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22-Oct-09, 09:35
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No it doesnt, i know that as fact.

According to the NHS website diabetics are high risk


22-Oct-09, 14:01
Fran could you please explain that fact, i am diabetic and i also have asthma and according to the news these are the people who will be more affected by the swine flu, if you are saying that we will not be affected more if we do catch the swine flu, why are we the ones who are being called up first for the jab.
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To prevent those with diabetes from catching the virus.

22-Oct-09, 16:31
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To prevent those with diabetes from catching the virus.

Fran it does not stop them getting swine flu, it just stops them from getting the full blown swine flu or getting worse complications due to their under lying illnesses

22-Oct-09, 16:47
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No it doesnt, i know that as fact.

Sorry..that is not right,Fran.

22-Oct-09, 16:48
Fran it does not stop them getting swine flu, it just stops them from getting the full blown swine flu or getting worse complications due to their under lying illnesses

Yes..that seems to be the case.

22-Oct-09, 22:23
Sorry,thats what i meant to say. The person i know who had swine flu is diabetic and being diabetic did not make the condition worse. That is what i meant to say. Of course diabetics must be vaccinated.

22-Oct-09, 22:29
Sorry,thats what i meant to say. The person i know who had swine flu is diabetic and being diabetic did not make the condition worse. That is what i meant to say. Of course diabetics must be vaccinated.

Are these senior moments Fran or are you ready for a holiday. ;)

22-Oct-09, 22:45
Just heard on the 10 pm news that 4 more folk in scotland have died of swine flu,in last 24 hours.:(

All had significant underlying health problems.

22-Oct-09, 22:47
I know someone who has been told it is more than likely that they have swine flu, and the doctor wears an apron and mask etc when they visit the person. How long before the swab results are ready.? The person cant go out of the house till then, and if the tests are negative the person can carry on with life outside.
Does anyone know anyone with swine flu? I must admit i have never bothered to investigate swine flu before now.

Has the person had their swine flu confirmed yet?

23-Oct-09, 02:05
A very good site which I was told about and i highly recommend is [email protected] It is NHS choices-swine flu updates.
It answers all questions you could have.
It states people living with those with impaired immune system, e g those receiving cancer trratment, will get the priority swine flu jab as will most carers.
Most alarming is an update i have just received which states there have been 53,000 NEW cases of swine flu in the past week, up from 27,000 the week before.

www.nhschoices-swinefluupdates (http://www.nhschoices-swinefluupdates) www.direct.gov.uk/swineflu (http://www.direct.gov.uk/swineflu) I can't get the actual site on here, but will keep trying.

It also states you would need to be very near to someone for over 30 minutes and coughing and sneezing towards their face, to infect them.You wouldnt know that person has swine flu and that person wouldnt know they had it either.

23-Oct-09, 10:50
A very good site which I was told about and i highly recommend is [email protected] It is NHS choices-swine flu updates.
It answers all questions you could have.
It states people living with those with impaired immune system, e g those receiving cancer trratment, will get the priority swine flu jab as will most carers.
Most alarming is an update i have just received which states there have been 53,000 NEW cases of swine flu in the past week, up from 27,000 the week before.

www.nhschoices-swinefluupdates (http://www.nhschoices-swinefluupdates) www.direct.gov.uk/swineflu (http://www.direct.gov.uk/swineflu) I can't get the actual site on here, but will keep trying.

It also states you would need to be very near to someone for over 30 minutes and coughing and sneezing towards their face, to infect them.You wouldnt know that person has swine flu and that person wouldnt know they had it either.

FRAN that advert on the telly shows someone sneezing in an elevator/lift and another onto a banister, these state that the bacteria can live for up to 30 mins. and these are NHS adverts.

Moi x
20-Dec-09, 01:16
I started a new thread with this post so that it didn't get lost amongst several subthreads that were already running in this thread.

The facts about swine flu treatment in this country are already known in principle, but I wanted to hear anecdotal evidence of Caithness swine flu sufferers' experiences and perceptions of their diagnosis and treatment in order to compare them with what's been going on in remote areas of Central America this year. I am flying back out tomorrow and therefore it's too late to rectify the situation now. Members have an absolute right to compare my posts with frivolous polls concerning watering cans and guardian angels but next time I'll choose a different forum to ask serious questions.

Moi x

As is your right Moi x, but just consider that few serious responses to your enquiry might be down to the fact that Swine Flu has not had any significant impact up here. No need for your sniffy attitude!:confused
It's a long time since I posted the above but I'd like to point out to Aaldtimer and others that I wasn't complaining about him or any other poster. I was just a bit miffed that my thread was combined with a long-running one on a related topic and I apologise to posters for any confusion I caused

Also, I am told Thurso High School was hit hard by swine flu in the last two months, a virus which is affecting the whole world. Curiously, it has apparently become more benign in the remote parts of Mexico, Costa Rica and Guatemala where I've been working recently.

It took me a long time to recover fully but I think I'm there at last. Thanks to those who replied by personal message.

It was a sunny 23C in Miami two days ago, I am freezing to death here in my homeland!

Moi x

20-Dec-09, 10:12
Also, I am told Thurso High School was hit hard by swine flu in the last two months,

I believe that was Call of Duty, Modern Warfare Flu ;)