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13-May-09, 19:26

Sepa want to charge people £103 or £74 online to register their septic tank or sewage plant.
They said originally by end of march but complaints meant the free period is until the end of May.
Quite how they have publicised this I am not sure but I heard yesterday.

It is now a legal requirement and without a registration you might not be able to complete a sale if you are away from mains sewerage.

13-May-09, 20:03
Why does every legal requirement in this country cost money? Doesn't the Government have enough of our money? [disgust]

13-May-09, 20:23
They only want a quid if its before the end of the month but obviously they haven't squeezed us quite hard enough yet.

13-May-09, 22:26
Thanks for bringing attention to this - appreciated

14-May-09, 13:02
Thanks for the information. I had never heard anything about this. All done now though.

concerned resident
14-May-09, 15:23
Thank you for info, have now registered, talk about a rip off, feel sorry for all those folk who do not have Caithness org, and will end up having to pay such a ridiculous charge , still it will all probably end up helping to pay for our MP's expense's or to pay for a Lord to change the law.

14-May-09, 15:54
Davem Top Marks for bringing this to light.....just completed registration.
You are definately the Best Orger of the month....Thank you, would never have known a thing about this.

14-May-09, 18:59
What about all those people who registered earlier, as a requirement for selling, and paid the fee? It seems from the link that the free period is only for April and May. Wonder if it's worth trying for a refund - I feel cheated now [disgust]

Many thanks for the info.

14-May-09, 19:49
thanks for information.have done on line, great to get a saving of money from org ,

14-May-09, 20:23
This is nothing new - It has been a legal requirement to register septic tanks and private sewage systems since the 1970's (they used to be called COPA Consents until 3 years ago).

All that has changed is that since late last year SEPA waived all charges for licences and permits so as to ease the burden on businesses and householders in the light of the credit crunch, and this free period comes to an end on 31 May. Local papers were sent press releases about the free offer months ago but some did not publish same.

14-May-09, 22:41
Oops, sorry. Thought this thread was about cockney rhyming slang.:eek:

14-May-09, 23:22
Why do you have to register a septic tank? When you build your house SEPA are involved right from the start so they already know about the tank? Can someone please explain so that I understand? Once I understand I can then go register my tank.:confused

15-May-09, 03:21

Sepa want to charge people £103 or £74 online to register their septic tank or sewage plant.
They said originally by end of march but complaints meant the free period is until the end of May.

Thank you, davem for putting up this information.

lynne duncan
15-May-09, 12:26
blooming daft it is, I've just filled in the form for my in-laws, their tank went in 40 years ago and when I spoke to sepa about this they said it was registered in the 70's but the paperwork was only valid for 5 years and that yes we would have to register it!!!!!!

16-May-09, 17:12
Thanks for all the kind words, feeling guilty now, if it wasn't for Duncan Gray telling me I couldn't have posted. So its thanks to him really, but basking in glory has been nice for a few days.