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26-Oct-03, 15:14
Im delighted that at last the government is doing something about dog mess!!!

Its about time.Where i live(Argyle Square) people come from allover to dump their mess in the green.
There are a number of people who have it down to an art!!.
They accidently on purpose look away as the dog "delivers" its message!

The chief culprits know who they are but in case there reading this i hope they take into consideration the effect it has on people when you stand in it and bring it home, would they like it if i fouled in their garden?? dont think so.

But just to let them know i am watching and will name and shame them to the polis.

That includes the lady with the grey poodle who looks away every time the dog does it or takes a bag out and picks it up only if someone is coming and to the man with 2 dogs that has a family history of dog mess, you could be next in court oh the shame of it! :D

Lets hope dog owners that abuse the system wake up and take heed of the new laws, i am!!!!!!!! :eek:

26-Oct-03, 21:40
Well said. Dog mess is the most repulsive of all mess. Dog owners have a responsibility when walking their dogs. I find a forty quid fine rather lenient when you think the damage that can be done by coming into contact with it.

The fine should be more like £100. Then perhaps dog owners would be more responsible.
Another bug bear is those who take their dogs on the beach and let them roam. Three times this summer I was at Reiss beach with my wife and children when on these occasions dogs were left to roam. The first incident an uncaring person was letting his dog run about on the beach when his dog ran around our beach tent. O.K. nothing happened but, he should have more respect when the beach is full. The second incident, another uncaring owner with his dog again running loose let his dog do it's business in the sand. Then of course when the tide came in the bairns couldn't swim in the water.

The third incident this time the dog, one of those horrible, yappy, Jack Russell rat type dogs with a stupid female owner let it roam about. Only for the dog to wizz on the beach tent. Needless to say we packed up and went home. Not even an apology from the stupid woman.

People who walk their animals and don't have respect for others should not be allowed animals ever again. It's time to name and shame. I know if I was still in Wick I would carry my camera with me at all times.

27-Oct-03, 13:17
ii find shouting after the owners "your mess will follow you home" usually works a treat! :)

29-Oct-03, 20:11
Now here's a subject dear to my heart.
Dawn, Toronto, February, snow, ice, teeth chattering wind.
Struggle into: long johns, heavy pants, flannel shirt,fleece jacket, tuque, goose down parka, 2 pairs of socks, rubber/leather boots.
Plus one dog leash.
Attach borderline collie to leash, pull on goretex mittens, open back door.
Arctic blast torques the central heating system which springs into life with a roar.
Stagger outside slamming door behind me.
Pitiful yelp and yank on my clavicle tells me the dog is still inside
Retreive dog.
Hear up driveway into clear. black, frozen night.
My nose hairs are freezing!
Dog looks perky. Enjoying himself. Never had frostbite yet. Unlike moi.
Park ahead. Leafless spectral trees. WInd beginning to howl ominously.
DOg cocks leg. Spatter and cloud of steam. Yellow piss holes in the snow.
I throw his kong into the frozen wasteland. He's off like a shot. He stops. Moans.
Lies down.
He has iceballs between his paws.
I am in denial. Last year we went through the muckluck saga- nylon, velcro dog bootees.
How come these guys in the dog sled races manage to keep the things on the dogs. Memories of fruitless searches in the snow while my dog hobbles around on three - no two - mucklucks.
I will not do mucklucks again. He can go to Florida instead where my wife goes for three months every year. I'll even go with him. (It's my right. Sutherlands should all go south...)
OK - at the heel of the chase, here's the point.
Let's scoop the poop.
This is GOOD advice. Listen carefully. GLAD LUNCHBAGS are the answer. Not the transparent ones - baarff !- no the sturdy taupe coloured issues.
What do you mean you don't have them in Thurso??? (Go immediately to Inverness.)
Slip the bag over your hand. Approach the poop. Pick it up and slip the bag off your hand so that the poop is enclosed. Drop in garbage can.
Now, kiddies, wasn't that easy.
Wait a minute - dog is still immobilized.
"GET UPPP!!!!"
Injured expression on dog's face. Tears well up in brown eves. Or is that snow?
I pick him up in my arms.
We lurch homewards.
My God his breath smells bad!!!
Next week: Brushing your dog's teeth.

The Angel Of Death
30-Oct-03, 12:14
check out the link and pick the flaming bag of poo for some idea's on what to do with "spare" dog turd

(perfect time of year and all that)


06-Nov-03, 00:03
I am so fed up with the mess of our streets and it always gets worse at this time of year as the dog owners seem to slow down with the cold and just take the dog round the block.Today as always I was trying to come across the ellon bridge with a double buggy and it was like an assault course!! Even after taking extreme care not to go through any mess I still had to wash down the buggy and clean childrens shoes because it was everywhere!! This seems to have become part of my daily routine and what annoys me most is that I clean up after my dogs so why cant THEY?? I personally would find it more embarrasing to leave a pile of dog mess than to clean it up! I have now gotten so annoyed about it that if I spot someone looking away while their dog relieves itself that i say "are you going to clean it up" and i can tell you that gets a reaction :evil I notice also that some people seem so embarassed that they drag their poor pet along as it relieves itself and this is ten times worse cos then you have to avoid loads of dollops as opposed to one pile! :confused I do hope that the new rules are enforced so that i dont have to constantly walk down the street saying "WATCH YOUR FEET" I swear the kids are going to start thinking that's their new name. :~(

Mr P Cannop
06-Nov-03, 11:38
no one does any thing about it not even the police
