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21-Mar-06, 19:38
this forum is , sadly over moderated. I've had two threads removed and that's two too many.

It amounts to censorship really , and as that is not what the internet is about I'm leaving it for a while. I respect the motives of the organisers but I don't agree with them.

Thanks to all those who left me good feedback over the last few weeks.
To the few who left bad feedback, or rep whatever it's called thanks for reading my posts.

My workmate's lad was mugged on the bus for his mobile last night on the way to the Manchester City v. West Ham game. He was beaten up by three youths, one produced a knife. Not beaten too badly , just facial bruising.

If I go into the ethinicity of his assailants this thread might be removed to so I'll leave it to your imagination.


21-Mar-06, 19:43
adios amigo, it's a shame you feel this way but not everyone in life shares the same viewpoints I suppose, it would be a funny world if we did and it's already weird enough for me. Hope to see you again soon.

21-Mar-06, 21:55
Don't go Landie!! :( There is still lots to discuss like this...

Afghan man who chose Christianity on trial

Judge could issue death penalty to him for converting from Islam

The Associated Press

KABUL, Afghanistan — An Afghan man is being prosecuted and could be sentenced to death on a charge of converting from Islam to Christianity, a crime under this country’s Islamic laws, a judge said Sunday.

The trial, thought to be the first of its kind in Afghanistan, highlights a struggle between religious conservatives and reformists over what shape Islam should take here four years after the ouster of the fundamentalist Taliban regime.

The defendant, 41-year-old Abdul Rahman, was arrested last month after his family accused him of becoming a Christian, Judge Ansarullah Mawlavezada said. Rahman was charged with rejecting Islam; his trial started Thursday.

During the one-day hearing, Rahman confessed he converted from Islam to Christianity 16 years ago while working as a medical aid worker for an international Christian group helping Afghan refugees in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, the judge said.

“We are not against any particular religion in the world. But in Afghanistan, this sort of thing is against the law,” the judge said. “It is an attack on Islam.”

Mawlavezada said he would rule within two months.

Afghanistan’s constitution is based on Shariah law, which many interpret to require that any Muslim who rejects Islam be sentenced to death, said Ahmad Fahim Hakim, deputy chairman of the state-sponsored Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission.

The prosecutor, Abdul Wasi, said he offered to drop the charges if Rahman converted back to Islam, but he refused.

To some extent, I share your views that Islam should liven up.:p

21-Mar-06, 21:59
You will be missed.Enjoyed reading your posts.Its a sham when your threads are edited and other are left.:eyes

22-Mar-06, 00:09
Landmarker, I'll miss you, didna always agree with you, but enjoyed your postings, always created a reaction with me, you knew what button to press for me :lol:

22-Mar-06, 00:15
What's the world coming too? (That's rhetorical BTW)

22-Mar-06, 04:03
I for one will not miss your racist view's

22-Mar-06, 04:18
How tame this forum is becoming. I am sad to see you go. You wear no rose-tinted specs and, although we have not always seen eye to eye, I have to agree with a lot you have said regarding a number of topics. Think about us as you drive your trusty steed into the night.

22-Mar-06, 04:21
Well thank goodness he has gone. He asked for it with his racist comments which were upsetting to some people.

22-Mar-06, 11:01
I am all for freedom of speech (within the bounds of a family website) and that is not allowed on this forum, some people seem to be able to post pretty much what they like others get penalised and castigated for having the guts to put over honest opinions. Racism is something that affects a lot of people and should be allowed to be discussed in my opinion. Not everyone agrees about the subject but it shouldnt be taboo to talk about it. Remember not all racists are white BNP types, Every race & colour has the abillity to discriminate unfairly against others. You dont even need to be a different race just living in a different town. I mean just look at all those dirty weekers that run around as if they own the place!! :evil It is a shame that people feel that they have to stop posting because of the treatment they have recieved on this forum

22-Mar-06, 11:15
Sorry to see him go and I hope he changes his mind.

Like others I dont always agree with what he said, but I repsect his right to voice an opinion. What a boring world it would be if we all thought and did the same.

22-Mar-06, 11:17
Totally agree the comments that have been made above, there appears to be one rule for some and not others. I have noticed that people who make, what I class as, well educated comments on the forum appear to get suspended. I realise that there may be background issues that I am not aware off. Then there are others who seem to take over threads with their own petty squabbles and are still free to post wherever and whenever. Then there are the obvious one-line flamers! I am sorry to say that I think that Caithness.org forum is disappearing down the same lines as a lot of other forums, there is the in house clique and the opinions of the rest are not welcome. I feel at times there are selective moderating going on, I hope I am very wrong in this.

