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13-Jun-09, 21:05
Any suggestions of how to deal with a starling with what looks like a broken foot, thing is getting so tame its coming in the house for feeding

13-Jun-09, 21:30
try the rspca. seen them in the street last about an injured scorrie tony

13-Jun-09, 21:38
try the rspca. seen them in the street last about an injured scorrie tony

Don't think you would see them on the street's of Scotland. :mad:tony

13-Jun-09, 21:50
try the rspca. seen them in the street last about an injured scorrie tony

You would need to contact the SSPCA

13-Jun-09, 21:52

If the starling is tame enough to come into your house, then, I would try to keep it there, but, within a large enough space that it won't feel confined.. can it still fly?.. if so, then ensure the box doesn't allow too much wing movement which could damage its wing/s even further.

Keep the box covered as much as possible and try to resist "peeping" at it every now and then - just leave it it in the box with a wee bowl of water and let it just rest .

Try to keep it within restrictions, to aleviate any further damage and, has already been suggested, call the RSPCA or even a vet, as they should be able to advise you.

The main thing is, as you know, this is a wild bird and confinement of any sort could result in it expiring due to the sheer stress of human intervention !

But at the same time, you're doing what I would do - I HATE to see any sort of wildlife in pain....... GOOD LUCK !!!!! X

13-Jun-09, 22:12

If the starling is tame enough to come into your house, then, I would try to keep it there, but, within a large enough space that it won't feel confined.. can it still fly?.. if so, then ensure the box doesn't allow too much wing movement which could damage its wing/s even further.

Keep the box covered as much as possible and try to resist "peeping" at it every now and then - just leave it it in the box with a wee bowl of water and let it just rest .

Try to keep it within restrictions, to aleviate any further damage and, has already been suggested, call the RSPCA or even a vet, as they should be able to advise you.

The main thing is, as you know, this is a wild bird and confinement of any sort could result in it expiring due to the sheer stress of human intervention !

But at the same time, you're doing what I would do - I HATE to see any sort of wildlife in pain....... GOO

If you know so much as you profess to say about wildlife, You should know there is no such thing as the RSPCA in Scotland:mad: it is SSPCA

14-Jun-09, 00:28
If it is coming in the house for feeding it is a sign it is going to survive...so keep on giving food..... the wee soul wants to live.
Many wild birds can be seen with limbs damaged and can survive quite well and thrive once healed.
2 years ago a little robin was hit by a harsh gust of wind, blowing it backwards and its foot was caught in the wire fence. After my oh and I freed the badly broken foot, the little bird was brought into the house, put in a box with a layer of bubble wrap for warmth and left in the quiet.
Two hours later it had flown out of the box and was standing on a picture frame......the broken foot was held on only by a thread of skin. I opened the front door and off it flew. I didn't see it for weeks and wondered if I had done the right thing in letting it go...........Come the spring of the following year he reappeared with his mate..........how did I know it was him....because he only had one foot.
So carry on being kind to the little starling, who should mend well enough and eventually be able to fend for itself.:)

14-Jun-09, 09:39
Further news, the starling is still alive feeding and flying disappeared late yesterday with other starlings but back this morning for breakfast, not touched by us so far the only human intervention is food.

14-Jun-09, 11:49
Don't think you would see them on the street's of Scotland. :mad:tony
youve lost me on this one,??? a scorrie js a seagull and we have them on every second chimney in the street, nesting actually
you can hardly come out of a chip shop without being attacked by them [lol] tony

14-Jun-09, 13:20
Well done for caring for the injured starling Ziggy48 and glad it has recovered well enough to join it's mates.:D

Love that it has come back for food!lol

14-Jun-09, 13:24
Further news, the starling is still alive feeding and flying disappeared late yesterday with other starlings but back this morning for breakfast, not touched by us so far the only human intervention is food.

Sounds as if the little bird is doing fine but, will be glad to have found a friend in you to help with getting enough food......Once the leg heals it probably will be happy to fend for itself....but you could have made a wee special friend, who even when fit again will pop around for a tasty. Well done you for caring.

14-Jun-09, 14:32
youve lost me on this one,??? a scorrie js a seagull and we have them on every second chimney in the street, nesting actually
you can hardly come out of a chip shop without being attacked by them [lol] tony

Tigh - Chillie is trying to tell you that the RSPCA do not operate in Scotland - the SSPCA do.
I can see why there is all the furore about the RSPCA trying to collect donations in Scotland when it is apparent from this small thread that there is confusion.

14-Jun-09, 19:15
Tigh - Chillie is trying to tell you that the RSPCA do not operate in Scotland - the SSPCA do.
I can see why there is all the furore about the RSPCA trying to collect donations in Scotland when it is apparent from this small thread that there is confusion.
thanks wifie was just going to post that i had eventually worked it out at last [lol]
i thought no scorries and there marching up and down the street here [lol]
justs goes to show how your the expert in charge of the quiz
all the best tony