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28-Jun-09, 19:50
I've just listened to the 911 call made on behalf of Michael Jackson, has anyone else heard it?
It's bizarre. There is absolutely no hint of a panic in the mans voice, he doesn't even say who it is that needs the ambulance.
Is it just me or do you not think that someone would be screaming that it's Michael? The doctor was there during the phone call and the guy calmly asks him questions to relay to the 911 operator. I suppose it could just be shock?
The operator tells them to get MJ on the floor and start compressions but that's when he reveals the doc is there and is already attempting it - on the bed! :eek:
Crikey, wouldn't want to be that guys patient.

I understand this is just a bit or trivial talk re MJ but there you have it, I found it interesting, if not strange.

29-Jun-09, 04:40
I too heard the 911 call and was surprised at how calm they were.
Its the part that the Doctor was doing compressions on a bed and not a hard surface that I found strange,as a Cardioligist he should know that!!

Its almost as if it was "Staged" and the caller was merely going through the motions but maybe I am just too cynical?

29-Jun-09, 08:10
or just mayby, it was just a pretend one.

29-Jun-09, 16:44
Professionals are trained to be calm in emergencies. Would you want an hysterical doctor?

29-Jun-09, 16:47
i also think michaels "people" would be very wary of revealing his name in any emergency situation over the phone, or the paps would be there before the ambulance!

29-Jun-09, 17:40
i also think michaels "people" would be very wary of revealing his name in any emergency situation over the phone, or the paps would be there before the ambulance!

They could just think it was a prank emergency call if they said his name. Can you imagine if the emergency services hung up because they said michael jackson was dying. That would have been mad.

29-Jun-09, 18:00
They could just think it was a prank emergency call if they said his name. Can you imagine if the emergency services hung up because they said michael jackson was dying. That would have been mad.
would not have commmon sense and realize that he was as capable of dying as you or me tony

29-Jun-09, 18:07
Professionals are trained to be calm in emergencies. Would you want an hysterical doctor?

The guy who made the call wasn't a doctor.
The caller was relaying messages from the operator to the doctor who was doing chest compressions on the bed :eek:

Of course we all would like a person to be calm in these situations and i guess shock was also working its magic but it the whole conversation just really suprised me. It's most bizarre.
The tapes of these calls are often leaked after the event but never have I heard one quite like this.

30-Jun-09, 09:08
Not everyone on the planet gets hysterical and runs around shouting OhmyGod! OhmyGod! everytime there's a problem.......

30-Jun-09, 12:48
this may be a bit off topic, but can these children really be his, biologically?
I mean one mixed race child taking so much after the mother is a possibility, but three is highly unlikely. just my opinion.

30-Jun-09, 13:07
this may be a bit off topic, but can these children really be his, biologically?
I mean one mixed race child taking so much after the mother is a possibility, but three is highly unlikely. just my opinion.

I was just wondering that myself when looking at these photos (http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/galleries/michael_jackson_the_life_and_career_of_the_king_of _pop/michael_jackson_the_life_and_career_of_the_king_of _pop.html).
Although it doesn't state which of the kids are his and in two of the pictures the girl looks very white and in the other she looks mixed. I guess we will never know (and hey do we need to). But yes I was wondering to myself.
Hopefully the kids will be well looked after whatever happens anyway.

30-Jun-09, 20:00
this may be a bit off topic, but can these children really be his, biologically?
I mean one mixed race child taking so much after the mother is a possibility, but three is highly unlikely. just my opinion.

I agree with you and cannot see even the slightest resembelance to MJ prior or after his many facial alterations.................:confused

30-Jun-09, 21:35
The little boy's hair looks too blond, maybe it's been dyed, and the little girl, although she has quite dark skin (more olive than black) has blue eyes.

Don't know, who are we to question.............?:confused

30-Jun-09, 21:39
I always believed that they were conceived through AI?
And I've always believed that the guy who is their Godfather is actually the real father. There you go!!!

Northerner: I understand the need for calm in these situations - I've been there. I am simply commenting on the bizarre convo and the lack of any emotion at all. It's simply an observation, I'm not reading anything sinister into it, I just wondered if anyone else had the same opinion.
Savy! ;)

01-Jul-09, 10:08
I think that maybe the best place for the kids to be is with the Jackson family. I just hope all this biological stuff doesn't muck up their lives. Seems to me they were 'bought' and the press will no way leave this alone, now or in years to come. The children themselves will indeed be asking questions once they are old enough to understand genetics. It's a pity MJ had such a thing about having 'white' kids. Also lets hope the Jackson parents don't repeat the same mistakes that they did with

01-Jul-09, 11:33
What is most odd about the call is that the Emergency Services guy asks if he was breathing, he was told no, then he asks if he was conscious. Surely when you stop breathing, being conscious becomes quite difficult?!

02-Jul-09, 19:21
What is most odd about the call is that the Emergency Services guy asks if he was breathing, he was told no, then he asks if he was conscious. Surely when you stop breathing, being conscious becomes quite difficult?!

Because someone may make a mistake and say that the casualty is not breathing when actually, they are but not very well.

As you say, if the casualty is concious - they must be breathing.