This is just my personal opinion from a couple of year’s observation. I don’t often post I honestly don’t usually have anything to say (well that would add any value).

I hope that Niall's bid to weed out the multiple accounts goes some way to bringing this forum back on line.

22-Mar-06, 11:23
I feel that people should be allowed to express an opinion but starting a new thread everyday with the same racist rubbish is ott. I can understand why a few threads of his were shut.

22-Mar-06, 11:24
Its appalling actually - Landmarkers posts often raised more questions than they answered and allowed people to discuss issues openly. It has been commented on in the past that discussions on this forum have actually helped people to question their opinions and prejudices and have helped to change people's minds.

I cant imagine why they were removed - if there were lots of complaints then those people should simply have been asked to post thier views or shut up. If we cant talk about football and we cant talk about politics then what Are we gonna talk about? the weather??? dead and missing cats?

This heavy handed action has left the board missing a valuable and interesting contributor and it will be the poorer for it. It has also made me wonder if its a place i want to be if its going to include censorship in the way that landmarker described

22-Mar-06, 11:51
I too believe this website is moderated to much. Is there a old fuddy duddy. Sitting in his chair removing anything which could casue disruption in the forums???? Forums are designed for open discussion. Some I dont like and i have aired my views, that is what the forum is all about. The forum will lose alot of members if we are going to discuss missing cats and the weather all the time. I too have been attempted mugged 3 times when I lived in London, surely it is a topic to discuss to maybe ensure people could avoid the confrontation etc???

22-Mar-06, 12:10
Munron,you put into words what i couldnt,that is without feeling i was going to be lambasted into oblivion.
Who sensors the sensors?:evil

22-Mar-06, 12:28
OMG, here we go again, ......Have a go at the moderators time again. I sympathise with the Admin team that run this great award winning web site.
I believe there has to be a resemblance of control on the boards here or we will sink into anarchy. This has been shown already in some of the name calling and bad mouthing that has gone on in the past.
I to am sometimes frustrated when I go to reply to a post that makes my blood boil, and then I find it has been locked or deleted, but I dont see the complaints that I suppose Bill or Niall receive. But I get on with it, if I get a wind up and I get a few, I pm the person that winds me up and we can carry on the dialog on a personal basis.
to all the Whingers....Accept the rules.....and get on with it......get a life

22-Mar-06, 12:39
I would guess that if the admin receive enough complaints about a thread then they would have to remove it whether it's breaking rules or not. So perhaps it's not direct censorship by the admin, but reactive censorship to other orgers gripes.
Lets face it, the admin do a great job on this site and it's getting harder.
Someone has got to draw the line somewhere, and that is their job not ours.

22-Mar-06, 12:53
I would guess that if the admin receive enough complaints about a thread then they would have to remove it whether it's breaking rules or not. So perhaps it's not direct censorship by the admin, but reactive censorship to other orgers gripes.
Lets face it, the admin do a great job on this site and it's getting harder.
Someone has got to draw the line somewhere, and that is their job not ours.

I think you have hit the nail on the head there with the reactive censorship. I had this on a personal level a while back when niall had to delete something out of my sig because of complaints he received from other orgers. To me that was daft but i accepted it as i was obviously getting up someones nose lol, but life carries on. I wish Landmarker would reconsider though, his views were interesting and gave us some good debates to read through even though i rarely responded to him.

22-Mar-06, 12:55
For the benefit of anyone who requires clarification on my post I will bullet point it below:

Ø I am not complaining at all about moderators, I am expressing my view on what "appears" to be selective moderation. I would ask why ones persons opinion is not as worthy as the next, whether they be junior, trusted or senior member.

Ø I am asking why threads are allowed to be taken over by petty squabbles, with no action been taken by the moderators to either stop it or suspend the user for misuse of the forum.

Ø I am asking why people who obviously flame appear to get away with it, without reprimand.

My own personal opinion on the clique still stands. My opinion has not been swayed by the people coming out in defence of the moderators, who I appreciate have a difficult, nay impossible, job to please all.

Editted to add my apologies to the OP, I dont mean to hog his / her thread for my questions but I believe them to be along the same lines.

22-Mar-06, 12:59
For the benefit of anyone who requires clarification on my post I will bullet point it below:

Ø I am not complaining at all about moderators, I am expressing my view on what "appears" to be selective moderation. I would ask why ones persons opinion is not as worthy as the next, whether they be junior, trusted or senior member.

