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30-Apr-09, 22:28
Can anyone tell me about this street,as im looking to move there soon.Is it nice ,bad or indifferant.Any info greatly appreciated.


30-Apr-09, 22:29
Good luck.:lol:

Alice in Blunderland
30-Apr-09, 22:32
Oh my lord :eek:. Is it slightly better than Kennedy Terrace? :confused

Only joking I dont know it that well.

Celtic YNWA
30-Apr-09, 22:32
good luck indeed:lol:

30-Apr-09, 22:32
Deliverance country.

jim shoe
30-Apr-09, 22:34
get the white coats out hes mad

30-Apr-09, 22:37
well well what can i say its reputation goes before it.

Alice in Blunderland
30-Apr-09, 22:38
mmm not very positive so far. :lol:

Come on there is bound to be someone from Cairndhuna that can post something aboout life in this street good ,bad ,rumour or indifferent. :D

30-Apr-09, 22:38
Oh my lord :eek:. Is it slightly better than Kennedy Terrace? :confused

Only joking I dont know it that well.

i live in kennedy terrace. you tell me whats wrong with it apart from a few people that lower the tone, have lived in kennedy for 18 years and have never had a problem with anybody in the street, and by the way cairndhuna is a lot worst than kennedy i.

30-Apr-09, 22:39
have you signed on the dotted line yet??? daresay its got its nice bits.............somewhere

Alice in Blunderland
30-Apr-09, 22:40
Oh forgot to mention my dad is Kennedy born and bred. ;)

30-Apr-09, 22:40
you must be new to wick? Good luck!

30-Apr-09, 22:40
mmm not very positive so far. :lol:

Come on there is bound to be someone from Cairndhuna that can post something aboout life in this street good ,bad ,rumour or indifferent. :D

are they not all locked up for the night awaiting court in the morning?? :lol:

Alice in Blunderland
30-Apr-09, 22:52
Oh my lord :eek:. Is it slightly better than Kennedy Terrace?

Only joking I dont know it that well.

i live in kennedy terrace. you tell me whats wrong with it apart from a few people that lower the tone, have lived in kennedy for 18 years and have never had a problem with anybody in the street, and by the way cairndhuna is a lot worst than kennedy i.

As you can see as I said in my first post I was only joking. :) It was a tongue in cheek comment. According to my dad there was always rivalry between the two streets. My dad was born in Kennedy and lived there for over twenty years. My uncle lived all his life in Kennedy until his death ( over seventy years old ) I spent many summer holidays at my grans in Kennedy Terrace and a few stories I could tell non stop entertainment. :lol:

30-Apr-09, 22:53
Put it this way I wouldn't want to stay there

Kevin Milkins
30-Apr-09, 23:08
I drove up it once or twice and could not help but notice that it is a very wide street.

30-Apr-09, 23:14
I used to live there when i first got married at no 22.I couldnt wait to get out of it! It looks no better today than it did then but there are a few nice houses there.................and a few nice people too!Just my opinion,sorry.

30-Apr-09, 23:19
Can anyone tell me about this street,as im looking to move there soon.Is it nice ,bad or indifferant.Any info greatly appreciated.


You've been a member here for more than a year - time enough to make up your own mind. Good luck with the move :)

30-Apr-09, 23:25
cairdhuna is just much like alot of other streets in pultnytoon theres always a few mindless numptys that cause trouble but as long as you keep ursel to ursel and dont let certain people get involved in yer life then there shouldnt be a problem but if you have kids i'd keep clear of pultnytoon to many drugs and wantabe gangters

01-May-09, 00:21
Sounds like Brixton. I always thought it was relatively quiet in Wick, cant be that bad can it. Saying that I dont know Wick all that well, is there a Thurso equivelant? When first stayed in Thurso the place that got the bad rep was The Glebe but I pass it every day when Im in Thurso and never found it that bad.

01-May-09, 02:52
cairdhuna is just much like alot of other streets in pultnytoon theres always a few mindless numptys that cause trouble but as long as you keep ursel to ursel and dont let certain people get involved in yer life then there shouldnt be a problem but if you have kids i'd keep clear of pultnytoon to many drugs and wantabe gangters

The wannabe gangsters and druggies are not just in poltney,they are on the Wick side too!

01-May-09, 06:55
Its not that bad, well I dont have to live there so I'll say that!:lol:.In all my years in Pultney I have always found that it gets a bad "rap" but isnt really that bad.Its a relativelt quiet street but for some reason everyone thinks its like beirut! It is over populated with some numpties but i am sure there is good and bad in every street in the world.

jekyll n hyde
01-May-09, 09:25
As you can see as I said in my first post I was only joking. :) It was a tongue in cheek comment. According to my dad there was always rivalry between the two streets. My dad was born in Kennedy and lived there for over twenty years. My uncle lived all his life in Kennedy until his death ( over seventy years old ) I spent many summer holidays at my grans in Kennedy Terrace and a few stories I could tell non stop entertainment. :lol:

My hubby was born an raised in kennedy terrace....once he hit 16yrs he ran...although he would love to hear your stories...has a few himself...lol[lol]

percy toboggan
01-May-09, 09:40
I think the size of the town - ie.small would tend to amplify the negative effects of any 'hotspots'.
We looked at a house on the street in 2005. It was very cheap (£48k) for what it was. Ex-council with very thick walls, well built and beautifully maintained.
I asked myself if I'd like to live on the street and the answer came back 'no'. I knew there must be a reason for the rock bottom price fo9r such a fine building.

I'm sure most of the folk there are perfectly decent, and affable but my status as an English emigrant would no doubt have caused rancour amongst the more dimwitted.

The overarching greyness of the area - even on a bright morning led me to realise there was no point jumping from a comfortable casserole dish with some agreeable ingredients into a frying pan full of lard with just a few cheap sausages, spitting and hissing.

I've now given up any notion of ever living in the area so I can post honestly without waiting for a subsequent vendetta.

Also a neighbour - when asked asked about the area said 'there are a few who are no angels' and the mental traffic lights went straight from green to red.

I hope you are not put off by this negativity.
In closing it will only be a minority who will cause problems but in smaller communities minorities can seem somehow larger.

01-May-09, 10:16
Home is where the heart is.

Don`t upset the natives and you can live happily just about anywhere.

At the end of the day you close the front door on your own little palace no matter where in the world you may be.

01-May-09, 10:29
Don't blame the street or area - blame a very few of the folk who live there.

There will be many more really good and pleasant folk who live there but we never hear of them, it is only a few who cause trouble and it does not matter where they were to live - would cause trouble in a graveyard if they lived there on their own.

If you are moving there - choose your friends amongst your neighbours wisely and with a bit of care and thought!

Any area is what you make of it yourself.

01-May-09, 10:32
is this a case of give a STREET a bad name ?? years ago they used to go on about cairnduna beetles .whatever it was meant to imply just dont know. what about glamis road and many other places
have known folk who lived at the top of kennedy and cairnduna nearly all there days tony

01-May-09, 10:39
brought up in Cairndhuna....many moons ago....good memories...good people....

The Angel Of Death
01-May-09, 12:10
Born and bred there moved out and then back into the street still there

Far to many people say that its iraq in a street but ask yourself the question what street / location doesn't have there supply of numpties ?

In all the years that i have been there i have never had any problems with the location or the people living there in fact some nicer people you wont meet

Overall i think its called taking the rough we the smooth and a bit of home is what you make of it

Alice in Blunderland
01-May-09, 13:49
is this a case of give a STREET a bad name ?? years ago they used to go on about cairnduna beetles .whatever it was meant to imply just dont know. what about glamis road and many other places
have known folk who lived at the top of kennedy and cairnduna nearly all there days tony

52 Kennedy thats where my dad lived and all his brothers and sisters fourteen of them in total unless you count the night Granny put a complaining child to bed not realising he was complaining that he didnt live in this house. :lol: That was the night of fifteen children and one neighbour banging on the door asking if they had seen their son. After a quick head count top and bottom of the bed they found said missing child tucked up with the rest having given up complaining. He tells some wonderfull tales of the days in Kennedy and Cairndhuna but that was a few years ago now. ;)

Am I right in thinking its one of the areas in Wick covered by CCTV. :confused

01-May-09, 14:14
If anybody read my local paper they would assume the street where I live is an area to be very careful around - this is mainly due to two brothers who physically fight when either has a drink and hospitalise each other, the police are called by the uninebriated one.
They get charged, take their turn in court and get reported - by the time it gets to court they are back the best of friends and everything is forgotten, except when one gets a banning order from the area.
The street I live in has hospital consultant, solicitor, couple of bank managers, accountants, business owners, etc but anyone checking the local court pages would be certainly thinking twice or more about living in this street.
Wherever you live can sound terrible - live there and be the judge!

The Angel Of Death
01-May-09, 14:28
Am I right in thinking its one of the areas in Wick covered by CCTV. :confused

Yea you are right but then again there is so many places covered by it for example the ones i know of are Cairndhuna Murchie Kennedy Nicholson street round the harbor argyle square the street just to name a few places

Doesnt mean that there all the Iraq in a street though

01-May-09, 14:32
Its only as bad as you make it !
You get numpties everywhere, who can walk to any street in wick they want !

01-May-09, 14:51
i have lived in cairndhuna for coming up a year now and have to say have had no problems what soever the poeple are fine most keep them selfs to themselfs and i have a teenage son to so do not be put off by poeple who have probably never lived here x

01-May-09, 15:45
There are eejits and freaky people all over the toon and in every street even in the so called upper class streets so it doesn't matter where ye live in wick,thurso,watten,halkirk.....etc etc ye cannae escape the wrong crowd there everywhere but then again so are the nice people more of them really if,as previously said,ye kept yersel til yersel then fine but its a small toon and ye meet people everyday ye cannae avoid people,just dinnae worry about it this is probubly the same story throughout britain.
What i can say about that side o the toon is the elevation of the 2 streets mentioned is that its quite windy and cold compared to say telford street but there are wide streets with security cameras in harrow hill,oldwick rd and all the probs from long ago are gone really,theres a good park for the kids (bignold)and yer close to the harmsworth(good on ye week academy),squash courts,lidl,hombase etc,just move in an go for it.

the poacher
01-May-09, 16:35
I used to live there when i first got married at no 22.I couldnt wait to get out of it! It looks no better today than it did then but there are a few nice houses there.................and a few nice people too!Just my opinion,sorry.

nout wrong with cairndhuna tce lived there most my life and still do there is some lovely people live there specialy the people in no 22 and there neighbours.
you have got the odd houses which need to be desired but they usualy keep there self to there own. good luck with your move and we are not all bad in cairndhuna lol.

Alice in Blunderland
01-May-09, 16:37
Am I right in thinking its one of the areas in Wick covered by CCTV. :confused

Yea you are right but then again there is so many places covered by it for example the ones i know of are Cairndhuna Murchie Kennedy Nicholson street round the harbor argyle square the street just to name a few places

Doesnt mean that there all the Iraq in a street though

I agree with you because of a few they give a bad name to many more.

I was aware that there are a few places in Wick not just Kennedy and Cairndhuna that have CCTV installed as I said in my previous post.

It was also said that the CCTV was being rolled out in hotspots first and this was to help. :)

The Angel Of Death
01-May-09, 16:45
regardless off the CCTV whereabouts the bigger point is that most of it doesn't work

This was confirmed by a copper after a friends car got done over a few months ago

01-May-09, 16:55
regardless off the CCTV whereabouts the bigger point is that most of it doesn't work

This was confirmed by a copper after a friends car got done over a few months ago
They all work but are not manned!
E.G. a while ago a scurmish happened outside the balti house and in the paper the police asked for witnesses??? if you look up so 20 feet away theres a cctv cam on the corner of D.E.s and further along the street a camera outside the hospital where the monument is? but they still seek witnesses??????they dont work your right Angel O,D.

01-May-09, 16:57
nout wrong with cairndhuna tce lived there most my life and still do there is some lovely people live there specialy the people in no 22 and there neighbours.
you have got the odd houses which need to be desired but they usualy keep there self to there own. good luck with your move and we are not all bad in cairndhuna lol.

Read my post again! I said i used to live at number 22,dont know who lives there now.Fotcom asked for opinions and i gave mine same as you gave yours!And i did mention in my post that there were good people there too.:roll:

The Angel Of Death
01-May-09, 17:00
Wonder out of curiosity what it actually cost to install them and how they are justifying them at the mo

Good to see more tax payers £££'s going to good use

01-May-09, 17:07
You've been a member here for more than a year - time enough to make up your own mind. Good luck with the move :)

I fail to see how being a member of a forum gives you an insight into what it is like to live in a particular street in one of the County's towns.

