View Full Version : IE8 annoying problem

14-Jul-09, 07:39
It seems to be impossible to reset the default window size for opening, every website opens in a small window other than home page- is there any solution short of dumping IE8?

14-Jul-09, 08:59
There are a few discussion threads online for this issue. it seems you are not alone.


and another one here which relates to IE8 fitting into the screen size you have chosen to use on your PC / laptop. see link below


Not sure if this helps? I use firefox..........I'd bin IE if I were you.

14-Jul-09, 14:28
IE is the single worst mainstream browser available, get something decent. I'd recommend either Safari (http://www.apple.com/safari/) or Google Chrome (http://www.google.com/chrome).

14-Jul-09, 15:55
IE is the single worst mainstream browser available,

What has IE ever done to you that you hate it SO much? :-)

I don't use it myself (unless forced to by the site I'm on) but I'd hardly call it that.

14-Jul-09, 22:05
I used to use Firefox on the old PC but have just stuck with IE with the new laptop. Is Firefox still a good option?

14-Jul-09, 22:13
Firefox is still a good browser. Along with Outlook it's the one application that is open on my desktop the whole time. It works. It's fast. It rarely crashes and I have 26 add-ons!

I used Google Chrome just after it was released and it didn't work too well and I simply didn't like it. It was fast though. There are also a lot of privacy concerns with it along with security issues which is why I've never picked it up again.

Safari I've never used at all but have read about security problems with it and the lax Apple patching of them. May well be fixed now but it did put me off.

IE 6/7/8 I have never really used in anger as I am happy with Firefox but IE8 is a good browser from what I can see. It is certainly a mile faster than the previous versions and it has some interesting technology built in that I'd like to find time to look at more. There are obviously security concerns with it too. Microsoft does a reasonable job of patching them although there have been a few lax moments in there too.

Browsers are horses for courses. Whatever works for you, stick with it. Whichever one you use, make sure it's fully patched.

Just my 2p's worth.

15-Jul-09, 21:41
What has IE ever done to you that you hate it SO much? :-)

I don't use it myself (unless forced to by the site I'm on) but I'd hardly call it that.

Repeated crashing, clunky interface, slow, and it really annoys me when I download more than one thing it has the progress for each in a separate window, unlike Safari's neat little Download window...

I just really loathe it!

16-Jul-09, 20:53
Repeated crashing, clunky interface, slow, and it really annoys me when I download more than one thing it has the progress for each in a separate window, unlike Safari's neat little Download window...

I just really loathe it!I have to say I haven't had any of those problems with IE8 - it's just the small window that annoys me. I WAS pleased that unlike IE7 the taskbar icons actually have the correct image (where websites has their own icons that is) rather than the boring Windows taskbar icon. I'll stick with IE8 for a while and see if M come up with a solution to the small windows on opening. Thanks for the comments all.

18-Jul-09, 11:05
I realised it's easier to hit the F11 key to get to full screen than groping around for the Full Screen button.