Ø I am asking why threads are allowed to be taken over by petty squabbles, with no action been taken by the moderators to either stop it or suspend the user for misuse of the forum.

Ø I am asking why people who obviously flame appear to get away with it, without reprimand.

My own personal opinion on the clique still stands. My opinion has not been swayed by the people coming out in defence of the moderators, who I appreciate have a difficult, nay impossible, job to please all.

I'm guessing that the inconsistancies you see are because not enough people have complained and no rules have been broken. So the moderators can do nothing about it.
I'm intrigued by your claim of a clique, it's been mentioned before but it was in jest I think.

22-Mar-06, 13:04
Saveman ,when i first viewed the site i must admit i too felt there was a clique.Even when i joined and started posting i still felt there was.
The reality is like life you will alwas find groups that seem to congregate together and appear to exclude outsiders:o

the original ducky
22-Mar-06, 13:06
i would like to say that even though i dont reply much to your threads landmark you still give me a good read, i think that you will be sadly missed and hope that you reconsider the decision that you made anyway good luck what ever you decide.

22-Mar-06, 13:13
Saveman ,when i first viewed the site i must admit i too felt there was a clique.Even when i joined and started posting i still felt there was.
The reality is like life you will alwas find groups that seem to congregate together and appear to exclude outsiders:o

Are outsiders excluded on the Org? I would hope that most if not all members take each post on its merits and not on the number of posts accumlated by the orger who posted it. No?

22-Mar-06, 13:14
Niall wrote:
"....the new detection system has spotted about 50 users so far. Around half of those detected have contacted me (some before dectection) to let me know the situation with their accounts.

Also about 60 users have been in touch who were not detected but have come clean anyway..."

Thats a high number of sock puppets and you have to ask why there are so many. OK, some may be honest multiple accounts where someone forgets their login details and to save pestering an Admin they create a new account and the old account becomes dormant.

But the rest? Sock puppets are used to allow an individual to pose as a completely different user, often to create the illusion of support in a vote or argument.......

The situation regarding the moderation is repeated on practically every internet forum - you get those who feel it is a breach of their right to freedom of speech to have their posts removed or edited. But don't forget you agreed to this -
"You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit."

You want to be able to say what you mean and mean what you say? There are plenty of forums which allow unrestricted discussion on everything without any moderation - you just have to find them. Or create your own...

This "clique" fascinates me. I certainly haven't been asked to do a funny handshake so I guess I am outside it. Who is the leader of this "clique"?
Maybe the "clique" is actually one person with multiple usernames? Maybe now that one person club will disappear?

22-Mar-06, 13:39
Sorry to see you go Landmarker, you said what you felt, which was a good and honourable thing to do. Lots of orgers, I think, post for effect and reputation. Any debate on this forum should be allowed to continue to its natural conclusion or until it just wears itself out. The subject should, not matter how controversial, be allowed to be debated. I can see the reasons for removal of threads as well, but I feel that should be a last resort and used only when things get completely out of hand and personally offensive. If some orgers do not like the topic being debated they should neither post in it or read it. That would be a simple solution rather than complaining to the moderators, otherwise this forum, which I think is excellent, will degenerate into talking about the weather and lost cats.

Some time ago in one of the ten word story lines, somebody mentioned the "Noise abatement man", I followed this up by giving him a personality in the story, and gave him the ability to jump from thead to thread where I introduced him for some fun. He was humorous and could make a point without being offensive. I was going to introduce him into a thread which got out of hand recently but it was locked before I was able to. Perhaps it may be time for a resurection, he may be able to cool tempers with a bit of humour.

22-Mar-06, 14:30
OMG, here we go again, ......Have a go at the moderators time again. I sympathise with the Admin team that run this great award winning web site.
I believe there has to be a resemblance of control on the boards here or we will sink into anarchy. This has been shown already in some of the name calling and bad mouthing that has gone on in the past.
I to am sometimes frustrated when I go to reply to a post that makes my blood boil, and then I find it has been locked or deleted, but I dont see the complaints that I suppose Bill or Niall receive. But I get on with it, if I get a wind up and I get a few, I pm the person that winds me up and we can carry on the dialog on a personal basis.
to all the Whingers....Accept the rules.....and get on with it......get a life

Hmmm Whinging? I think not. Criticism has to be allowed or otherwise a thing doesnt grow and change. I personally feel that there has to be control - of course there does but should this extend to censorship? I think not

To give some examples - deleting a post because it names names and identifies people in a potentially libellous manner - as in the head teacher thread or the rush of threads about a high profile offender we had on here last year - I accept it is perfectly right and proper that these threads and posts should be deleted. Deleting a post because it is sexually explicit like the old maud and coco thing is right - this is a family board and that thread sailed far too close to what was acceptable (although it WAS funny;) in places). However deleting a thread because it tackles a potentially difficult issue is not acceptable especially when the issue is as up to the minute and key and a REAL issue like immigration. The "and anything else your moderator doesnt like" is a bit like saying "i can do what i like and its just tough". Maybe thats true but when its not applied equally and fairly and objectively its not very palatable. I do however know its a lot of work and i know that the guys suggested they would be appointing more mods but i dont know if that happened - if it did why is it still too much work and if it didnt why not?

