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nutty da drummer
19-Mar-06, 21:50
New Band. www.myspace.com/thursoband

we are called quebec, we are a slight screamo rock band. check out the music and add us. the music on there is really rubbish quality and that, but it was all done by our guitarist, the bass and drums and geetar. but were getting there,so please add us.

19-Mar-06, 23:45
What's screamo?

20-Apr-06, 00:08
What's screamo?

I couldn't resist. Screamo in my limited (but indeed 1st hand) experience is to scream as loud & as rough as is humanly possible. Quite often they will add distortion to make it even more indecipherable

My last screamo recording sound was achieved by feeding the screamer via an old AKG dynamic mic into a DI box to boost the gain 20db. I then fed that into a Selmer treble & bass 50 valve head with a 2x12 in a small stone, metal ceilinged room & drove it untill the valves were singing & mixed that in with his dry screamo part

at one point of outlandish experimentation I had him sounding like an :evil :evil Dalek

As The Sun are the band & I wouldn't be surprised if they have tracks on the net??


20-Apr-06, 00:16
I was being sarcastic You fool ;)

20-Apr-06, 00:21
they do indeed have the songs up


20-Apr-06, 00:29
I was being sarcastic You fool

I know that NEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!![lol] [lol] LMAO

22-Apr-06, 02:32
How thick was the stone?

22-Apr-06, 10:08
How thick was the stone?

[lol] Clever... ;)

22-Apr-06, 14:57
Not as clever as getting all that metal to stay on the ceiling!! Must have used 'No More Nails' of something . . . . . .