View Full Version : thread gone (day in the life)

03-Mar-06, 19:14
I had a message from the administrator to say he'd removed my thread from last night because a lot of people complained this morning. I've had some good feedback and just one criticism via the reputation system.

Apparently my sentence about immigrants & the Police has caused the upset.

I'd like to apologise to anyone who has been offended by what I wrote, though I'm afraid I can't bring myself to.

If anyone would like to engage in a civil discourse about my views on immigration outside the context of a silly little story please feel free to e.mail me at [email protected]

Thanks. thanks also to the majority who had a laugh at the thread and sent generous comments.

03-Mar-06, 19:22
I also searched for your thread, I just wanted you to not to go overboard with the strongish lagers if you had work in t' morning, I didn't want you to have another howler of a day.:)

I realise your comment about police & immigrants was an 'in joke' but I realise it could have been taken the wrong way though I didn't think it warranted deletion, come to think of it, I might have become desensitized to your views.[smirk]

03-Mar-06, 19:32
What a shame some people seem to have a sense of humour by pass. it was a great tale landmarker, and i shall look forward to next day of disasters :Razz:)

03-Mar-06, 20:39
Landmarker, it's called suffering from Chronic Political Correctness. There are people who can be offended by almost anything.

I know of one Training School were you must not mention the Blackboard, it is to be referred to as the "Chalkboard".
However, I can go into a Stationers and purchase a Whiteboard Marker with no problem whatsoever.
In the Canteen you could not get either Black or White Coffee but only Coffee With or Coffee Without.
You could not have a slice of Black Pudding with your Breakfast, you were only allowed to have Blood Pudding.

Personally I find that sort of attitude absolutely disgusting. I can only assume that the people who came up with that sort of nonsense were of the opinion that people of non-white ethnicity are completely lacking in common sense.
I consider the mindset of such people to be not only to extremely condescending but also, by the assumptions they make, to be subconsciously racist in their opinions of the sensitivity of others.

I can understand why the thread had to be removed. The people who have that mindset can become quite unreasonable if their complaints are not heeded.

03-Mar-06, 21:27
Landmarker, conversations on creed and colour are often found offensive by some. I was recently challenged by a lecturer with regard to a heated argument with a fellow student as to the price of a kebab in his uncle’s shop. After her intervention as to our disagreement with cost and culture I pointed out that our class had in fact done away with any racial discrimination by making everyone in class.... Green! I was light green and my friend was dark green. Problem solved. Lecturer had to smile as I hope Bill will. If not I will see you all in a month.

03-Mar-06, 21:35
For almost 130 years Scotland Yard's crime archive has been known as the Black Museum because of its sinister exhibits which are not on show to the general public but only to police officers,lawyers and crime experts who are admitted by invitation only.

But now we have one Police Constable Zahid Malik from Nottinghamshire Police who says that the word 'Black' was questionable and damaging to race relations.

If this is the thought of this racist pillock then shouldn't he be calling for the disbandment of the Black Police Officers Association which is definitely racist in as much that white police officers were not allowed (on discriminatory grounds) to form a White Police Officers Association!

PC Malik should be disciplined on the grounds of stirring up racial hatred!

03-Mar-06, 21:40
Great point Abdullah, it would appear that the words black and race are weelded like a sword by some, I think that a local solicitor was subject to this on more than one occassion.

03-Mar-06, 22:19
More often than not such accusations are used to stifle debate and in doing so simply pushes any problems underground.
Once it is pushed out of sight you can then believe you have solved the problem.

In effect all you have done is hammered the safety valve closed so you don't see the problem until it blows up on you.

Crying wolf over such things as the Black Museum has the same effect, it means when there is a real problem it can accidentally be pushed into the same category and treated as just another bit of trivial silliness.
All people do then is think, "Here we go again." then yawn and switch off.

It might have been better if the person complaining had done so on the Board, explaining what their objection was, so people could get a correct picture and draw their own conclusions. Unless, of course, they thought Orgers didn't have the intelligence to do that.

03-Mar-06, 22:59
I never even got a chance to read the forementioned tale before it was deleted :(

03-Mar-06, 23:12
I never even got a chance to read the forementioned tale before it was deleted :(

It was one of Landmarker's better threads.:p

04-Mar-06, 00:43
It might have been better if the person complaining had done so on the Board, explaining what their objection was, so people could get a correct picture and draw their own conclusions. Unless, of course, they thought Orgers didn't have the intelligence to do that.Spot on JAWS. I thought landmarker's post was very good. Like Rheggers, I don't share his views on immigration, but I recognise a well-written piece when I see one. Heck, even gleeber commented favourably on our chum's writing.

There was once a time when political correctness was an excusable way of fighting ignorance and bigotry, but that time is long gone. In my experience, today's PC brigade are the hopeless cases, they are the natural successors to Major's Tory Party, but they don't quite reach John-boy's dizzy heights of intellectual achievement.

04-Mar-06, 00:51
I'm honoured to be considered a 'chum' Doc.
A fine old word.
It was the name of my Dad's auld dog, which apparently would jump in and out of his old Austin convertible as he drove it around Shropshire in the late thirties.
Respect and thanks - for reminding me of me Dad.

04-Mar-06, 00:53
Damn I missed it!!!!! [evil] [evil]

Cedric Farthsbottom III
04-Mar-06, 00:58
I read Landmarker's thread last night and I must admit I found it nothing more than a fellow orger telling us about his day.The part of the police and their searches was just a part o' the story.

Landmarker,I just hope today was better.:grin: