View Full Version : The Days of the Dragon

Cedric Farthsbottom III
26-May-09, 20:07
It was hot and sunny on top of the hill
The wind non-existent,the air is so still
Four friends on a crusade,they must succeed
Watch out for the evil,they must take heed

To vanquish the dragon that brought such fear
To all the towns people who lived quite near
For many were lost and never found
On this same hill,on this same ground

When in the distance the beast they saw
Large dragon of the county,they watched in awe
For how can they so small,compete with that
They had a discussion and down they sat

One thought of a net,to catch the beast
The others thought it useless,they'd just be a feast
One thought of a cannon,for the dragon to slay
"We hivnae got a cannon",the others did say

One thought of some water,to put out its fire
Is this the best idea,or are their ideas so dire
Then one jumped up,the idea was so daring
A way to stop the dragon without any caring

The three listened intently to what he did say
To annihilate the dragon,was there really a way
"My friends we won't surrender,so don't show sorrow
We'll go home for tea and come back tomorrow"

26-May-09, 22:13
A wonderful story of young derring-do Ced! :D