View Full Version : Time bank- help each other out

08-May-09, 01:06
There is a new service being launched whereby we can share our skills with each other and help each other out.
For example if Fred cant iron but wants his shirts ironed, he could give them to Freda to do and in exchange he will cut her grass .Jean cant drive and needs a lift home from college so Jane will do this in exchange for Jean taking her dog for a walk.
There are all types of things we could do in exchange for each other, shopping, pet care, gardening, shopping, drive someone to an appointment,computing, writing letters,car washing,...the list is endless.

For more details and to join the scheme contact [email protected] based at Telford House, Williamson Street, Wick. The time bank scheme is also based at Lochaber, Badenoch and Strathspey and Inverness.

Maybe i will get my garden done after all!!

08-May-09, 06:35
Really smart idea Fran, hope there are lots of uptakes,too far away for me.:)

08-May-09, 09:52
Brilliant idea - hope it catches on. I'll definitely be getting in touch.

08-May-09, 16:16
This (http://www.volunteeringhighland.org/Time-Bank-g.asp) is a link to the particular page on their website. The only thing I would say against it is that it values everybodys time equally, which may limit those who will participate. I would have thought a sliding scale where each skill was given a multiplier would be better.

08-May-09, 17:06
time bank is clever idea if everyone plays the game probably working better in area like caithness compared to a big city

08-May-09, 17:30
Think it is a good idea and hope it takes off.

To someone who hates ironing, my ironing skills would surely be worth as many points as a tree surgeons if i couldn`t use a chainsaw.

08-May-09, 17:56
Is this not something that stems from Japan remember reading it a few weeks back in a paper

Margaret M.
08-May-09, 19:06
The only thing I would say against it is that it values everybodys time equally, which may limit those who will participate. I would have thought a sliding scale where each skill was given a multiplier would be better.

I think for something like this the simpler it is the better -- an hour for an hour, regardless of education and skills. Great idea, I hope it is a success.

08-May-09, 19:19
Is it not what everyone use to do in days gone by.Help their neighbourghs and friends free of charge.Havent times change ...sigh...

08-May-09, 19:43
I think for something like this the simpler it is the better -- an hour for an hour, regardless of education and skills. Great idea, I hope it is a success.

I can understand that, but take the imaginary scenario where a mechanic (normally on say £18 per hour) is asked to do a job in return for say some house cleaning (for a cleaner who might be on £6 per hour). It would make more sense for the mechanic to work an extra hour (where possible of course) and they could then get 3 hours cleaning instead of 1.

I don't know what the rates for either position actually are - this is just an example of how the inequality of the system might limit those who wish to participate.

08-May-09, 19:50
I can understand that, but take the imaginary scenario where a mechanic (normally on say £18 per hour) is asked to do a job in return for say some house cleaning (for a cleaner who might be on £6 per hour). It would make more sense for the mechanic to work an extra hour (where possible of course) and they could then get 3 hours cleaning instead of 1.

I don't know what the rates for either position actually are - this is just an example of how the inequality of the system might limit those who wish to participate.

I understand what you're getting at Bob but I think those who join the scheme won't be thinking of the monetary value, it will be more from a sense of altruism, that they may be helping someone who can't afford to pay a normal rate but will gladly give what little effort they can in return.

08-May-09, 21:36
I would love this but am too far and there seem to be no signs of it starting in my area.

09-May-09, 00:00
It's a great idea and I hope it works so good luck...too far out for me to be of any use.....:(

09-May-09, 00:35
I understand what you're getting at Bob but I think those who join the scheme won't be thinking of the monetary value, it will be more from a sense of altruism, that they may be helping someone who can't afford to pay a normal rate but will gladly give what little effort they can in return.I think you're right JV.

At my peak it would have taken a whole week of house cleaning to pay for one hour of my modelling time. It's not something anyone would have entertained.

09-May-09, 01:41
I'll offer you an hour of PC sorting for an hour of your modelling then Crayola :D No? Why? :(

09-May-09, 02:18
It works on a points system hour by hour, it doesnt work on the cost of the work, its just like a swap shop with no money involved.

