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07-Jul-09, 12:57

It seems that the traditional human celebrations for Births Marriages and deaths will no longer be the only option in caithness in the future. I expect there have been other humanistic ceremonies in the past with circuit humanists doing the rounds but Caithness now has it's first official humanist celebrant. Someone with the same ceremonial powers as a Christian minister but with no God involved.
I'm aware the humanist movement has been gaining ground in recent years and now it's reached caithness it's acceptance as a no God alternative to traditional religion seems to be confirmed.
My god, what's the world coming to?

07-Jul-09, 13:11
By yer title then, gleeber, yer suggestin that they are just godless not the devil himself? ;)

07-Jul-09, 13:16
Hell no Wifie. No God, No devil.

07-Jul-09, 13:41
Gleeber, do you see this as a positive step or a negative step?

I'm not being antagonistic, I just can't fathom how you feel about it from your post.

The Pepsi Challenge
07-Jul-09, 13:46
Am all for it.

07-Jul-09, 13:54
Live and let live - don't judge people for what they want to believe in ;)

07-Jul-09, 13:55
I can see nothing wrong with this. Each to their own. Not everyone is religous and this then will fill in that gap. So good luck to them.

07-Jul-09, 13:57
Having very recently been at a humanist ceremony I can say for a fact that it was superb!Infact I would go as far as saying it was the best ceremony I have ever been at¬It was all about the love the couple have for each other and thats what marriage is all about! x

07-Jul-09, 15:04
Gleeber, do you see this as a positive step or a negative step?

I'm not being antagonistic, I just can't fathom how you feel about it from your post.

I feel the same as you, northener - that is why I asked my cheeky question.

Having very recently been at a humanist ceremony I can say for a fact that it was superb!Infact I would go as far as saying it was the best ceremony I have ever been at¬It was all about the love the couple have for each other and thats what marriage is all about! x

I agree, Thumper, I did not attend but saw the video of a humanist marriage ceremony and it was very personal and beautiful.

07-Jul-09, 15:18
Humans are extremely fallible.
I dont trust them.
At best this "religion" of humanity sounds like narcissism.
At worst it is crypto fascism.
Either way,sooner or later, there will be a war....

Kevin Milkins
07-Jul-09, 15:21
Having very recently been at a humanist ceremony I can say for a fact that it was superb!Infact I would go as far as saying it was the best ceremony I have ever been at¬It was all about the love the couple have for each other and thats what marriage is all about! x

I agree with you thumper, I have been proberbly sat in many hundreds, possibly thousands of funeral services in the time that I worked in that industry and the humanist ceremony has always been up there with the best.

I would say the Budist service was the most touching and it supprised me today to hear that the Jacksons were having a JW service.

07-Jul-09, 17:27
Gleeber, do you see this as a positive step or a negative step?

I'm not being antagonistic, I just can't fathom how you feel about it from your post.
I think it's great although I was being a bit tongue in the cheeck. I like humanism.
I see it as a positive move although I would be inclined to call it (humanism)a religion too. :confused

07-Jul-09, 17:43
Live and let live - don't judge people for what they want to believe in ;)
Or what they don't want to believe in! Met someone the other day who said they were an atheist - one who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods

I asked if they believed that God or gods don't exist. "Yes" they said. "Aha", says I,...so you believe?

Ach, its all in a days confusion!

WBG :cool:

07-Jul-09, 17:52
do they do divorces?

07-Jul-09, 17:59
I've known agnostic people who had more 'Christian' values than so called church going paid up members of the kirk.
It's not what you call yourself, it's how you live your life that is more important.

07-Jul-09, 18:19

It seems that the traditional human celebrations for Births Marriages and deaths will no longer be the only option in caithness in the future. I expect there have been other humanistic ceremonies in the past with circuit humanists doing the rounds but Caithness now has it's first official humanist celebrant. Someone with the same ceremonial powers as a Christian minister but with no God involved.

I'm absolutely delighted to hear this!

07-Jul-09, 18:27
do they do divorces?

As far as I know you can only get devorced through the courts and not a church.

07-Jul-09, 19:19
Live and let live i say. I'm not religious at all. i respect that people have grrat faith in their religious beliefs but i choose from a young age that i didn't agree with any of them. the only one i do sort of agree on is humanists but they bleieve that when you're dead you're dead whereas i believe in spirits. its the only disagreeement i have with them.

I actually would go with a humanist ceremony for naming a child as it concentrates on what is important not frilvilious things like what the godparents religious beliefs are.

07-Jul-09, 19:39
Someone called 'Bigpete' ex-Orger posted this 09-Sep-06 at 17:26:

Hi Folks
Sorry I aint one of those folks that sees the Bible as cast-iron fact, fills a need for some I supose, I prefer to believe carbon-dating which might not be absolutly precise as to the age of the earth, but a wee bit better than down to working out the age so and so begat so and so and they begat et.el

I'm a Humanist - and if you aren't sure what that is:
Humanism is the belief that we can live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs. Humanists make sense of the world using reason, experience and shared human values. We seek to make the best of the one life we have by creating meaning and purpose for ourselves. We take responsibility for our actions and work with others for the common good.

What humanists believe;
Humanism is an approach to life based on humanity and reason - humanists recognise that moral values are properly founded on human nature and experience alone. Our decisions are based on the available evidence and our assessment of the outcomes of our actions, not on any dogma or sacred text.

Humanism encompasses atheism and agnosticism ‑ but is an active and ethical philosophy far greater than these negative responses to religion.

Humanists believe in individual rights and freedoms ‑ but believe that individual responsibility, social cooperation and mutual respect are just as important.

Humanists believe that people can and will continue to find solutions to the world's problems ‑ so that quality of life can be improved for everyone.

Humanists are positive ‑ gaining inspiration from our lives, art and culture, and a rich natural world.

Humanists believe that we have only one life ‑ it is our responsibility to make it a good life, and to live it to the full..

So there you are...

07-Jul-09, 20:08
Or what they don't want to believe in! Met someone the other day who said they were an atheist - one who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods

I asked if they believed that God or gods don't exist. "Yes" they said. "Aha", says I,...so you believe?

Ach, its all in a days confusion!

WBG :cool:

He he very valid point!

07-Jul-09, 21:41
I've known agnostic people who had more 'Christian' values than so called church going paid up members of the kirk.
It's not what you call yourself, it's how you live your life that is more important.

Well said !! :D

12-Jul-09, 00:05
I think it's great although I was being a bit tongue in the cheeck. I like humanism.
I see it as a positive move although I would be inclined to call it (humanism)a religion too. :confused
I did think you were being very tongue in cheek with your opening post Gleeber.

How on earth does one define humanism and is it not based on religion with God at its' core? :confused

12-Jul-09, 22:39
This is a good one to start with but check out www.humanism-scotland.org.uk if you are interested in reading more.:D

"Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of a more humane society through an ethic based on human and other natural values in the spirit of reason and free inquiry through human capabilities. It is not theistic, and it does not accept supernatural views of reality.”
IHEU (International Humanist and Ethical Union).

12-Jul-09, 23:29
I have always ben very open minded about religion/religions. All I really beleive in is 'do unto others as you would have done to yourself'

I have over the years been to a couple of humanist funerals. Very respectful ceremonies. I know my wife rather likes the humanist ideals. She, like many others has had enough of the church and the bigoted ministers who attempt to administer the gospels and gods word to us. Too many wars have been caused by religion. Too many people have been murdered by the church being accused of heresy in the past just because their opinion differed from that of the brainwashing thugs that pranced about posing as holymen.

Kevin Milkins
13-Jul-09, 00:01
I have always ben very open minded about religion/religions. All I really beleive in is 'do unto others as you would have done to yourself'

I have over the years been to a couple of humanist funerals. Very respectful ceremonies. I know my wife rather likes the humanist ideals. She, like many others has had enough of the church and the bigoted ministers who attempt to administer the gospels and gods word to us. Too many wars have been caused by religion. Too many people have been murdered by the church being accused of heresy in the past just because their opinion differed from that of the brainwashing thugs that pranced about posing as holymen.

A man after my own heart Whitwater. I too am very open minded about religion and I don’t feel as if I need to go to church and take part in what I don’t have any faith in.

Mathew 7 verse twelve, (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) is as good a yard stick as anyone would need to live a good clean life and the ten commandments are common sense rules that come under the same umbrella.

My own instincts are usually good enough to keep me on the straight and narrow.

13-Jul-09, 19:53
I and it supprised me today to hear that the Jacksons were having a JW service.

Why? they are JWs after all.

Kevin Milkins
13-Jul-09, 22:58
Why? they are JWs after all.

That's why I was supprised, I didn't know that.