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29-Jun-09, 18:28
I just had to post a couple of piccies of my daughters artwork. I'm so proud of her talent and her twin sister has the gift too. :)



By the way both pictures are A1 in size.

29-Jun-09, 19:35
Wow,they're brilliant!!! Well done!

29-Jun-09, 19:42
Congratulations to two very talented girls, great owl studies.

30-Jun-09, 05:13
Amazing artwork, and definitely something to hoot about!! :cool:

Is your daughter going to art college, porshie?

30-Jun-09, 15:31
I wish I could do something like that. Not bad at taking picture but when it comes to drawing hopeless :D I love the details as well

30-Jun-09, 16:03
Hang in there ( Mum's daughter ) you've definately got a flare for art work. I posted some of my own work some years ago just to test people's reaction, cos family will aways say "Oh thats lovely" I wanted an unbiased opinion. The result ? I was greatly encouraged by ogers comments I hope you will be equally encouraged........ and Oh, Mum, you have every reason to be proud of your lassie's work. WELL DONE !

30-Jun-09, 21:45
Thanks for the replies guys!
As for Art college - not at the mo. She's just finished her Advanced Highers and I know her Art teacher was most concerned that she wouldn't pursue it. She will, but in her own time.
Unfortunately she seems to be taking after me more and more. My Art Teacher also pushed for Ary College and I would have taken it up but Horses came along. Same for my daughter - she's pursueing Horses.
I don't regret working with Horses as I love em and had a rave but I do regret not keeping up with Art work. My daughter is determined to keep it up and in a couple of years who knows?

30-Jun-09, 22:44
I hope she does eventually go to art college, porshie. What about your other daughter? Does she aspire to that as well?

Tilly Teckel
30-Jun-09, 23:04
Beautiful pieces of artwork; you can tell she really loves the subjects too. Good luck to both your girls. They're lucky to have such a supportive and proud mum too!