09-May-09, 02:51
I think you're right JV.

At my peak it would have taken a whole week of house cleaning to pay for one hour of my modelling time. It's not something anyone would have entertained.

Well, nobody wants your modellimg time any more...get over it!

09-May-09, 08:53
Sounds a brilliant idea! I need some one with a trailer to dump a lot of rubbish for me - I'd be glad to do anything within my meager talents to repay.

09-May-09, 09:43
Well, nobody wants your modellimg time any more...get over it!

Speak for yourself. ;)

Alice in Blunderland
09-May-09, 09:46
I'll offer you an hour of PC sorting for an hour of your modelling then Crayola :D No? Why? :(

Youre a chancer Bob but I like it............ :lol:

Penelope Pitstop
09-May-09, 11:44
This sounds a brilliant idea.

It reminds me on old fashioned values.

And so nice to see that there will be none of the what I did for you is worth 3 times what you did for me...that just wouldn't work - defeats the point IMO.

09-May-09, 12:12
a great idea - I'm going to sign up - hate ironing and have a massive garden that I just don't have time to do so fingers crossed someone will want to swop for a treatment. I don't think it's monetary value that matters - an hour of someones time is an hour of someones time..... :D

09-May-09, 13:09
What treatment do you offer lelebo?

09-May-09, 13:15
I do different complimentary therapies - reiki, indian head massage, indian face massage, hopi candles and hot stone massage. Would be willing to swop an hours treatment of any of these for some ironing or gardening :)

09-May-09, 13:38
I dont have much i could trade! :confused

I can make coffee/tea, bake cheesecakes, set up a network lol.

Bob, i will cut ur grass if i can have cheese! :Razz Fair swap..*looks out window* better cut ma own grass first! [lol]

09-May-09, 14:53
Great idea, anyone out there hate watching Tv and like doing housework?, then today is your lucky day, i will come round and watch your Tv to make sure you get value for money on your Tv License while you come to my house and clean up after 4 messy cats, 3 messy rabbits, 1 messy teenager and an untidy wife, and seeing as i'm such a nice chap i will do you a 3 for 2 offer, 3 hours of watching your Tv for only a paltry 2 hours cleaning my house, now is that a bargain or what? ;)

I expect demand for this excellent opportunity to be high, so get in there quick.
Apply in writing to the usual PM account :D

09-May-09, 15:30
Dear Mr Gizmo

What an excellent fellow you are, and what a timely moment for you to offer your services. I've just finished watched the Grand Prix qualifying on television and now find myself at a loose end. It's such a rip off paying for a tv licence yet I find I don't get value for money-you are the saviour to my dilemma....I was on the verge of dispensing with my tv completely. I'd be more than happy to use your services, I'll even throw in as much beer, tea or coffee as you can handle and while you are at it, please empty my fridge and cupboards of all contents too. I'd be only too happy to come service your wife, throw the messy teenager in the bin, have all the animals put to sleep and clean your house. As a bonus I'll even do all the ironing too.

I sincerely hope this meets your needs and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Mr J. Oxville

Alice in Blunderland
09-May-09, 16:06
Dear Mr Gizmo

I'd be only too happy to come service your wife, throw the messy teenager in the bin, have all the animals put to sleep and clean your house. As a bonus I'll even do all the ironing too.

Erm Jox I didnt see a request from Gizmo to service his wife .......... :eek: it was tidy up after her.

09-May-09, 16:29
Dear Mr Gizmo

What an excellent fellow you are, and what a timely moment for you to offer your services. I've just finished watched the Grand Prix qualifying on television and now find myself at a loose end. It's such a rip off paying for a tv licence yet I find I don't get value for money-you are the saviour to my dilemma....I was on the verge of dispensing with my tv completely. I'd be more than to use your services, I'll even throw in as much beer, tea or coffee as you can handle and while you are at it, please empty my fridge and cupboards of all contents too. I'd be only too happy to come service your wife, throw the messy teenager in the bin, have all the animals put to sleep and clean your house. As a bonus I'll even do all the ironing too.

