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View Full Version : Parents of children with asthma

13-Mar-06, 22:50
hiya, astma UK (scotland) is coming up to do a talk.. and i was wondering are there any other parents interested?
at the moment the provisional date is april 6th
if anyone would be interested please let me know as i can pass the info on..
there will be asthma specialist there that will be going over info and there for you to ask questions.. so if you have a little one who has asthma would be great to come along..

14-Mar-06, 00:34
this is an excellent event, i hope it will be advertised in the local papers and the northern times in golspie. im sure a lot of parents will attend as there are a lot of children in caithness and sutherland suffering from asthma, adults too. the hospital is very busy with asthma in patients just now. Is this being organised by the caithness asthma society?Is the meeting just for children or will it be about adult asthma too?

14-Mar-06, 00:57
Im an asthmatic and i have suffered with it since i was 2 years of age. I think that it is good that people espically parents are being made aware of how dangerous asthma can be.As alot of people dont know what to do if someone is to have an attack.And i would advice people who have asthmatic children to attend as they may teach you some vital tips.

14-Mar-06, 08:43
this is being done by asthma UK scotland.. so its a new thing.. i will call and ask for more details.. and see about spreading the word..

14-Mar-06, 10:21
My daughter suffers badly from asthma, i find there is not enough people aware of what to do if someone suffers an attack. These meetings are an excellent help. I would urge all parents whose children suffer from this to attend.

14-Mar-06, 17:27
hiya guys
all the info for the meeting and what its about is now on the front page thanks to Bill!!!
have a read!