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05-May-09, 02:17
Is there anyone who comes to your house at an hourly rate to discuss your computer? I am asking as I have a laptop I dont know how to use and it has so many things connected to it and i dont know what is what. Also my main computer has attachments which i dont know what for!!!!!

Mr P Cannop
05-May-09, 06:45
Is there anyone who comes to your house at an hourly rate to discuss your computer? I am asking as I have a laptop I dont know how to use and it has so many things connected to it and i dont know what is what. Also my main computer has attachments which i dont know what for!!!!!

what would you like to know about computers ??

05-May-09, 07:34
I'd be more than happy to. I'm not a super expert, but I know most of the ins and outs of computers. :)

05-May-09, 12:37
I'd be happy to come around for an hour and talk you through things for nothing (okay a cup of tea and a biscuit). Drop me a PM if you're interested.

I was actually going to setup a class / course a little while ago for just this sort of thing - to help people understand their computers. If anybody is interested let me know and I will see what I can do.

05-May-09, 19:47
That is a good idea i would come to a class

07-May-09, 18:54
I'd be happy to come around for an hour and talk you through things for nothing (okay a cup of tea and a biscuit). Drop me a PM if you're interested.

I was actually going to setup a class / course a little while ago for just this sort of thing - to help people understand their computers. If anybody is interested let me know and I will see what I can do.

That would be wonderful, thankyou. also a class would be great, i know lots of people who dont know much about computers but want to. i will send you a pm.

14-May-09, 16:05
I have had a couple of people interested in this so this is just a quick message that if anybody else is interested please let me know and I will see what I can do.

My plan would be for the classes to simply pay for themselves so I wouldn't be making any money from this. The reason behind them is to being people's IT skill and IT confidence up a notch or two. They can be complicated but it's not black magic!

14-May-09, 17:16
I would be interested too

Mother Bear
14-May-09, 20:22
you can count me in if you start up a class to help folks understand their computers.......let me know any details when you have them.
Thank you

14-May-09, 23:03
The North Highland College do a course like this

COMPUTING FOR BEGINNERS - Day or evening class

http://www.northhighland.ac.uk/coursedetails.aspx?course=COMPUTING%20FOR%20BEGINN ERS%20%20-%20Day%20or%20evening%20class

Mother Bear
15-May-09, 06:33
Just to say that in the past I have wanted to do an evening class for this at college and twice they haven't been able to run them through lack of numbers wanting to do them!

15-May-09, 13:58
Just to say that in the past I have wanted to do an evening class for this at college and twice they haven't been able to run them through lack of numbers wanting to do them!

I would hope the class, if it went ahead, would be small enough to be personal for everybody, to cut costs and also so that we didn't have that problem.

I have asked the College for more details of their course out of curiosity and also how much it costs.

20-May-09, 02:19
I would like to thank blue ivy for spending so much time ridding my computer of a virus and also showing me how to work the laptop etc. He was a great help. Good luck with your class, you would make an excellent teacher.

21-May-09, 17:17
I would like to thank blue ivy for spending so much time ridding my computer of a virus and also showing me how to work the laptop etc. He was a great help. Good luck with your class, you would make an excellent teacher.

Thanks for your kind words Fran. If I hope you have a better idea of how things connect together now and how your laptop works. I also hope that the virus stays away. Can you PM me with your email address as I have something to send you over.

If I do get the class up and running I will let everybody know.

24-May-09, 17:12
I was up in Bettyhill on Saturday as i was meant to be teaching a silver surfers basic pc course, and no one turned up, shame as i had made alot of effort in putting together course material.
But if people get in touch we may be able to run it again, the cost was going to be minimal as Highland Council were supporting it.

25-May-09, 01:21
Thats a shame that no one turned up, and really rude of the elderly generation who know better. Are you sure they didnt have the wrong date? Good luck with your next class.