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01-May-09, 17:23
Just had a survey in from the AA and one of the questions was this: "Although not mentioned in the Government's consultation document, in some places roads are being turned into 'shared space' where pedestrians and vehicles mix on equal terms. In these places there are often no marked footpaths, fewer road signs, no pedestrian guard railings and people are supposed to cross the road by making eye contact with vehicle drivers and walking across, rather than having pedestrian crossings. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this idea" ('mad' I said)
Not believing it, found this site:

http://www.cravenherald.co.uk/news/4195058.Fears_over__mad__bid_to_mix_pedestrians_an d_cars/

01-May-09, 18:03
That has to be one of the silliest ideas ever....thought up by the sort of people who want to win a Darwin award!! They couldn't see commonsense if they had the Hubble telescope to help them. :eek: They'll suggest Motorways sharing lanes with airplanes next.

01-May-09, 18:31
These "shared space" areas are very common in Europe it would seem and are very successful so maybe worth a try here too.

01-May-09, 18:44
isnt that idea called a country road?? think it is a stupid and dangerous idea!

01-May-09, 19:40
These "shared space" areas are very common in Europe it would seem and are very successful so maybe worth a try here too.

I've lived in Germany and the Netherlands where these 'shared spaces' are very common in housing estates. They do work and they are successful. The space between houses is paved or mono blocked and in-dispersed with trees, flower tubs, benches etc. Parking spaces are marked. There is no straight line for cars to speed - they have to manoeuvre. The idea is to give kids a safe environment in which to play and pedestrians to walk.
This is so much better than putting up 20mph signs and speed bumps which nobody pays any attention to! Many of the worse drivers are often those with children!

01-May-09, 19:49
They'll suggest Motorways sharing lanes with airplanes next.

Been done - but obviously not at the same time. Many Autobahns in northern Europe were build with taxiways etc. for fast-jet aircraft so that straight stretches of the Autobahn could be used for runways in the event of war.

01-May-09, 20:53
It's about balance. If motorists are made to feel uncomfortable enough with trees, street furniture, cobbled surfaces and the presence of other non motorised users they have to slow down and realise that the car is no longer king of the road.

It's called traffic calming although the driver is probably anything but calm and decidedly on edge but hopefully more alert in such a changed environment. The infernal combustion engine has ruined too many town centres, time to reclaim the streets!