As for complaints about threads - if people are complaining why arent they posting? That would be my argument if i was the moderator - as long as the thread was within the standards then it would be allowed. If the threads about immigration were deleted because of the volume of complaints then i would say - SHAME ON YOU ALL YOU COMPLAINERS - get a life or better still - get an opinion and post it here and fight racism at every available opportunity. Thats what i would do but then again as scorrie pointed out recently - i like the moral high ground;)

22-Mar-06, 19:38
Ive had a difficult day at work, and then, when I come home and log onto my favourite website, I find its been hijacked by a bunch of apoligists for the BNP. No doubt most of them are English The English are everywhere these days. In days gone by they colonised Africa and India and anywhere they felt like moving to without even asking. Nothings changed nowadays, except they have loaded their volvos and people carriers with their little runts, and moved north to the lands of my Fathers and they didnt even ask my permission. Some of these people are useless articles.
Hopefully, those of you who know me will be aware that I dont think that at all. If I did, that type of language would get me locked up, and rightly so.
Some people however can say the same thing but get away with it because of the language they use. Landmarker is one of these people. Anyone who read his response to doglover, when doglover was defending his/her children against his golden diatribe, will know what I mean.
Unfortunalty as this thread has shown, and also Landmarkers reputation points, his views are, if not shared by most of you, at least tolerated.
How many of you have said "I didnt always agree with Landmarker" and then not challenged him in the open forum? I agree with Squidge on that one.
I also agree with the moderators. If views like Landmarkers are to be allowed on caithness.org they need to be challenged by everyone and not just those of us who may be considered a clique. Thats a bliddy laff too.
I imagine one of the reasons for the lack of challenge is the fear of demolition by someone who obviously has a gift with words.
Its a pity Landmarker threw a strop and left because the freedom he would deny others was denied himself. His views are valid and shared by a large percentage of our population but unlike my opening words he has turned prejudice and discrimination into an art form and almost made it respectable to vote for the BNP.
I too would rather landmarker came back.

22-Mar-06, 19:56
Hmmm Whinging? I think not. Criticism has to be allowed or otherwise a thing doesnt grow and change. I personally feel that there has to be control - of course there does but should this extend to censorship? I think not

Yes, I think it does.

What people don't realise is that since Godfrey V Demon the owners and moderators of this board are legally responsible for its content.

As I see it they can't afford to employ a lawyer to decide if a post is legal or not lawyers cost a lot of money so if they get a complaint their only option is to remove the offending message or risk being sued or prosecuted depending on the circumstances. If they don't get a complaint they always have the "missed that one" defence.

22-Mar-06, 20:11
I imagine one of the reasons for the lack of challenge is the fear of demolition by someone who obviously has a gift with words.

Spot on gleeber. It's also true that even if someone has a gift of words, they might not have the spare time to compose volumes needed to defend their challenging opinion.

22-Mar-06, 20:25
I agree that anything libellous should be dealt with by the moderators but , as mentioned many times before, if you don't want to read yet another thread about 'racism' or 'lost cats' then don't open it and stop complaining to the moderators.

If you don't have the strength of your convictions or an inquiring mind that makes you want to learn about other people and why they hold the views that they do, then pass by the threads that are enjoyed by people that do!

I have learned a lot on this forum, a lot of it from posters like Landmarker, gleeber, Gleber2, golach, Whitewater, scotsboy, Rheghead and yes, even Fred among others....and there have been times when I have been dancing mad and had to go for a walk to think things through but I have never bad repped anyone for posting an honestly held opinion in a legible post...or gone running to the moderators because I didn't like what they were saying.

Come back Landmarker.

ice box
23-Mar-06, 01:17
Your posts will be missed you sure you want to give up all the fun we see on this forum ?

23-Mar-06, 02:01
I also enjoyed your post Landmarker Maybe you will return one day whats that saying hast ye back

23-Mar-06, 18:08
Yes, I think it does.

