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04-Jun-09, 15:31
I'm glad to see that realistic sentences have been given, minimum sentences or 40 and 35 years. Of course life without parole would have been most acceptable but I think this is a realistic sentence.[evil]

04-Jun-09, 16:04
Well done the Trial judge, Mr Justice Saunders. A realistic sentence (although you can bet your bottom dollar some QC somewhere is planning an appeal on some technicality)..

I think Guinea might be a wee bit over the top?

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/8082532.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/8082532.stm) A senior member of Guinea's military government has been criticised after he called for robbers to be burnt alive.

04-Jun-09, 16:27
I'm glad to see that realistic sentences have been given, minimum sentences or 40 and 35 years. Of course life without parole would have been most acceptable but I think this is a realistic sentence.[evil]

I do agree, it's about time such sentences were given out for violent crimes such as murder, particularly very violent murders like this one.

I do feel though, that it's a shame Baby Peter's killers didn't get the same or worse. That poor child was let down when he was alive and he is still being let down now that he's dead. His father must be so angry about the sentences given to the monsters that tortured and killed his beautiful son.

04-Jun-09, 19:26
I'm glad to see that realistic sentences have been given, minimum sentences or 40 and 35 years. Of course life without parole would have been most acceptable but I think this is a realistic sentence.[evil]

Made me cross hearing interview with Jack Straw. The head of the Probation Service resigned, although it wasn't his fault, but Jack Straw won't although it was his. The reason one of these men wasn't in prison, where he should have been, was that the integrated system had been cancelled and there was no communication between police/prison/ probation etc. Whose fault is that if not the Govt.? What use is an apology to the parents of the victims?