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View Full Version : Sunday mornings

03-May-09, 12:47
How do you like to spend your sundays??
I had a big sleep over for my sons 11th birthday on friday and decided to just relax today ,
My wonderful O/H made scrambled egg with smoked salmon and brought it to me in bed, the sun is out and i feel like kicking back and doing nothing for a change maybe just watch a movie,
so my question is how do you like to relax?

03-May-09, 12:51
On Sundays we take the dog for a nice walk and then come back and watch a DVD.:D

03-May-09, 13:11
well was planning a nice relaxing day, go out the dog, but my wee girl has got a sickness bug, so up to my eyeballs in washing and making sure she is ok

03-May-09, 13:13
Aaaww poor wee soul. Hope she gets better soon Ash.

03-May-09, 13:16
Aaaww poor wee soul. Hope she gets better soon Ash.

thanks liz

03-May-09, 13:49
hi i have horses sheep dogs chickens and turkeys so sunday is just another day

Gene Hunt
03-May-09, 14:28
Nice early walk then a massive breakfast and a nice relaxing afternoon. I start shift working again tomorrow so I am doing nothing at all today except watching a few movies and then go out for something to eat later on.

Can someone pass me the remote ??, I cant be bothered getting up.

03-May-09, 14:40
We go to church on Sunday mornings x

the poacher
03-May-09, 14:52
catch up on the washing see to the sunday roast then relax for the rest of the day getting ready for the week ahead lol.

03-May-09, 14:54
usually all the sport thats on...

ranging from formula one, snooker, tennis, footie or jst anythin lol

today we got the snooker final and the tennis final :D:D

and mayb sum food to watch it with :)

03-May-09, 16:21
Long lie, followed by an easy breakfast ,prepare dinner and then go for a lovely long walk with the dogs.Get the papers and relax..Today there was fresh snow on the Cuillins but decided not to go up and have a look to see just how fresh it is.lol

03-May-09, 17:17
Wake up. Automatically go into "I'm knacked and bad tempered" mode.

Snarl at everything and everyone.

Have the only fry-up of the week and watch Andrew Marr on telly at the same time.

Hurl abuse and ridicule at politicians on Andrew Marr show.

Go to Tescos around 10:30.

Snarl at everyone and everything.

Come back home.

Attempt to torment Cinderallys dogs or any one of the local moggies.

Fail miserably...they're too smart for me.

Spend rest of day being bad-tempered and wishing everyone would sod off and leave me alone.

03-May-09, 18:05
Not a sunday person Northerner?;)

Sunday for me is just another day. It doesn't hold much meaning as have worked every sunday since i was 16.

We spent most of the day giving the house a clean after last nights mishap with dinner and the cats general mess over the last two days. Then went for a walk along side inverness river.

03-May-09, 20:13
I go to Church on Sundays to pray for OH's soul as he is a tortured and overall grumpy person like Northener :lol:.

After lunch I usually go shoot some arrows at a target with a break for a cuppa, something chocolatey and a good old natter. I come home to cook dinner, feed pets and put my feet up in the evening while doing the .org quiz.

He he Rie, now I know why you didn't answer the phone but at least I know you survived the sleepover.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
03-May-09, 20:27
Sunday mornings for me are walking half asleep through Wick trying to get to my destination.Total silence,a bit like an end of the world movie.Except for a seagull sitting on top of the Pipe Band Hall,he looks at me every Sunday morning.Its those evil eyes he gives me.I can read his mind.He says to me,"Aye yer safe the now big man,but just wait tae me and the missus have oor wee wans then I'm gonnae dive bomb ye like last year."
He will as well,always does.

Note:"Not all Wick scorries read minds in an Ayrshire accent!!!!":lol::lol:

03-May-09, 21:52
sunday is just another day of the week to me unfortunatly, still starts at 7 normally, mind you my 5 month old has had a different idea the past few days getting up at 5.30, anyway up 7 with the 2 little ones, get them dressed fed and breakfast, then a bit of housework and wait unto the rest get up,, then before i know it, its time for work. oh the joy lol.[lol][lol]

03-May-09, 22:41
Whoa, my sunday morning has just stopped. This thread makes me want to make a big thing of next Sunday, I'm dying for a lie in but work tommorrow, the cycle starts again. Ho hum!

03-May-09, 23:31
Sunday, its sunday! :eek: Missed the quiz! Sorry Jox!!!

Was up with Athrun, get him fed, washed, changed and dressed. Get myself a brew. Round to my sisters, stayed there until about 2pm. Home to wake the OH (was on night shift last night) so kick him outa bed, make him his *breakfast*, fed athrun again, changed him, made lunch, mucked around with athrun for a while in the ball pit, hung up washing, put on more washing, dishes, sweeping and general cleaning, fed athrun again, then bed for him. (at 7.30pm now)

(U still with me?)

Made dinner for me and my OH, whilst eating we watched a movie. Then OH wanted a cheesecake so we went and made an orkney fudge cheesecake (temptation was killing me but i resisted), washed/sterilised bottles, plates and spoons.

Made me and the OH a brew, and now im sitting here typing this!

And thats quite a relaxing day! :roll:

Bet you wish u never asked!

04-May-09, 00:48
On a Sunday I love to sleep in. Sleep in till about 11.00am. Get up, have a warm shower, shave etc. Then decide to go to the pentland once a month.(on my sunday). Was there today and was brill, not been in ages. Get a magazine from the newsagents across the road, go home. Read it. Put a film on afters, then go for an evening walk. Lovely sunday :)

04-May-09, 08:12
Went to Mum and Dad with the kids as Hubby was working.
Otherwise would have been shopping and doing stuff round the house and Poppy dog would have got a long walk.