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View Full Version : Flowers for pots

02-Jun-09, 14:27
Can anyone recommend some small plants for pots which would stand up okay to the Caithness winds?

I got Lobelia from Tesco last year but the plants they have this year haven't been watered and are dying.:confused

02-Jun-09, 21:30
Hi Liz, planted up 4 hanging baskets and 32 pots at the weekend!

My tried and tested plants for a windy Caithness hillside are:

Trailing lobelia (try Homebase or Castletown garden centre).
Trailing & upright fuschia

Pack plenty in and they'll soon bush out, all I lost last year was a couple of the lobelia, everything else did really well!

02-Jun-09, 21:33
lobelia will usuallly spring back to life with watering, so see if you can get them to sell you them at a discounted price

I've been using periwinkle in baskets and pots over the last year or so and its great, lasts all year round with flowers in the summer :)

02-Jun-09, 22:22
Thanks ever so much both.

Very much appreciated.:D