What people don't realise is that since Godfrey V Demon the owners and moderators of this board are legally responsible for its content.

As I see it they can't afford to employ a lawyer to decide if a post is legal or not lawyers cost a lot of money so if they get a complaint their only option is to remove the offending message or risk being sued or prosecuted depending on the circumstances. If they don't get a complaint they always have the "missed that one" defence.#

Well i dont like your posts Fred or the fact that you keep up the conspiracy theory and the iraq stuff - mostly i just skip over them - i dont complain, sometimes i post flippant comments like today but generally i just let it go. Should your threads be deleted cos i dont like your opinion and complain to Niall? I think not. The threads were not libellous as i can see - they werent identifuying others or singling people out and to be honest far worse has been left untouched on this board in the past.

23-Mar-06, 18:11
Ive had a difficult day at work, and then, when I come home and log onto my favourite website, I find its been hijacked by a bunch of apoligists for the BNP. No doubt most of them are English The English are everywhere these days. this was posted by gleeber

Now is that racist too???????

23-Mar-06, 18:17
Ive had a difficult day at work, and then, when I come home and log onto my favourite website, I find its been hijacked by a bunch of apoligists for the BNP. No doubt most of them are English The English are everywhere these days. this was posted by gleeber

Now is that racist too???????It's parody!

23-Mar-06, 18:31
You know that, I know that, and most of the regulars on here will know that.....but the problem is some will take it literally.........I blame the leftie pinko Parliament in Edinburgh, time for some ethnic cleansing of those who don't eat clapshot or know what a red pudding is.

23-Mar-06, 18:56
I blame the leftie pinko Parliament in Edinburgh, time for some ethnic cleansing of those who don't eat clapshot or know what a red pudding is.

Don't know about clapshot and red pudding but they surely know claptrap and baloney.

23-Mar-06, 19:09
Is that parody, irony, satire or sarcasm?

23-Mar-06, 19:56

Well i dont like your posts Fred or the fact that you keep up the conspiracy theory and the iraq stuff - mostly i just skip over them - i dont complain, sometimes i post flippant comments like today but generally i just let it go. Should your threads be deleted cos i dont like your opinion and complain to Niall? I think not. The threads were not libellous as i can see - they werent identifuying others or singling people out and to be honest far worse has been left untouched on this board in the past.

What alternative does the owner of the board have? If he recieves a complaint that a thread is libelous or is inciting racial hatred I don't see he has any choice but to be on the safe side and remove it whether it is or it isn't. We don't pay him enough to employ a legal team like newspapers have. If you were the one responsible, the one who once notified that there is a message which is illegal in any way becomes liable would you take the chance? I'm darned sure I wouldn't.

23-Mar-06, 21:22
Niall wrote:
You want to be able to say what you mean and mean what you say? There are plenty of forums which allow unrestricted discussion on everything without any moderation - you just have to find them. Or create your own...

I've was on one not so long ago which imploded and was closed down. And the experience has left me with a few definite ideas on moderation.

Unmoderated forums are fine in theory, but in practise, they get targeted by trolls, flamers, sock puppets and just nasty people banned from other public forums for expounding, with personal abuse, legally unacceptable views.

I don't agree with moderation by members, by e-mail, PM or report button, however. If a thread or post is about an incendiary subject, but is within legal bounds, and contains no personal abuse, there are still sure to be some who will take umbrage, and many good threads and/or posters are lost that way.

It should be incumbent on moderators, when there are complaints, to read the post/thread in an unbiased way, without bearing in mind the complaint received..........or their own biases. If they then do not feel there has been illegality/abuse, a thread/post should be left alone, and the complainants informed of the decision. And if they feel the complaint is fair, the poster should be informed of the reasons for the removal of the post/thread, in order that they know what is unacceptable in the subject or tone of it.

Moderation has to be seen to be fair and equitable, otherwise a forum becomes simply a vehicle for the moderators'/owner's opinions and biases.

And I am speaking as one who has had, and moderated, her own forum.

23-Mar-06, 21:35
What a variety we have here !

I must be hooked. I plainly came back to have a look at the response to my flounce. I'm both surprised and chuffed, not to say a little humbled.

Not only at the messages of support but the quality of the 'opposition' Some of it is cogent, much of the rest is thought provoking and there are messages to be taken onboard to varying degrees. So, my brief, self imposed exile is over and I am glad to be back. The top drawer debaters in here are not easily found on the web.