I sincerely hope this meets your needs and look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.

Mr J. Oxville

Dear Mr Oxville

Thank you for your application and your interest in my services, Unfortunately on this occasion you have been unsuccessful and after not very careful consideration I shall not be progressing your application any further.
I am happy to inform you that 'The Wife' is serviced every 10000 miles, which in human time equates to around twice a year, normally on a birthday and at Christmas/New Year, 'The Wife' has clearly stated that a bi-annual servicing is more than adequate and that any more is 'Just Being Greedy'
The disposal of said 'Messy Teenager' nearly warranted progression of your application to formal interview, but after your suggestion of 'Family Member Murder' I don't feel you would be a suitable candidate for the position, I have passed on your comments regarding summary execution of beloved family members to the SSPCA who will dispence a henchman...sorry i mean representative to deal with you accordingly, hopefully by means of 'A Good Twatting'

Please refrain from submitting any further applications for my services.

Mr G. Izmo
Director, Freeloading Inc

09-May-09, 16:58
Dear Mr Izmo

Sorry for the misunderstanding. In my haste to secure your services I made a mistake in leaving out some words. I am offering to service your wifes car well as clean the family home. I also failed to make it clear I'd throw the messy rubbish from teenagers in the bin and to have the animals put to their relevant cages before sleep.

Hoping this clears up any confusion

Mr J. Oxville

I.C. Acon Ltd.

09-May-09, 17:25
Dear Mr Izmo

Sorry for the misunderstanding. In my haste to secure your services I made a mistake in leaving out some words. I am offering to service your wifes car well as clean the family home. I also failed to make it clear I'd throw the messy rubbish from teenagers in the bin and to have the animals put to their relevant cages before sleep.

Hoping this clears up any confusion

Mr J. Oxville

I.C. Acon Ltd.

Dear Mr Oxville

Thank you for clearing up matters, although your explanation gives the impression that you are not only illiterate, but clumsy, do you rush through all chores in such a manner and make as many mistakes?, for the sake of Mrs Oxville i do hope not.
We are a 'free society' around here and do not believe in the constraints of cages for animals such as Cats and Rabbits, although we have on occasion considered one for the 'messy teenager', although confinement to the dark cavernous black hole called it's 'bedroom' does seem to work to a degree.
'The Wife' does not own a car, but her engine is in tip top condition and kept sparkling clean, so I shall not be requiring your services on this occasion.

Once again, thank you for showing an interest in my superior Tv watching skills

Mr G. Izmo
Director, Freeloading Inc

09-May-09, 18:14
Dear Mr Izmo

I must take exception to your inference that I may be 'illiterate' or 'clumsy'-I am neither. Nor am I in possession a Mrs Oxville, I believe the constraining of a fellow human by flimsy legal documents to be legalised entrapment and take no part in such practices.

Your original offer advised serious applicants to 'get in quick', which is exactly what I had done. Wouldn't you agree that it's more time consuming making sure syntax and punctuation are correct, time that is better spent cleaning etc., after all, you don't need an 'ology' to be a cleaner, just a high standard of cleanliness-which I happen to possess. Why, only last week the popular songstress Ms Katie Melua was frothing at the mouth to secure my services!! If a person of her (rather short) stature is willing to employ my services, (the poor mite is down to her last £18m), then I'm sure a decidedly dodgy character such as yourself will see my offer as exceptional.

By your own admission, you considered a cage for your feral teenager! This is the 21st century, not the 16th. Also, confining them to their 'dark hole' of a bedroom is utterly contemptous-a bedroom is for sleeping in, NOT to be used as a form of illegal imprisonment. Such practices are abhorent and I've a good mind to report you to the relevant authorites, but shall desist on this occassion-I shall take it as an attempt at humour on your part. It's also fortuitous that Mrs Izmo doesn't own a car, you seem like the sort of fellow that would tamper with the brakes of said car.

I have to say on reviewing your previous correspondence that I'm glad not to be in your debt-I'd be lucky to have any home to return to-lest I find my possessions at the next car boot sale.!! Your one saving grace is allowing animals to gambol freely as nature intended, though I expect they are earmarked for your soup pot at some time in the future.

