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05-May-09, 21:56
We movied a couple of months ago, but have stayed with the same housing association so they now where we live, now the odd thing we have forgotton to change address, but my oh, assumed his credit card would have been changed with his bank details as they are both with the same bank, we were wondering how we were never getting the new card as his last one expired, so he phoned the credit card lot, only to be told a new card had been sent out to the old address on the 31st of march, but we have since descoveed the cairn have been telling the contractors just to dump our mail, now in my eyes surly this must be wrong that they can do this, especially things like credit cards, so where do you think we would stand on this matter.

05-May-09, 22:02
that is wrong on so many levels...
isnt it against the law for starters messing with other peoples mail..maybe check with yr postie what the score is..if he don't know try the c.a.b office it wont hurt to get advise on it...if someone else gets hold of that card ..well it don't bear thinking about....oh hun i hope u get that sorted...

05-May-09, 22:05
that is wrong on so many levels...
isnt it against the law for starters messing with other peoples mail..maybe check with yr postie what the score is..if he don't know try the c.a.b office it wont hurt to get advise on it...if someone else gets hold of that card ..well it don't bear thinking about....oh hun i hope u get that sorted...
cheers for that, the oh is going to get on the phone to the cab tomorrow and see what they say, oh caitn better watch out as he is gunning for them lol.

05-May-09, 22:07
I'm afraid it's your responsibility to inform your bank of any change of address. Even though you are still with the same housing association it is not up to them to redirect mail to your new house should it arrive at your old address. You need to let the post office know you have moved.Any mail with your name on it at the old address will still be delivered there.

05-May-09, 22:10
I'm afraid it's your responsibility to inform your bank of any change of address. Even though you are still with the same housing association it is not up to them to redirect mail to your new house should it arrive at your old address. You need to let the post office know you have moved.Any mail with your name on it at the old address will still be delivered there.

Venture's right but its only commen courtesy to forward on your mail not dump it.:confused

05-May-09, 22:13
I'm afraid it's your responsibility to inform your bank of any change of address. Even though you are still with the same housing association it is not up to them to redirect mail to your new house should it arrive at your old address. You need to let the post office know you have moved.Any mail with your name on it at the old address will still be delivered there.yeah i understand this, so why cant they just but in in the postbox marked with no longer at this address, im not asking them to redirect the mail to us, that would be to much for them to handle[lol]but just dumping it in the bin that just is wrong.

Venture's right but its only commen courtesy to forward on your mail not dump it.:confused
i know we should have told everyone but the odd thing escaped us.

05-May-09, 22:20
If any mail was sent to your old address then whoever is in that house is under no obligation to forward it in to you even if they know your new address.

It is completely up to you to have notified your Credit Card Company even if it is the same Bank that you use as the Credit Card will be a different part of the Company.

What you should have done before you left your old address was to contact the Royal Mail and put in a request to get all your mail redirected to your new address. That way you would have received all your mail including your new Credit Card.

It will have cost you a small amount to get your mail redirected but it would have been worth it and would have saved you a lot of hassle.

05-May-09, 22:24
If any mail was sent to your old address then whoever is in that house is under no obligation to forward it in to you even if they know your new address.

It is completely up to you to have notified your Credit Card Company even if it is the same Bank that you use as the Credit Card will be a different part of the Company.

What you should have done before you left your old address was to contact the Royal Mail and put in a request to get all your mail redirected to your new address. That way you would have received all your mail including your new Credit Card.

It will have cost you a small amount to get your mail redirected but it would have been worth it and would have saved you a lot of hassle.nobody is in the house as yet, its the housing ssosiation that is just dumping the mail, my oh was told by his bank that all his account would have been updated.

05-May-09, 22:37
nobody is in the house as yet, its the housing ssosiation that is just dumping the mail, my oh was told by his bank that all his account would have been updated.

As I said who ever is in the House and that includes the Housing Association. They are under no obligation to redirect any mail for you that might be delivered to your old address.

As soon as the mail is put in the letterbox it is delivered and out of Royal Mail hands. They can not deliver it to any other address except on the envelope unless they receive a request from you and the appropriate fee is paid.

As to the Bank. You might have informed the Bank of change of address but you will find that although the Credit Card is issued by the Bank it will still be a seperate part of the Bank and they will need to notified seperately.

As an example I had an account and Credit Card with a Particular Bank. I moved from Golspie to Scrabster. I Notified the Bank in Golspie of the change of address but I had to write to Swansea to Notify the Credit Card. Even though it was a Bank Credit Card it was a completely different part of the Bank and they had to be notified direct.

05-May-09, 23:02
Why on earth would you expect someone else to re-direct your mail for you, when you cant be bothered notifying everyone of your change of address? Just admit you screwed up and move on. On second thoughts, dont move on, you'll only lose your mail again ;)

06-May-09, 02:51
All cairn had to do is write"return to sender" on the letters and post them.

06-May-09, 03:32
All cairn had to do is write"return to sender" on the letters and post them.
All balto had to do was inform the proper authorities in the first place. Rocket science it is not.

This blame culture that's going on in this country needs slapped down sharpish, y'know?

06-May-09, 08:53
All cairn had to do is write"return to sender" on the letters and post them.
exactly butterfly, it wouldnt have hurt them, as it was just the odd letter that it has been.

there must be so many perfect people on here that have never slipped up.

06-May-09, 08:58
Maybe with foresight you should have applied to the Royal Mail for one of these


06-May-09, 09:02
Maybe with foresight you should have applied to the Royal Mail for one of these

we honeslty thought we had got everyone notifiyed as i said the bank told my oh that his credit card details would be changed aswell, so he didnt think to doubt them. what is getting us is the fact they have just taken to dumping the mail that has come.

06-May-09, 22:50
Any mail we receive we mark "no at this address, please return to sender" and put it back to the post office or any postbox. At least this way a credit card company will realise there is a problem when the mail is returned and will put a stop on the card so it can not be used fraudulently. This is what i consider to be common courtesy.

When my dad moved house we contacted everyone he got important mail from and tried to get mail re-directed but he did not have the right ID they wanted and at 88 decided to take his chances that the housing association would forward anything important.

To be on the safe side I was advised by a postal worker to go into the office in Thurso and ask them not to deliver any mail to the empty house with any of our names on it. It would then be returned to sender without running the risk of anyone else getting their hands on it in error.

Hope you get it sorted out and don`t incur any interest charges for late payments.

07-May-09, 00:15
exactly butterfly, it wouldnt have hurt them, as it was just the odd letter that it has been.

there must be so many perfect people on here that have never slipped up.

Far from it, we've all slipped up at some point or another. But when we do, is it right to place the blame on someone else?

07-May-09, 00:49
I think I would tend to write it off to experience and thank my lucky stars.
Instead of just dumping the Credit Card letters it could have been somebody who had used them to run up a huge bill for you.

07-May-09, 08:34
You would think that by returning mail a big company would realise but not always. About November last year letters (a monthly bill?) from the carphone warehouse started appearing to someone who has never lived here.
I have sent them back each month, return to sender etc.. and have even taken one into the local branch to tell them but they keep on comin!