Gleeber, I take my hat off to you. Your 'English invasion' comments had me fooled for a moment. I thought you had outed yourself as a xenophobe but then came the Hitchcockian twist. Your faux 'anti-English' rant was well received here at Landmarker Towers. For one day I will venture north on a one way journey. I shall be grateful to settle amongst hosts who might only rarely be outwardly hostile. Assured that I'll hold my own with verbal hostility. I shall keep my remnants of England private. Outwardly display a token of allegiance....perhaps a small sticker on the car - a saltyre or 'lion rampant'. I will embrace everything my adopted land has to offer and if Scotland play England at football I will shout for the boys from my new haime. I will not gather in groups of ex-pats and mourn for the old country. This I promise.

Unlike the citizens of Oldham, surviving on benefits, who now demand tax payers money should fund the flying of corpses to Bangla-Desh for burial in the 'homeland'. I will not press for open air cremations on waste ground like has happened in West Yorkshire, to satisfy my imported rituals of religion. If my grandaughter realises my ambition, and joins us in the clean Caledonian air she will dress for school in the way of the locals.

When the 'white settlers' from England attempt to transform Northern Scotland in similar ways you might well re-visit your opinions. Thanks for the 'golden diatribe' label by the way it made I chuckle.

Even old sparring partner Rheghead urged me stay and fight my corner:thanks old pal, you know I like you really.

I cannot help but worry about the state of the nation. I'm deeply troubled and admit I need to lighten up. To this end I'm about to enrol in a state of the art health club, recently opened up the road. I aim to swim and gently exercise away some of this pent up er.....anger, I suppose. Ahhh, therapy.

I shall remain here though because venting my spleen helps. Especially amongst so many articulate orgers. The splendid Golach & Wickerinca. Even handed Squidge, Whitewater, Scotsboy and others I did not know took much notice of me threads, like ducky, krieve and ice-box. The posters who kept their support private, you know who you are . Thanks all for your tolerance, varying degrees of empathy and understanding.

I'll stop short of 'encouragement' I wouldnt want you 'bad repped'

Who knows, one day we may become nodding acquaintances, or even friends. Stranger things happen.

To the rest I'll close with my new motto....We never learn anything from those who agree with us all the time

until the next time - here's a lighter side of landmarker - bits of a homepsun website I cobbled together ages ago...a little non p.c. at times... be warned.


23-Mar-06, 21:48
Welcome back to the girnin englander. Now shut up and sit in the corner for penance.:grin:

23-Mar-06, 21:55
What alternative does the owner of the board have? If he recieves a complaint that a thread is libelous or is inciting racial hatred I don't see he has any choice but to be on the safe side and remove it whether it is or it isn't. We don't pay him enough to employ a legal team like newspapers have. If you were the one responsible, the one who once notified that there is a message which is illegal in any way becomes liable would you take the chance? I'm darned sure I wouldn't.

The problem with reactive moderation is that you are just as likely to be reacting to the complaints of someone with an equal, but opposite axe to grind, as to someone who is genuinely offended.

You will always get the Jew who assumes defence of Palestinians is anti-semitic, regardless of the words in the post....you will always get the anti-gay offended by the very thought of them......you will always get the Muslim who thinks anti-terrorism posts are anti-Islam........you will always get the Englishman/Scotsman who sees insult in obviously tongue-in-cheek comments.

For every opinion there is an opposite one, but moderating and removing threads/posts as a reaction rather than as an informed decision leaves a forum open to manipulation by the politically correct or the easily offended.

23-Mar-06, 22:17
For every opinion there is an opposite one, but moderating and removing threads/posts as a reaction rather than as an informed decision leaves a forum open to manipulation by the politically correct or the easily offended.
I firmly believe that there are people here that take some satisfaction from getting someone suspended or banned, It gives them a feeling of worth and power...........Enough now sigmund:grin:

23-Mar-06, 22:39
Welcome back! what happened did you run out of diesel? if so, hope it was "White" you used.

23-Mar-06, 22:40
For every opinion there is an opposite one, but moderating and removing threads/posts as a reaction rather than as an informed decision leaves a forum open to manipulation by the politically correct or the easily offended.

I dont think the likes of Colin or Niall are as niave as that

23-Mar-06, 22:43
Glad you changed your mind Landmarker :) I enjoyed reading some of your rambles, especially the one about your trip to the hospital was it. :confused: Your soul seems as if its crying out to be in Caithness, its about time you got yourself up here away from the maddening crowds! :)

23-Mar-06, 23:18
For every opinion there is an opposite one, but moderating and removing threads/posts as a reaction rather than as an informed decision leaves a forum open to manipulation by the politically correct or the easily offended.