Have an average day sir.

Mr J. Oxville

I.C. Acon Ltd

09-May-09, 18:25
Speak for yourself. ;)You're not the only one JV. The offers still come in but unlike my friend Jane Warner I am still steadfastly retired. I won't post a link to Jane's website because it contains glamour photographs.

09-May-09, 18:27
You're not the only one JV. The offers still come in but unlike my friend Jane Warner I am still steadfastly retired. I won't post a link to Jane's website because it contains glamour photographs.
You don't need to-I went there months ago. ;) [lol] She was (and still is) one of my favourites. :Razz

09-May-09, 18:47
Dear Mr Izmo

I must take exception to your inference that I may be 'illiterate' or 'clumsy'-I am neither. Nor am I in possession a Mrs Oxville, I believe the constraining of a fellow human by flimsy legal documents to be legalised entrapment and take no part in such practices.

Your original offer advised serious applicants to 'get in quick', which is exactly what I had done. Wouldn't you agree that it's more time consuming making sure syntax and punctuation are correct, time that is better spent cleaning etc., after all, you don't need an 'ology' to be a cleaner, just a high standard of cleanliness-which I happen to possess. Why, only last week the popular songstress Ms Katie Melua was frothing at the mouth to secure my services!! If a person of her (rather short) stature is willing to employ my services, (the poor mite is down to her last £18m), then I'm sure a decidedly dodgy character such as yourself will see my offer as exceptional.

By your own admission, you considered a cage for your feral teenager! This is the 21st century, not the 16th. Also, confining them to their 'dark hole' of a bedroom is utterly contemptous-a bedroom is for sleeping in, NOT to be used as a form of illegal imprisonment. Such practices are abhorent and I've a good mind to report you to the relevant authorites, but shall desist on this occassion-I shall take it as an attempt at humour on your part. It's also fortuitous that Mrs Izmo doesn't own a car, you seem like the sort of fellow that would tamper with the brakes of said car.

I have to say on reviewing your previous correspondence that I'm glad not to be in your debt-I'd be lucky to have any home to return to-lest I find my possessions at the next car boot sale.!! Your one saving grace is allowing animals to gambol freely as nature intended, though I expect they are earmarked for your soup pot at some time in the future.

Have an average day sir.

Mr J. Oxville

I.C. Acon Ltd

Dear Mr Oxville
After careful consideration i am delighted to inform you that I have reconsidered my original decision and would like to offer you the advertised vacancy.
I shall disregard the insulting final paragraph of your letter due to having incedibly thick skin.
I have come to this decision based on the following criteria, 'Pity', you seem like a rather hapless oaf who is unable to procure himself a mate, so to relieve you of this pointless and mundane existence i shall allow you the pleasure of cleaning my family home, on the understanding that you leave this..'Katie Melua' creature at your home in a scantily clad manner, I shall have her fetch me refreshments during 'Top Gear'

Please present yourself in the correct atire at my home address, 8:am Monday morning, something similar to this outfit shall suffice.


I shall require satisfactory references before commencement of employment.

Mr G. Izmo
Director, Freeloading Inc

09-May-09, 18:47
It's scary to see what you guys do with a serious thread.

09-May-09, 18:50
You don't need to-I went there months ago. ;) She was (and still is) one of my favourites. :Razz
I'll tell her that next time I'm in touch with her. ;)

09-May-09, 18:52
I'll tell her that next time I'm in touch with her. ;)

I just Googled her....nice!...very nice!, it's given me palpitations :lol:

09-May-09, 18:53
I just Googled her....nice!...very nice!, it's given me palpitations :lol:Please form an orderly queue gentlemen. :D

09-May-09, 19:00
Please form an orderly queue gentlemen. :D

No chance, we'll be scrambling like a couple of ravenous Scorries after a disgarded bag of chips in the middle of a busy road :lol:

09-May-09, 19:42
At my peak it would have taken a whole week of house cleaning to pay for one hour of my modelling time.

