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View Full Version : Ooops, how did that happen?

05-Jul-09, 11:21
We always said we were going to get Smokey a companion, but weren't planning to do anything about it until the autumn.

And then, browsing through the forums of the rescue society Smokey came from, we fell in love with completely the wrong dog! We were going to look for a younger dog, maybe a puppy, to bring on and maybe take picking up - we didn't expect to end up with a 10-year-old! But she's the youngest 10 I've ever met and how could this face fail to melt anyone's heart?



So I did a 750-mile round trip over two days to pick her up and she's now fast asleep by my chair after romping all over the beach with her new brother this morning :)

05-Jul-09, 11:50
Worth every mile I'd say, she's adorable and looks so happy in her new home. ;)

Kevin Milkins
05-Jul-09, 11:59
That's just fantastic CM, I am sure she will think she has arrived in heaven.

05-Jul-09, 12:12
She is lovely and worth the journey.:)

05-Jul-09, 12:24
My heart has completely melted and turned into a big puddle....How beautiful she is and expression seems to say...'Look at me, I've come home.........':)

05-Jul-09, 12:34
She is lovely and looks very settled with you already.

05-Jul-09, 12:46
What a lovely girl.well done to u for taking her,to give her a wonderful life.please let us know how she gets on.bless u .;)

05-Jul-09, 13:04
I am so glad that Smokey 'approved' of Red and that she is now in her wonderful new home with you.

Well done for giving a home to an 'oldie' although she looks a lot younger!:D

Looking forward to updates please and more photos.

Margaret M.
05-Jul-09, 16:42
I echo what everyone else has already said. Soooo heartwarming -- she's a beauty and you are wonderful to adopt a doggie that is up in years. I am so happy that she has been welcomed into such a wonderful home and surroundings!

There's something about spaniels that I find so appealing -- I will have to get one somewhere along the way.

14-Jul-09, 15:08
Thanks everyone! Those were actually taken by her foster family - here's a couple I took last night now that she's been here just over a week (you'll notice her foster family got her hair cut!):

http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3421/3719964922_24d1ec5474.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22544094@N00/3719964922/)

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2561/3719962210_f1a5e1fca4.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22544094@N00/3719962210/)

http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2657/3719973366_7670ccec67.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22544094@N00/3719973366/)

Kevin Milkins
14-Jul-09, 16:07
Looks like she's got her feet well and truly under the table.LOL

14-Jul-09, 17:16
What a lovely story and a very lucky dog to have found you and yours when she needed a new home.

Very young looking 10,I bet she's running rings round the lot of you.:lol:

14-Jul-09, 17:27
She is such a lovely lady and certainly looks young for her age!

I love the second photo with her little toothy smile.:lol:

It is so good she has settled in so well.Obviously knows where she is well off!

You are a very good advert for the benefits of homing older pets.