As can be seen from some of the mis-informed posts, local perception does not compare to the reality of actually living somewhere.

I would advise listening to the current residents of the street and ignoring those who are basing their comments on tales from the past and the fact that a small minority are a bit unsavoury.

I have lived in both Cairndhuna Terrace and Kennedy Terrace. Most of the neighbours were quiet and never bothered you. In both streets there are residents who have been there for many years, over 40 years in some cases. In over 20 years of residency, the most traumatic event I experienced was my neighbour's shed being broken into and a strimmer stolen. Other than that there have been a handful of fights and a few shouting matches when there has been drink consumed. There was a brief period of window breaking by rival druggies in Kennedy but they kept it between themselves.

There are similar streets throughout the town and a multitude of much worse all over the country. It would simply be bad luck if you happened to end up beside one of the few bad apples.

the poacher
01-May-09, 17:09
I used to live there when i first got married at no 22.I couldnt wait to get out of it! It looks no better today than it did then ................and a few nice people too!Just my opinion,sorry.

sorry but actualy it has changed because it is now an up stairs down stairs house now its not a flat anymore (and i do say sorry to you about there no being any good people in cairndhuna).

Mrs Bucket
01-May-09, 17:18
There appears to be a bit of snobery going on here. There is good and bad there as there is everwhere. I know of two good living hard working families who moved there recently. How do we know what kind of person is enquiring they might lower the tone. We could do with abit more positivity rather than putting people and areas down.

the poacher
01-May-09, 17:21
There appears to be a bit of snobery going on here. There is good and bad there as there is everwhere. I know of two good living hard working families who moved there recently. How do we know what kind of person is enquiring they might lower the tone. We could do with abit more positivity rather than putting people and areas down.

well said mrs bucket.

Mrs Bucket
01-May-09, 17:22
What is wrong with Glamis Road Thighsonas

Mrs Bucket
01-May-09, 17:23
Thank you poacher that is the first nice thing anyone has said to me on here

the poacher
01-May-09, 17:24
Thank you poacher that is the first nice thing anyone has said to me on here

your welcome.

Alice in Blunderland
01-May-09, 17:38
'cairnduna beetles' .

This name is rumoured to have come about because many years ago the folks in Cairndhuna and Kennedy ( 1950's ) used to nick Tatties and Turnips from George Carnabys park. :lol:

When Carnaby was asked about the Colorado Beetle which was on the go ruining crops at the time, his reply was supposed to be...... Im not so worried about the Colorado beetle its the Cairndhuna beetle that bothers me. He lost more crops to this. ;)

01-May-09, 18:24
There appears to be a bit of snobery going on here. There is good and bad there as there is everwhere. I know of two good living hard working families who moved there recently. How do we know what kind of person is enquiring they might lower the tone. We could do with abit more positivity rather than putting people and areas down.

Snobbery! Opinions more like.I also know of two hard working families who live there that dont like it at all but they cant get moved because the council says they are adequately housed.They are not new to that area either having lived there for 20yrs and 26yrs.

01-May-09, 18:55
its the one place above all else i hoped i wouldnt end up when i split from my ex and needed to be housed asap!

01-May-09, 18:58
sorry but actualy it has changed because it is now an up stairs down stairs house now its not a flat anymore (and i do say sorry to you about there no being any good people in cairndhuna).

Poacher you know fine well i was talking about the street NOT number 22.I couldnt care less who lives there now or what the house looks like and i am not sorry for giving an honest opinion which is what i believe Fotcom asked for.I dont see you taking an issue with anyone else that put the street down before me so whats your gripe?Get it into your head once and for all! If you are gonna quote me then put the full quote in,dont try and twist things looking for an arguement.

01-May-09, 19:01
Poacher you know fine well i was talking about the street NOT number 22.I couldnt care less who lives there now or what the house looks like and i am not sorry for giving an honest opinion which is what i believe Fotcom asked for.I dont see you taking an issue with anyone else that put the street down before me so whats your gripe?Get it into your head once and for all! If you are gonna quote me then put the full quote in,dont try and twist things looking for an arguement.
Well said Butterfly.