Like the TV series, shouldn't that have been Twin Peaks? ;)

09-May-09, 19:48
Mr Izmo

You have failed to understand my previous correspondence-I said I have no wish to be in your debt. I shall not be arriving at your requested time and further, I shall be notifying the legal bodies in respect to you publishing pictures of a salacious nature-I do hope that image is not of one of your family members. Also, I'm sure I can speak on behalf of Ms Katie Melua and categorically state that she would have nothing whatsoever to do with a person of your ill-repute. You remind me a dirty old man that likes to surround himself with pretty objects of desire yet seems to value them so little. I question your motives and sanity. See attached pic.


Please do not contact me any further or I shall seek legal advice.

Mr J. Oxville

10-May-09, 02:17
I love ironing, especially shirts, also driving so i hope in exchange .to get my garden, car and computer done

Alice in Blunderland
10-May-09, 09:05
I love ironing, especially shirts, also driving so i hope in exchange .to get my garden, car and computer done

Ooo Fran can I drop off hubbys shirts to you and I can leave my teenage son for a while to do your garden ;)

10-May-09, 09:19
thank you JV and Gizmo for a good laugh. Fairly brightened up my Sunday morning!

10-May-09, 11:11
thank you JV and Gizmo for a good laugh. Fairly brightened up my Sunday morning!
Ditto with that,them two had me chuckling all along with that.
Bob I think your 4th post is absolute tripe!--No way how the system should be run!--I would have expected better from you.

Crayola-thank you for post 33!! Wow:D

10-May-09, 16:53
Crayola-thank you for post 33!! Wow:D

Big fan of the Warner "Brothers" then horseman? ;)

11-May-09, 22:29
Big fan of the Warner "Brothers" then horseman? ;)
I think he is more a fan of the Warner twins.[lol]

11-May-09, 22:35
I used to belong to a similar scheme called Letts where you gave and earned points. So to start, I can offer gardening services and small pet(rabbit and guinea pig) boarding for holidays, in exchange for ironing or a massage!:D
I can also offer lifts between Thurso and Wick.

16-May-09, 00:02
No chance, we'll be scrambling like a couple of ravenous Scorries after a disgarded bag of chips in the middle of a busy road :lol:
Lol Jane will be delighted to learn she has a fan base in Caithness. She's from Brighton originally and has always been a really southern girl.

21-May-09, 18:45
I have now registered for this and so have many others, they hope to get it started next week. I think it is a great idea for everyone to help everyone else. I think the disabled and pensioners will be delighted with this scheme.

21-May-09, 18:53
Lol Jane will be delighted to learn she has a fan base in Caithness. She's from Brighton originally and has always been a really southern girl.

Woo hoo, she doesn't live that far from me. :Razz

21-May-09, 23:33
I don't need ironing now, got a new snazzy iron that takes all the creases out of things:)
I can offer temp housing for bunnies. In exchange I would like my car serviced!
darning, alterations, customising or measuring for curtains.

23-May-09, 00:02
Woo hoo, she doesn't live that far from me. :Razz
Would you like me to put in a good word for you? She still models you know. ;)

23-May-09, 01:07
She still models you know. ;)

More "Down South" these days was the word on the streets ;)

23-May-09, 11:23
Would you like me to put in a good word for you? She still models you know. ;)

Yeah, crack on please. Btw, I don't want her to model for me, I'd just like to meet her. ;)

Miss Mack
23-May-09, 13:02
Great idea for getting out of doing the ironing:lol:

24-May-09, 00:10
Yeah, crack on please. Btw, I don't want her to model for me, I'd just like to meet her. ;)
So would a lot of other people. ;)

07-Jun-09, 01:04
I am wondering if any of you have tried this service yet? It would be interesting to know how it is going.

07-Jun-09, 09:25
An excellent post, Fran. Great idea - I would support it whole-heartedly if I were in Caithness. If any orgers live in my area (Reading) I can offer gardening (all sorts), pond maintenance, basic car maintenance, decorating, woodwork, PC coaching/teaching, ironing, cooking, etc