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View Full Version : Who was playing in Top Joes last night (Friday 26th)

27-Jun-09, 13:35

I just caught the end of them, seemed alright.

27-Jun-09, 16:24
The band that were playing in Skins earlier in the evening.

27-Jun-09, 16:27
The band that were playing in Skins earlier in the evening.

Take it by that it went well then?

27-Jun-09, 21:06
That would have been, as Jeid says, the band that were in Skins earlier in the night. They go by the name of Washington Irving (www.myspace.com/washingtonirvingband).

Unfortunately for them, there were probably only about 10 people that crossed the door but once again those that did were treated to an excellent performance. They had an almost Pogues-esque traditional sound to their music - very good.

They were supported by the man from Mull Sorren Maclean (www.myspace.com/sorrenmaclean) - some very catchy tunes as well, worth a listen.

The Pepsi Challenge
27-Jun-09, 21:14
Ten people? I thought the 'scene' in Caithness was thriving.

27-Jun-09, 21:39
Well Pepsi, I would say judging by the last two gigs I've attended in Skinandis in the last 7 days that's not the case. At least for bands travelling up the road anyway...

27-Jun-09, 23:10
I think the problem with the last two gigs has been, no advertising. I saw a poster when I drove past skins on Thursday for the gig on Friday and the only other reason I knew it was a gig, was because Big Kev was doing the sound.

The gig the other week was sort of last minute advertising... I think I saw one poster, I only knew it was on because of the lads in No Exit Wound.

I think the gig in Skins before that had well over 200 people?

27-Jun-09, 23:13
Yeah sorry, I did add that on my last post but it's got lost in the ether somewhere :s

As you say Jeid, I think advertising has been the key. The amount of folk I've spoken to that said they didn't even know Friday night's gig was on is remarkable.

28-Jun-09, 09:51
It sadly is all down to advertising. The gig last week (Atlas Skye) was booked months ago but Skinandi's only ended up confirming it 3 days before the actual gig :o

28-Jun-09, 13:05
It sadly is all down to advertising. The gig last week (Atlas Skye) was booked months ago but Skinandi's only ended up confirming it 3 days before the actual gig :o

Says it all really doesn't it.

People knew about the Yashin gig(which was packed) months in advance and were anticipating it. There was good local support which also helped the crowd. If people don't know about things, they can't be expected to turn out. If it's advertised, and nobody turns up... well, it says it all really.

28-Jun-09, 22:28
same as the Logan gig...

only had about 30 people there if lucky but they still put on an awesome show, hopefully be beter advertised next time :D

The Pepsi Challenge
29-Jun-09, 06:05
How hard is it to put up a few posters, put an advert in the local paper, and ask the local radio station to regularly announce it?

29-Jun-09, 13:03
well first you have to get the paper, and the printer, and even if you get all that done you still have to buy the blu tack. Dont get me started on actually putting them up. What a task!

29-Jun-09, 17:03
You talk some crap Kenneth, shut up.

29-Jun-09, 17:48
well first you have to get the paper, and the printer, and even if you get all that done you still have to buy the blu tack. Dont get me started on actually putting them up. What a task!

you really are full of poop:confused

30-Jun-09, 07:42
tee hee hee

07-Jul-09, 12:24
Yes i agree, the past two gigs have not been a shining light, although it is down to the advertising more than lack of interest i believe in these cases.

Shame really, we wont be seeing those bands again because of the turnout they got this time. . . .