01-May-09, 19:02
its the one place above all else i hoped i wouldnt end up when i split from my ex and needed to be housed asap!

Now there goes another honest opinion Poacher what have you got to say about this.Well said Rie.

01-May-09, 19:09
What is wrong with Glamis Road Thighsonas
nothing much apart from the fact that black maaria and ambulances mauling about in the middle of the night can be disturbing if youve got to get up early tony

01-May-09, 19:26
as regards the posts on here the one who only asked a question must be in a right ravel now lol tony

01-May-09, 19:49
as regards the posts on here the one who only asked a question must be in a right ravel now lol tony

Aye that's true........:lol:

01-May-09, 20:18
The answer to all these problems is:

Move to Keiss.

Uh, hang on...I never said that.

Don't move to Keiss..it's rubbish. There's nothing for you here. Go away. You wouldn't like it.

01-May-09, 20:59
Well im still saying good luck moving there.:lol:

01-May-09, 21:30
There appears to be a bit of snobery going on here. There is good and bad there as there is everwhere. I know of two good living hard working families who moved there recently. How do we know what kind of person is enquiring they might lower the tone. We could do with abit more positivity rather than putting people and areas down.

A bit of snobbery? Youre first names not Hyacinth is it? ;)

01-May-09, 21:37
When myself and OH got our first proper place together it was in a part of Barrow with a bit of a reputation, but the rent was £10 pw as opposed to the £35 we were paying in a more "sought after" area. We were in the flat for two years while we saved for a mortgage etc. We bought the house in the same area in 1989 and have been here ever since and wouldnt live anywhere else.

01-May-09, 22:04
I couldnt care less who lives there now

Fair comment, but surely the person who originally asked about the street DOES care who lives there now. Past residents and their behaviour have no relevance on the overall status of the street now.

At the end of the day it is a typical street, in a typical Highland town that is pretty much dying on it's arse like so many others.

01-May-09, 22:42
[quote=scorrie;542651]Fair comment, but surely the person who originally asked about the street DOES care who lives there now. Past residents and their behaviour have no relevance on the overall status of the street now.

Yes! I believe he does,but i was talking about two families who DO live there now,not past residents as you suggest.

01-May-09, 22:43
as i have said before cairdhuna and kennedy both have dodgy reps, but at the end of the day, it cant really be as bad as everyone makes out surly, mayby there is the odd bad egg in amongst them but the majority are fine im sure, my late auntie cathy lived there for many years, also i have a good friend that lives there and her and her family are lovely. im sure every area in any town in the uk will have bad people in it.

01-May-09, 22:44
If I had to live in Cairndhuna I would. Lived in worse places then thet.

01-May-09, 22:48
If I had to live in Cairndhuna I would. Lived in worse places then thet.
just say it, im sure there is plenty of people out there who are homeless, who would be delighted with a house anywhere.

01-May-09, 22:49
Can anyone tell me about this street,as im looking to move there soon.Is it nice ,bad or indifferant.Any info greatly appreciated.



01-May-09, 22:51
http://www.fintalk.com/boards/files/cod_fishing_018.jpgcall me daft but what has a fish got to do with cairdhuna terrrece.

01-May-09, 22:51
just say it, im sure there is plenty of people out there who are homeless, who would be delighted with a house anywhere.

who knows, maybe;)

01-May-09, 23:08
call me daft but what has a fish got to do with cairdhuna terrrece.

call me cynical but i think the OP was fishing, to be fair i never read the whole post and im prob wrong but couldnae resist posting a photo of a massive cod...just seemed fitting at the time :lol:

01-May-09, 23:10
call me cynical but i think the OP was fishing, to be fair i never read the whole post and im prob wrong but couldnae resist posting a photo of a massive cod...just seemed fitting at the time :lol:
ah ok, thanks for clearing that up, it makes sense now lol.[lol][lol]

01-May-09, 23:17
[quote=scorrie;542651]Fair comment, but surely the person who originally asked about the street DOES care who lives there now. Past residents and their behaviour have no relevance on the overall status of the street now.

Yes! I believe he does,but i was talking about two families who DO live there now,not past residents as you suggest.