Yes I know, it isn't fair but that is how the law stands, in England and Wales anyway and I've no doubt that a Scottish judge would rule the same as the English judge that the operator of a message board is a publisher just the same as someone who publishes a book or a paper. They do have a defence that they don't read every message before or even after it is posted but once a message has been brought to their notice they are liable for it.

There is worse to come. America has declaired that anything which is illegal in America which is stored on an American owned server or is transported by wires owned by an American company is a breach of American law no matter where it originates and no matter what the nationality of the person responsible. They have also entered into an agreement with several countries, Britain included, which means they can extradite someone without even having to show that a crime has been committed. They just give us the name and we hand them over. It was supposed to be reciprocal but they renaiged on their side of the deal so a businessman in England who transfers funds in the Camen Islands along wires owned by an American company is deemed to have broken the law in America and we have to hand them over but people who blow up pubs in Belfast walk around free men in America.

23-Mar-06, 23:24
Glad you changed your mind even though it means I'll have to put up with your posts a while longer.:lol:

24-Mar-06, 00:23
Maybe this is naive but cant the webmaster put a notice on the forum to the effect of " Views expressed on this forum are not necessarily those held by CCWS and we cannot be held liable......." I'm sure I've seen this before somewhere [para] :confused

24-Mar-06, 00:40
Welcome back Landmarker!
Now let's have some of those "not so vague" controversial subjects you like to spout off talk about! ;)

Seriously though, good to have you back.
That's what I like most about the Org.....the range of characters.....and you my friend are certainly a character! ;)

But seriously though....

24-Mar-06, 10:59
Is that parody, irony, satire or sarcasm?

Yes, alternatively it might simply be one letter from each ;o)

Niall Fernie
24-Mar-06, 12:48
Maybe this is naive but cant the webmaster put a notice on the forum to the effect of " Views expressed on this forum are not necessarily those held by CCWS and we cannot be held liable......." I'm sure I've seen this before somewhere [para] :confused

Here's another link to the terms and conditions to which you have all agreed:


this contains two important passages:

While the administrators and moderators of this forum will attempt to remove or edit any generally objectionable material as quickly as possible, it is impossible to review every message. Therefore you acknowledge that all posts made to these forums express the views and opinions of the author and not the administrators, moderators or webmaster (except for posts by these people) and hence will not be held liable.


You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.

If anyone now finds that they do not agree with this or never read the terms and conditions in the first place and do not agree, let me know and I will delete your account.

24-Mar-06, 13:22
Scorrie wrote:
Yes, alternatively it might simply be one letter from each ;o)
I take it you have read Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:)

24-Mar-06, 16:09
Scorrie wrote:
I take it you have read Angels & Demons by Dan Brown:)

No, I have read The Da Vinci Code but found it to be pretty much the usual pot boiler, having expected more after reading the hype.

24-Mar-06, 16:22
lol ok - actually I cant remember if I have made a mistake or not, but one of the books (either Angels & Demons or Digital Fortress) is all about code breaking etc......as you say the plots in all the books follow similar lines and are pulp fiction......but sometimes you need something that does not tax the brain too much.

26-Mar-06, 20:37
Smoking legislation has come into force today and this achievement has come around from agruements and debates, not all of it was constructive, some of it probably vitriolic but the force of the arguments from all sides of the debate and the attention this developed grew it in to an issue that forced it to be brought up in a place where the subject was discussed and a vote was taken it became law and legislation is now in force
As a smoker its not my favourite piece of legislation ( imagine having a favourite - im sad!) but from the original arguements that grew into debates and then into law it has now been imposed

Surely this medium of the internet and the forums are the modern day hustings and debating chamber where people can debate openly their views and help the lawmakers engineer legislation for the future

Can we not manage to all express our views in these debate in a politically correct manner or atleast in a manner not - - Some-kind-of-IST involving prejudidic remarks

Surely we have the mental and keyboard dexterity to put forward these views in a way that can express the point without preduice adjectives

Bill & Naill and the other moderators seem to have an impossible job and maybe can only get to some of the offending areas due to volume so some threads are removed before others and users are suspended and not other etc but at the end of the day what offends one user might not offend others

The multiple account thing may have been a problem, that is now getting sorted but people will still write inflammatory things because they pattionately believe them but if they can craft their opinion in an appropriate form it would probably make more cogent arguement and for better debate

So lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater here and stop all topics that maybe controversial, they are popular as people have opinions that differ and people want to express that opinion but as forum members lets consider what we are expressing before hitting the send button and if you think it will offend just re jig it and reword it and make it respectful to the forum members and the forum moderators
If not we are indanger of blowing apart the point of coming to this award winning site and intellectually stimulating forum
Anyway i dont write on this much (after this you can see why) but i do enjoy the read so i'll go away back into my box now and read your excellent views opinions and jokes from afar!!

