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View Full Version : Super Hero for Real ?

04-May-09, 21:50
In Cincinnati USA a Man has appeared dressed up as a Super Hero call "Shadow Hare" and is going around trying to stop Crime.

Is this a Good thing or Bad and could it happen here in the UK?



04-May-09, 21:51
hell we need some sort of Hero these days....

04-May-09, 21:59
Clearly a case of yet another American living out their fetish for skin-tight costumes by dressing as a 'superhero'. Superhare looks like a 6 stone weakling, I doubt if he could cope with a good gust of wind...one that comes from within his suit. [lol]

We already have our own superheros-you'll find them in any town centre at the weekend tanked up on Super Lager. :roll:

04-May-09, 22:03
Who would you be jox? Got No Hair? [lol]

04-May-09, 22:13
Who would you be jox? Got No Hair? [lol]

I know what you would do....talk them into submission. [lol]

Back of the net! [lol]

Gene Hunt
04-May-09, 22:19
I love nutters like this guy. Together with the Paramedic who stripped off to buy a bottle of wine in Tesco they remind us that the rest of us need to get a grip, loosen up and just enjoy life a bit more.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing ??, who cares ??, its a loonie in spandex who thinks he can save the world. If he has made one person laugh, let alone save them, he has done a bit of good. All power to him, at least he isnt sitting around being offended and outraged about everything. He might be as mad as a box of frogs but at least he isnt boring.

Come to think of it, if there are reports soon of a middle aged guy running round South Wales in a white fluffy outfit, black belt and black sheep mask that'll be "Sheep Man", and criminals fear me because I'm baaaaad.

04-May-09, 22:20
I know what you would do....talk them into submission. [lol]

Well at least that would be a peaceful solution! I am a peaceful soul you know! No a stirrer like some! :Razz

04-May-09, 22:45
He looks like the anorexic midget love child of Darth Vader and Spiderman :lol:

05-May-09, 00:59
Beware Shadow Hare!

For I am LurcherMan..........

05-May-09, 01:18
We have Saveman to well err Save Us!!

05-May-09, 10:40
We have Saveman to well err Save Us!!

Thank you Rheggy......these pretenders really get my cloak in a twist.....