she well and truely better and is eating all her food again lol xxxxx

08-Aug-09, 12:19
I am so glad that Snowball has made a complete recovery.:D

It's awful when a pet is ill.

08-Aug-09, 23:45
it is funny thing is three weeks ago i was convinced she was dead and was ready to bury her in the garden lol xxxxxxx