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View Full Version : chewing! being a bad girl!! HELP!!!

03-May-09, 22:18
ok what is going on? for some insane reason bubbles has started to eat things!
just caught her tonight with the remains of a cushion!
really am starting to get worried as hubby has said.. that if she starts to chew the furniture shes gone!
and not in a im angry but dont really mean it way either.. more of a she will really be finding somewher else to live if you cant control your dog kinda way!
eating her toys.. yes ok.. shes a dog they do that!
eating the garden.. ok.. dogs dig...
shes half lab.. you expect that.. but she has never in two years tried to destroy anything in the house! hubby will freak when he sees the couch coushin!
hes really laid back about most things but she has been getting really bad for eating everything this last wee while! her manners are just gettig horrible!
and i just dont know what to do!
she even ran off the other day on her walk... and didnt want to come back when i called, and she has such good recall!
any one have any advice?
to the point shes going back into the crate at night, and when out if she dosent shape up!

03-May-09, 22:47
go back to basics with her Brandy. make her sit before giving her anything to eat, make sure you go through doorways first you've got to put yourself as top dog - sounds like she's lost respect for you

04-May-09, 07:22
Have you tried a food filled toy to keep her distracted?

04-May-09, 11:59
My elderly lady also began to misbehave and also chewed and scraped sofa cushion as well as other minor naughties. Have been using a firm voice and repeating myself a lot but, after two weeks seems to have worked.
Maybe your doggy is needing similar to have her feel secure with you...sometimes if we have things on our mind and are distracted or worried our dogs can pick this up and sometimes take advantage.;)