SHould we take flowers and Breakfast in Bed to them
DOnt send them cards though thats just commercialist rubbish from them bloomin card companys - - oops i'll save that for another thread !

27-Mar-06, 08:36
So lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater here and stop all topics that maybe controversial, they are popular as people have opinions that differ and people want to express that opinion but as forum members lets consider what we are expressing before hitting the send button and if you think it will offend just re jig it and reword it and make it respectful to the forum members and the forum moderators

It would appear that only humour of a certain type is acceptable. My thread about dead cats was pulled, now why would that be?
Was it because a few cat lovers complained?
Were they offended?
Maybe they just couldn't take a joke.

Censorship rules KO.

27-Mar-06, 09:39
Can we have a list of topics that we are not allowed to discuss?I know what we sighned up too but somehow it appears as if its ambigueous in its contents.
Maybe we should follow the old saying of,You can please some of the people all of the time but not all of the people some of the time.:p
Now ,if we can be grown up about this can we move on and get round to some real discussions?
Welcome back Landmarker,I missed you ;)

27-Mar-06, 10:46
Bearing in mind the number of posts here about missing cats or cats found run over, maybe it was just felt it was lacking in sensitivity?

27-Mar-06, 11:03
It would appear that only humour of a certain type is acceptable. My thread about dead cats was pulled, now why would that be?
Was it because a few cat lovers complained?
Were they offended?
Maybe they just couldn't take a joke.

Censorship rules KO.

You already posted a link to a bad taste topic concerning deceased cats. Several people responded to the thread stating that they considered it insensitive (at best) in a thread reporting a cat that had been run over.

To post another thread in the same vein, particularly so soon, smacks of deliberately trying to take rise out of others. If you are so keen to make your point on censorship, then you have the whole internet at your disposal, somewhere on it you WILL be allowed your freedom of speech. The moderators here have made it clear that if you are unhappy with the way the board is moderated then you simply have to let them know and your account will be deleted.

ps I was happy to see the thread removed, not for anything to do with cats but simply because it was utterly devoid of humour, the sort of thing that makes Viz look like PG Woodhouse.

27-Mar-06, 11:37
Bearing in mind the number of posts here about missing cats or cats found run over, maybe it was just felt it was lacking in sensitivity?
There was nothing sensitive about that posting at all

27-Mar-06, 12:52
ps I was happy to see the thread removed, not for anything to do with cats but simply because it was utterly devoid of humour, the sort of thing that makes Viz look like PG Woodhouse.

So just because you think something isn't funny, it should be pulled.

This is my point exactly, due to the high number of cat 'lovers', it would appear that anything that might upset them is cut; yet people can abuse local businesses and local workers and that is OK.

And no, I will not go elsewhere to express myself, it seems only right that you 'sensitive' souls receive a little bit of mental stimulation now and again.
I know that I am not alone in this belief.;)

27-Mar-06, 12:58
So just because you think something isn't funny, it should be pulled.

This is my point exactly, due to the high number of cat 'lovers', it would appear that anything that might upset them is cut; yet people can abuse local businesses and local workers and that is OK.

And no, I will not go elsewhere to express myself, it seems only right that you 'sensitive' souls receive a little bit of mental stimulation now and again.
I know that I am not alone in this belief.;)

Once again DW I have to agree with you again.:p :p

27-Mar-06, 15:34
So just because you think something isn't funny, it should be pulled.

And no, I will not go elsewhere to express myself)

Part 1

No, I simply said I was glad too see it pulled. That is my freedom of speech, which you seem to value so highly.

Part 2

If you are not willing to go elsewhere then please accept the rules.

27-Mar-06, 15:36
Part 1

No, I simply said I was glad too see it pulled. That is my freedom of speech, which you seem to value so highly.

Part 2

If you are not willing to go elsewhere then please accept the rules.
So, which rules have I broken exactly?

27-Mar-06, 15:45
So, which rules have I broken exactly?

The one about no throwing your toys oot the pram when the beeg mannies take yer thread off.

27-Mar-06, 15:59
The one about no throwing your toys oot the pram when the beeg mannies take yer thread off.

Maybe I am blin but! nope, can't see pram or mannie in the rules:Razz