I find it hard to fathom why a family would stay in a street they didn't like for 26 years. After so long in the house they could have bought it for a song and sold up at a good profit long ago. Surely the families you mention being hard working families is evidence that good people do live in Cairnhuna, albeit not entirely happy about being there. Many people yearn for moving on to something bigger and better but if you were to get a flit in Wick there would be no guarantee that you wouldn't be going out of the frying pan and into the fire!!

02-May-09, 00:05
Thank you poacher that is the first nice thing anyone has said to me on here
There are some desent poeple wholive here and I count myself as one yes am single mum but i work keep a nice home and a tidy garden x

02-May-09, 00:09
its the one place above all else i hoped i wouldnt end up when i split from my ex and needed to be housed asap!sorry but I split with my ex just over a year ago and was glad of a home from the council it is not my 1st choose but it ok and i will be here for a few years yet at the end of the day when you close your door you could be anywhere x

02-May-09, 00:40

I find it hard to fathom why a family would stay in a street they didn't like for 26 years. After so long in the house they could have bought it for a song and sold up at a good profit long ago. Surely the families you mention being hard working families is evidence that good people do live in Cairnhuna, albeit not entirely happy about being there. Many people yearn for moving on to something bigger and better but if you were to get a flit in Wick there would be no guarantee that you wouldn't be going out of the frying pan and into the fire!!

Scorrie,i never suggested that there wasnt good people living there,not at all.They have very good reasons for wanting to move,none of which is any of your concern.Why would they buy their house if they are not happy there?And i didnt say they didnt like it for 26yrs,you did.

jock leith
02-May-09, 06:11
As you can see as I said in my first post I was only joking. :) It was a tongue in cheek comment. According to my dad there was always rivalry between the two streets. My dad was born in Kennedy and lived there for over twenty years. My uncle lived all his life in Kennedy until his death ( over seventy years old ) I spent many summer holidays at my grans in Kennedy Terrace and a few stories I could tell non stop entertainment. :lol:

Like your family Alice I was born and breed in Kennedy Ter I lived at No 11until 1960, and my gran lived in the house until she died.I feel sad when I hear so many negative replies ref the Kennedy/Cairndhunna area.My Aunt still lives in Cairndhunna and I know some very decent people that live in the street.Are all the people who have posted opinions but have not lived there,are they Ideal neighbours themselves ??????

Mrs Bucket
02-May-09, 09:09
A bit of snobbery? Youre first names not Hyacinth is it? ;)
More like her sister Daisy a nice homely sort of body. Not someone struggling ot be someone or something she isnt. I would suggsest Daisy is comfortable with her self. May be not with her OH though :cool:

02-May-09, 21:27

Scorrie,i never suggested that there wasnt good people living there,not at all.They have very good reasons for wanting to move,none of which is any of your concern.Why would they buy their house if they are not happy there?And i didnt say they didnt like it for 26yrs,you did.

I couldn't give a monkey's why anyone wants to move. I am just observing your comments and they are making less sense every time I look. If you knew anything about buying council houses you would know that there was a time that big discounts were given. We bought our house for £13,500 in the mid nineties and could have sold it for a £50,000 profit if we had wanted to move. Mortgage was way less than rent and it would have been very easy to buy, sell and move on. It's simply a matter of common sense and initiative, particularly if you are keen to make a move.

Your input has been consistently combative and I have nothing further to say on this matter, as it is clear you are closed to logical argument.

02-May-09, 21:48

I couldn't give a monkey's why anyone wants to move. I am just observing your comments and they are making less sense every time I look. If you knew anything about buying council houses you would know that there was a time that big discounts were given. We bought our house for £13,500 in the mid nineties and could have sold it for a £50,000 profit if we had wanted to move. Mortgage was way less than rent and it would have been very easy to buy, sell and move on. It's simply a matter of common sense and initiative, particularly if you are keen to make a move.

Your input has been consistently combative and I have nothing further to say on this matter, as it is clear you are closed to logical argument.
What's that got to do with the price of butter,give it up with your nit picking.I dont care if you dont like my opinion because you happen to live there.Tough on you.You are the type that loves a good arguement i hear,well take it somewhere else,i am not interested.END OF

02-May-09, 22:14
What's that got to do with the price of butter,give it up with your nit picking.I dont care if you dont like my opinion because you happen to live there.Tough on you.You are the type that loves a good arguement i hear,well take it somewhere else,i am not interested.END OF

Your resorting to personal remarks, based on listening to idle tittle tattle, rather that the slightest speck of personal experience, only proves that your opinion of the street can easily be dismissed as worthless gossip.

