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14-Mar-06, 22:33
Have a read, it made me think.


14-Mar-06, 22:37
That's eye opening.

Marty McFly
14-Mar-06, 22:38
Very thought-provoking!

14-Mar-06, 22:39
certainly makes you think..as saveman said "that's eye opening".

Cedric Farthsbottom III
14-Mar-06, 22:40
A very BIG eyeopener to the world.Its amazing how much you take for granted.

14-Mar-06, 22:59
Jeepers that hits home!

15-Mar-06, 00:46
After reading that, I think I'm a very fortunate person. Unlike many of the others who live in this world.

15-Mar-06, 00:50
Nice one Pultneytooner...thanks! :)

15-Mar-06, 01:48
Heck, are you really all so surprised? That's our world folks, warts n all. That's the way it is. That's why we have to strive to improve it. We in the industrial west don't know how lucky we are. Most of the world lives in relative (there's that word again) poverty whilst we sit here with our wide-screen TVs and our broadband internets and our cavity wall insulation and our polls about religion and our self satisfied point scoring on the Org while the third world starves and still we exploit them.

I stand here humbled. Let's all do JUST ONE THING today to try to make the world a better place for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. What can we do? How's about trawling the newspapers for charity ads and sending some money to the one we feel most strongly about? Let's put our religious differences apart for just one day and all pull together to do just one little thing to make our world a better place.

Ok everyone, let's do it and let's all tell the Org what WE did for WWW (World Wide Wednesday) today. :cool:

15-Mar-06, 02:16
Heck, are you really all so surprised? That's our world folks, warts n all. That's the way it is. That's why we have to strive to improve it. We in the industrial west don't know how lucky we are. Most of the world lives in relative (there's that word again) poverty whilst we sit here with our wide-screen TVs and our broadband internets and our cavity wall insulation and our polls about religion and our self satisfied point scoring on the Org while the third world starves and still we exploit them.

I stand here humbled. Let's all do JUST ONE THING today to try to make the world a better place for our less fortunate brothers and sisters. What can we do? How's about trawling the newspapers for charity ads and sending some money to the one we feel most strongly about? Let's put our religious differences apart for just one day and all pull together to do just one little thing to make our world a better place.

Ok everyone, let's do it and let's all tell the Org what WE did for WWW (World Wide Wednesday) today. :cool:

I understand your conviction and point and agree with your sentiments.
But no-one can take on the responsibility of this and be able to get out of bed and face the world.

Someone once said , infact it may have been a sort of prayer;
'Please give me the courage to change the things I can change,to leave the things I can't change and the ability to know the difference.

Continue to strive and improve as a person do everything you can do to make the world a better place[that doesn't mean just sit back and 'never do any one any harm' thats not good enough[i think]

And then be able to sit back and know you've done your best - enabling you to get out of bed the next day.

15-Mar-06, 02:30
Hey, I'm not talking responsibility, I'm not talking think tanks and I'm not talking about improving myself as a person. I'm talking about doing something.

I can get out of bed every morning without worrying about these things. :)

Thanks for your support.

15-Mar-06, 03:12
Hey, I'm not talking responsibility, I'm not talking think tanks and I'm not talking about improving myself as a person. I'm talking about doing something.

I can get out of bed every morning without worrying about these things. :)

Thanks for your support.

Just like me, why worry ,nice to see you back crayola[lol]

15-Mar-06, 09:06
Very interesting post that mate

15-Mar-06, 09:22
wow, that really makes you think!
just thinking about the ammount of food i throw away every day..
you know the scraps that is left over..
what the kids dont eat
whats gone out of date.. ectt..
the money we waste on things we have to have and then never use..
the clothes we buy to be in the latest fashion but have to fight to cram it into our wardrobes.. when we never really needed it in the first place..
and all the other little extras we dont think twice about buying.. when there are so many more out there that have nothing.. no home no food no clothes.. the basics.. that we take for granted are utter luxeries .. to others

15-Mar-06, 09:47
I often think that Brandy, but we still do it.......
I always give generously to charity collectors and have a standing order going from my bank account each month for cancer research.
I sponsor a family in Zambia. After eight years corrospondence, the father, then mother then the baby all died from what I suspect was aids. I felt i knew them personally and had always hoped to meet them one day. I was devastated. I continue to support the remaining children who live with their grandmother.
i know i could have done without that new dress i bought yesterday and given the money away instead - but hey, we are still human.
But like you say Crayola, if we could all do one thing - not just today, but say, even once a month - what a difference it would make.

15-Mar-06, 10:06
good one pultneytooner

15-Mar-06, 10:58
Hey, I'm not talking responsibility, I'm not talking think tanks and I'm not talking about improving myself as a person. I'm talking about doing something.

I can get out of bed every morning without worrying about these things. :)

Thanks for your support.

Yep, it was support and an acknowledgement to do something ! Didn't mention think tanks and doing something makes you a better person ..probably.
Just a point of view of one who has worked and supported individuals in caring situations and seen them go under because they don't have the strength to do all they want to.They burn out, become depressed and can't get out of bed because they can no longer take the responsibility upon themselves for so much.And worse may follow...

Shall we say its the second thought after the emotional urge to run yourself ragged. I remember a first aid cause once where someone asked who is the most important person in an accident situation, everyone said the person most close to death the answer was no ...you! If you are not safe they are all going to die.

Yep run yourself ragged and do something! Just make sure you have plenty of friends to talk to if things get on top of you. Good luck.

15-Mar-06, 11:19
Have a read, it made me think.


That's really sad reading, an enlightening perspective of the state of the world. :(

15-Mar-06, 11:23
Very interesting and humbling, check the "if the village was 1000 people" then it gets a bit scary

15-Mar-06, 11:23
I agree with Crayola.
What is the point in us reading this and saying "wow that's terrible," and then not doing anything about it.
There must be something, even a very small thing that we can do today and every day from now on. Giving to a charity is one idea.

15-Mar-06, 11:36
I agree with Crayola.
What is the point in us reading this and saying "wow that's terrible," and then not doing anything about it.
There must be something, even a very small thing that we can do today and every day from now on. Giving to a charity is one idea.

Savey, there are lots we as citzens of this world can do, firstly and the most easiest by far as I can see is to "Go Green" not politically but to think Green, i.e. recycle as much as you can, turn switches off, conserve energy in what ever form you can, buy fairways goods if possible. I know I personally cannot settle the disputes between warring countries and warring religions in this complex world of ours, but by doing my little bit for the environment, I feel the better for it.

Billy Boy
15-Mar-06, 12:05
makes you stop and think... It really hits home how much we take for granted, when you read something like this.[smirk]
we dont know how lucky we really are. and we all complain of stupid things like the weather etc.

15-Mar-06, 13:34
We hear so much about the problems in the world but that site somehow makes much more sense - it's easier to relate to small numbers than to millions. Certainly stopped me in my tracks. We're a couple of weeks into Lent now and even many non-Christians use it as a time to give something up but it's becoming more common to do something positive instead of negative. It's quite easy to make a change in lifestyle, however small, when you know it's just for the time up to Easter. Somehow by then it's become a habit and you can carry on afterwards without really noticing.

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Mar-06, 02:25
It's all relative. Apathy is the major killer. And ignorance should be the eleventh commandment.