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View Full Version : Makes you think....

22-Jun-09, 12:30
When i read cases about feral children and esp the cases in which they have learnt to talk somewhat and mannerisms of humans, it all makes me wonder how do we learn to talk, how to use grammer and what makes us human.

The cases of some feral children who have learnt to speak human words after some time and pateince(sp) show me that there is defintly an age where if passed children can not learn grammer. the case of Genie with a few other cases of children found just a couple of years younger than her shows this.

Its a topic i'm very much interested in.

22-Jun-09, 21:22
Yeah Im sure there is an age where grammar is unable to be learned if not by that time. I think it has something to do with the part of your brain you use to make up sentences and use grammar etc, it shrinks because it is not being used. Once it has shrunk it can't grow again, no matter how much the child is taught.

I am quite interested in that area as well. :D

22-Jun-09, 21:45
Just spend most of the evening looking at cases of feral children fantoosh. Aye there is defintly an age in which the brain can process and learn grammer.