02-May-09, 22:33
Cairdhuna terrace is not a bad place full of bad families. Most people who have lived there have lived there for a long time. To be honest they would probably think it was a wonderful place tolive if they came from some inner city areas in other parts of the country. it may appear less desireable In wick but it would look lovely compared to Falinge Flats!

02-May-09, 22:36
I think the size of the town - ie.small would tend to amplify the negative effects of any 'hotspots'.
We looked at a house on the street in 2005. It was very cheap (£48k) for what it was. Ex-council with very thick walls, well built and beautifully maintained.
I asked myself if I'd like to live on the street and the answer came back 'no'. I knew there must be a reason for the rock bottom price fo9r such a fine building.

I'm sure most of the folk there are perfectly decent, and affable but my status as an English emigrant would no doubt have caused rancour amongst the more dimwitted.

The overarching greyness of the area - even on a bright morning led me to realise there was no point jumping from a comfortable casserole dish with some agreeable ingredients into a frying pan full of lard with just a few cheap sausages, spitting and hissing.

I've now given up any notion of ever living in the area so I can post honestly without waiting for a subsequent vendetta.

Also a neighbour - when asked asked about the area said 'there are a few who are no angels' and the mental traffic lights went straight from green to red.

I hope you are not put off by this negativity.
In closing it will only be a minority who will cause problems but in smaller communities minorities can seem somehow larger.

Say's it all really............................................ .......

02-May-09, 22:53
When we were desparate to get a home back in Caithness I would have been happy to go to Cairdhuna or Kennedy, but pleased to be in Thurso as it saved a daily commute.

02-May-09, 23:15
call me cynical but i think the OP was fishing, to be fair i never read the whole post and im prob wrong but couldnae resist posting a photo of a massive cod...just seemed fitting at the time :lol:

You could be right. The OP has logged on since and not acknowledged any of the answers.

03-May-09, 11:48
Put things into perspective here ! I lived in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Glasgow for a few years, compare Cairndhuna and Kennedy to the likes of Westerhailes or Niddrie and they suddenly become very tame ! Big fish in a little pond syndrome - maybe some of the 'troublemakers' should move away to positively 'rougher' areas or even bring back national sevice and put them to the real Iraq and gain some life experience ! Wick isn't all that bad compared to a lot of places, inner city Sunderland for example. We are very lucky in Caithness, fresh air, fantastic views, relatively low crime rate - I wouldn't want to live anywhere else :D

03-May-09, 15:02
Say's it all really............................................ .......

Yes, the best way to find out about a street in Wick is to ask someone who lives in Manchester!!

03-May-09, 17:54
I drove down cairndhuna once, Couldnt go down it again they nicked ma wheels!!!![lol]
In reality its no a bad place,it has its fair share of numpties(doesnt everywhere?) but besides that its pretty quiet,well I cant hear it where i live!

Miss Mack
08-May-09, 14:37
Can anyone tell me about this street,as im looking to move there soon.Is it nice ,bad or indifferant.Any info greatly appreciated.

Is this a wind up ???:confused

08-May-09, 15:34
my hubby was brought up in cairndhuna and we lived there for a while when we first got married. Can't say there was any problems back then.

08-May-09, 15:45
Is this a wind up ???:confused
personnaly i think it is to.

George Brims
08-May-09, 18:23
Cairdhuna terrace is not a bad place full of bad families. Most people who have lived there have lived there for a long time. To be honest they would probably think it was a wonderful place tolive if they came from some inner city areas in other parts of the country. it may appear less desireable In wick but it would look lovely compared to Falinge Flats!

I was just thinking the same thing Squidge. I lived a while in Newcastle, and the bit people tried to avoid there was called Byker. Kennedy/Caurndhuna is a holiday camp compared to that. Everywhere has a part you wouldn't live in if you could help it. Edinburgh has Niddrie and Craigmillar. Glasgow has ...erm...Glasgow.